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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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Well...according to my co-workers,  my city is slowly approaching the part of the vaccination line that I am part of.


Nervous. Me and my manager co-worker were just discussing last week if we felt comfortable right now if we were to start taking it. Especially since she has a preexisting condition. 




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I'm glad you are getting closer to having an opportunity to take the shot. It's something you can really consider taking, especially if you deal with a lot of people in public on a daily basis. 


I know the thought of taking it can be a bit worrisome for people. Heck, the very first day when my job offered me the opportunity to take it, I didn't go right away. Because it seemed very sudden (granted we had talked about taking the shot, but I thought it was still away off.) Me and one of my co-workers were talking about it and then the next thing you know we had the opportunity to do it.


But when I first learned of the opportunity to get it, I didn't go that first day. I wanted to think more about the pros and possible cons/risks of taking it.. Well after talking to my dad, I decided to take it a few days later. The first day I could have taken it was a Friday, the day I ended up taking it was Monday. (The place where the vaccine was being given wasn't open on Saturday/Sunday).


I'm glad I took the shots especially since I deal with a lot of exposure at work. I deal with a ton of exposure every day at work and have been dealing with the risks of possibly catching COVID for almost a year now. I just felt like it was good to get the shot, to help decrease my chances of catching it or at least a severe case of it.  I'm still careful in other ways like wearing a mask, washing my hands, keep distance when I can, though that's very hard to do at work. But this does help me feel better regarding working in a high risk environment. Even more so because I have co-workers who refuse to get vaccinated.


My advice would be for you and your co-worker to definitely drink a lot of liquids like water(if you don't already) at least a few days before taking the shots. (If you decide to get vaccinated). I believe that could help lower the risks of having more severe side effects. People I know who didn't drink a bunch of water were people who had the more severe side effects, as opposed to those who stayed hydrated.


It's a good opportunity to take the show. If you pass on it now, you may have to wait a while before you can get it again. Where I live the military is no longer offering the first shot for people, it's the second shot only for the time being. So people who decided not to get the first shot when they had the chance, but want it now will have to wait. Even though the risk of Covid is still out there. 

Edited by xtr
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There has been little to no attention being paid to this, but hopefully that changes now.

The entire prison industrial complex is overdue for a complete transformation into something resembling an actual holistic rehabilitation and corrective facility that recognizes humanity but the COVID-19 crisis in prisons is in a dire situation that needs to be addressed and remedied.


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