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It didn't make sense because the Christmas episode wasn't a true stand alone. If Tracy was only in the dream section then no harm, but having the wrap arounds at the hospital before and after made it not a stand alone. (That said glad that Monica was reading.)

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Even though I haven’t see a full view yet, I don’t hate the colors at all.  But while watching today’s show, I noticed that light green color on several sets.  A hospital wall, a small panel next to Anna’s desk at her house.


It’s like the blue invasion of about 3 years ago.  For a minute there, everything was blue.  Now I guess we are going various shades of light green.


I do think the show has some really excellent sets right now.  But they are also all starting to look generic.

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That was my take. Better him than Howarth. Still tragic. I didn't watch it. I have it on the DVR. Some soap twitter folks were praising it. But I guess it shows when you put effort into the show, it shows.


Did she get a freshening up. But yeah I've noticed a difference too from when she started to now. Maybe GH is exhausting to work on? LOL


No lies here. The Queen has returned and she looks gorgeous. I'm happy the first person she saw at the Q mansion was Brook Lynn. I never knew I needed Amanda Setton as Brook Lynn but I'm here for it.


Remember under Frank/Ron when Kelly's got a makeover with lots of green panels on the wall (it didn't look horrible but it was kinda bad) and they ended up lessening the green panels. Guess they must have pulled them out of storage, lol. I like the new look. I'm a bit thrown by the staircase and door being moved but it kinda works. I'm not sure on the modern furniture but that's only because it's such a huge change from the old. At least it shows they're invested in the set, I suppose.


It was forced. But I wonder if they're name dropping him on purpose. I doubt they ever undo his death but I suppose they could (again). I don't see why they'd bother but I wish they would. But not so he can be trashed over and over again. Just leave him dead and buried. We should have been watching AJ all of these years instead of them propping and forcing Franco and Howarth down our throats. Imagine AJ being "redeemed" through Liz? AJ saving Cameron and losing his memory? THAT would be interesting to watch. And it would force Jason and AJ to interact. History. Heaven forbid we use it.

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Very random thought while watching: I just realized Alexis almost NEVER has scenes with her grandkids. I know Sam's her daughter but I always forget she's Danny and Scout's grandmother. I get why they pawn them off on stable Monica but lol ... seeing her with them today was strange.


I also don't give a [!@#$%^&*] that Scout misses her mother. lol. Maybe actually showing Sam with Scout at more than the holiday's or once or twice a year would help ... (Sam never needed kids, IMO, but then again, Sam was never needed period). God I miss when soaps really made us care (both good and bad) about these characters. I really couldn't give two shits about most of them on all the soaps at this point.

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lol when Jason said grandma was coming to get the kids I assumed he meant Monica. Alexis showed up and I was like what? Oh yeah, she's their grandma too.


I honestly forgot about Sam being in prison. The break from her was nice.


Does ANYONE care about this Gladys crap? I don't know who this woman is, I don't care about the drama with her.

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There is no character on this show.  Everything is bland.  The only real emotion I saw was from Alexis when Sam arrived home.  NLG was still selling SOAP OPERA.


I like the new Quartermaine decor.  But without Tracy and any of the core family there it could be any nice house.  I hate they moved the staircase, because now that wall where the door used to be looks strange and empty.


And Jane and LC were playing their real life emotions.  I can’t with Tracy and Monica hugging and smiling so much.  I get that they had removed all the edges from Tracy but still.  Love Jane, love her natural hair.


Everything is just off, and has been for a long time.  Jason smiling.  Ned helping him.  Tracy smiling with genuine happiness.  All these bland kids.  Carly and Sonny stuck in the thinnest of stories with Mike and that annoying woman.


The people writing this show have no idea how to write for these characters.


Sonny is dangerous.  Carly is impulsive. Jason is caught between them and dealing with their worst instincts.  Everyone is so domesticated, even if it doesn’t suit them.

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I appreciate their efforts in trying to inject some emotional reality (for lack of a better word) into the concept of "memory mapping," but...it's still bullshit.

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