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B&B Actress OUT

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Count me third on JMW. Love her.


That said...ugh on this news. Who hasn't fake an illness? I think she could have come back from that. The Flo thing...well, knock her on the head and give her loss of memory of something to keep her. Or has she been rescued already?

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We’ve seen worse fake-outs ahem catharsis stories, so I was betting on Sally staying.


What a huge wasted opportunity. These NuSpectras were actually good - who would have thought that!?


yet they got all shipped off within a year. Why?



im really surprised by this exit. I was counting on Sally/Thomas Part 2. for some reason I thought they were a done deal... shocker!

Edited by sheilaforever
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Agreed 100%. The new Spectras brought a spark to the show and had potential for sure.  But Thudley can not sustain anything new for the life of him. Look how many other characters have shamelessly been burnt through this past decade-Rick, Caroline, Maya, Zende, Nicole, Sasha, Oliver, Aly etc. Instead they all got tossed aside for Hope to return for an umpteenth round with Liam and Steffy. 

The bad thing about losing Sally is she one of very few characters not related in some way to any of the other characters at the moment. Shauna and Flo could have easily and feasibly been outsiders as well so it was a stretch to tie Flo in Storm Logan’s daughter. 

Same here. And wasn’t Wyatt even understanding when he found out Caroline was faking being sick/dying too?



Edited by soapfan770
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Fans of CH and JMW. CH has just been tossed around. Such a shame because she's skilled. Maybe it's a 'planned' break and they farewell is simply to create buzz and publicity that the show is back. 


The fake illness twist was great, but what followed was horrible - the wrong motivation for faking it and then the goal.  I still think the Thomas/S2 with a rival company would work. 

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Seeing that post - means CH is coming back before the holidays. While the twist was great, the rationale and follow-up was about worst possible scenario.


S2's so thirsty to get Wyatt back that way? NO.

S2 doing it for revenge + teams with Thomas to destroy the Spencers. YES.


We know how B&B works - they excel at this: bad stories get quick wrap and never referred to again.


S2 will return and open a competing fashion house with Thomas - the focus will be on that and this dud will never rear its ugly head again. Flo will be gone by then. 

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