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My coworkers and I are still clowning about it two and half days later. 


Yesterday, I had a family in and the man really wanted to stand there and order without a mask and say how stupid it was. We were shortstaffed due to a co-worker who might have had a corona scare or just over it at this point (my main place is currently being hit by corona economy times, not helped by my boss's general attitude thus the shortstaffness). So just me, my ocd boss, and a newbie who was on his SECOND day. People skills my boss does not have, nor training skills so I knew if I did not keep it together I would have just quit yesterday...long story   But it showed how I've grown in my current position in customer service that I did not snap on this man in front of his family over the fact that IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. Order the sandwich with MASK ON, keep moving. The fact people cannot seem to get that or worse want to take it out on people when they know this and have known about this since MARCH and have the technology to very quickly look up how to properly wear a mask is maddeningly. And I am the last of my co-workers who has been showing patience over it. And that says something given what has happened to my mother, my brother, and now my sister. 


About to lose it. Thankfully, I'm off today.



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Seriously. Worse because it turned out he did not want them AT ALL which was the point of asking in the first place aka I was right to ask. He wanted to cause a stink because he had to wear a mask. We have many boards that explain what comes on everything, but no one reads them and then wants to complain because they did not know something when it is literally in front of them OR I ask because I have experience with people not knowing what comes on what they order yet they order it. I mean...*shrugs*


I cannot begin to tell you how many people I have to tell to put on their mask when there is a sign on the door and they had time to either do it before they walked in or worse was waiting in a long line. Here we are in the purple...there is now a curfew...and more than likely going to be on a lockdown...and people STILL do not want to wear a mask. It is maddening without inner work drama for sure. 


And I see Huntington Beach (aka the OC) is at it again protesting stay at home orders when if they had worn mask we would not be here with our Governor about to put us back in Lockdown. Idiots.

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Thank you Taoboi. 

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   I hope that your sister ends up being okay. I wish her and your family the best and I'm glad your mom has recovered. 



It's unfortunate that there are those of us who have to deal with this. These people that won't wear masks in public places that (especially ones that have signs saying informing them to do so) are so jerky. You can tell a lot of them they don't have a job where they are required to wear a mask. They are probably fortunate enough to work from home, or maybe they aren't working at all. Regardless though they are selfish. All they have to do is wear a mask for a few minutes in a place inside like a store, that's it. Some of us have to wear these things full time at one or multiple jobs, and we still wear them in other public places. And now some states are proposing we wear them even inside of our homes. Even though they can be uncomfortable and cause their own share of problems. The least these people could do is wear one for a few minutes and try and protect other people in public. Especially since we are about to enter flu and cold season. 


I have to tell people they need to wear masks too at times. I work for the military and thankfully most people are actually complaint with the mask mandate. Because they know if a higher up catches them without one they could get in trouble. But you still have a few that won't wear one sometimes when they come into my workplace. Also it looks bad when people pretend like they didn't know masks are required at a public place, especially when most other people are wearing one and there are signs saying they need to wear one. And it's extra bad when I see a couple and only one of them is wearing a masks. It's like only one you cares?




I wonder how they are going to try and enforce all of these stricter rules. I don't know that they can. North Carolina has gotten a bit stricter as well. They are now saying people have to wear masks when they are actively exercising in gyms, even in gyms that do well with social distancing and sanitizing. The gym I go to does well with both of those things, and was already requiring people wear masks if they weren't actively exercising (like if they are just walking around the gym). But now we have to wear them even on things like treadmills, even when other machines are blocked off around her providing at least six feet of distance. The governor has also said that people should wear masks inside of their homes more often, limit the number of people at gatherings. It has been suggested that some cities will use city officials to try and enforce these rules. Though, I'm not sure how they are going to go about handling what people do in their actual homes. 


I do think that people are going to push back/ignore on a lot of these stricter rules, including the ones trying to control what they do inside of their own homes. Like limiting the amount of people that can gather in a household. Some people have larger families so that can be a problem. And I'm not sure how many people are really going to be wearing masks inside of their homes every time they are with someone from other household or especially a family member from a different household. I don't think that's realistic. Especially for those of us who are already wearing masks a lot of the time anyway. Some of these rules would have us wearing masks almost 100% of the time. And that's not realistic or bearable for a lot of people.


Common sense has gone out the window for a lot of people regarding this issue. I believe that people need to wear masks in public places and avoid really large gatherings/crowds. Especially higher risk people. I discourage my elderly dad all of the time from going into public places and will run errands for him/pick up things for him whenever I can. I also make sure I tell him to wear a mask every time he goes to a public place. And whenever we go any place together, and am in a car together, I will actually wear my mask, just to give him extra protection. Because we can't do six feet of separation in the car. One big reason I do that is because I have a high exposure job and want to be more protective of him.  


I think we need to continue to focus largely on making sure people wear masks in public. And also focusing the fact that we are about to enter the flu/cold season and this is a big reason why COVID is spreading very quickly right now. More people are starting to cough/sneeze more spreading it around. I haven't seen that much advice given from people, even some of the medical experts on how people can keep themselves healthier so they are less likely to develop severer symptoms and spread covid even more. And give advice on how people can strengthen their immune system, so that if they do catch COVID, they are more likely to recover from it. I'm seeing/hearing more stories about how people with symptoms are showing up to jobs and giving people COVID and killing them. We need to emphasize more people taking care of themselves as well during this season and also stressing how they do not need to go to work if they are showing symptoms. I think these types of things will go further than trying to police how many people are at someone's thanksgiving dinner. Or demand that people wear masks in their homes as well especially if they can social distance/sanitize their homes. Though, I don't believe that people should have a bunch of people over right now. (Unless it's immediate family and they can find ways to distance). I think that smaller gatherings with loved one and even friends can be okay, just as long as people are smart/safe about it.

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In Germany, our "lockdown light" which started on November 2nd has been extended until early January 2021. That means everything remains closed except grocery stores, retail and schools. Christmas holidays will begin a few days earlier than originally planned. Only people from two different households are allowed to meet, with a maximum number of 5 people in total. You now also have to wear masks on parking lots and inside buildings where you could meet other people.

The number of daily new infections hasn't dwindled since the beginning of the lockdown, but luckily it hasn't increased either. We currently have between 20.000 and 25.000 new cases each day. The north is a bit better off, but overall, the situation is very tense.


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In my city (1.1 million citizens), they published a map that shows how many coronavirus infections have been registered for every district / post code since March. The map clearly showed that most infections happened in poorer suburbs where a lot of immigrants live.


Ironically, restrictions will be relaxed between Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, so that people from different households can spend the holidays together. A maximum number of 10 people will be tolerated. Children under the age of 14 are excluded from this rule, so technically you could celebrate Christmas with your grandmother and 200 children  I'm sure this will all backfire in mid-January ..

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This is the weirdest Macy's Thanksgiving Parade I have ever seen. Empty streets but for the parade floats, dancers and camera crews/workers. I was there last year with my father who likes to sit on the corner uptown and watch. Now, this. Empty in the rain as performers dance and wave at nothing. The Verizon livefeed on YT is odd. At least Al Roker was out there on NBC still doing his part.




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