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Pretty much!


But I do like the little actress playing Violet. But for me, Easton has been the least of my problematic pets. But he no doubt is still one. Poor Finola having to prop him.


God yes.


That piece of trash Phelps just absolutely ripped the heart and soul out of every soap she was on and just stomped it to death. 


I was just re-watching a lot of 1993-1995 and My God. You see it but you just can't really grasp how much she destroyed this show (and AW, GL, OLTL ...)


Anyone else see Curtis asking Sonny "shoot the bitch in the head" Corinthos about love advice? MAKE IT [!@#$%^&*] STOP. Sonny Corinthos is not the moral compass of this show. The awful trash Corinthos family is NOT the core family. Jesus. Frankly it's worse than it ever was under Phelps. Sonny was trash and you knew it, even if he was propped and on every day. Now? It's even more sickening. Michael calling him Dad makes me so pissed off. Each and every time. He has like a zillion kids now, as Quartermaine after Quartermaine gets killed off.


I wish Ron had succeeded in driving Mo from the show. Sigh. (Anyone see Ron shading Tony Geary and Mo? I died)


And everything written for Sonny and Carly falls flat because they were NEVER soulmates. These two should NOT be "endgame". They are NOT the matriarch and patriarch of General Hospital. The writing for Sonny and Carly would be better if Carly were Brenda. All of it screams Brenda. It just does.


Anyone else notice how Bobbie was practically an extra as her son was in the hospital? Laura's also being wasted. Is it that hard to give Maxie a scene a month with her parents?


Anyone else see Mo being the trash he is on Twitter? He thinks he's Sonny Corinthos and it's pretty sick and sad.

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I'll try to find it. It was someone who tweeted "post your unpopular opinion" or what not and someone said Geary in Amsterdam and Ron more or less said "that's unpopular"? Just thought it was hilarious how free Ron is being on his dislike for Geary and Benard. 


Yep. But I wouldn't expect Brook Lynn to be kind about anyone, so it didn't really bother me.

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In my opinion, trashing AJ is one of the sorry remainders from the Guza, Jr. era.  Why doesn't anyone seem to understand that viewers can forgive flawed characters like AJ, but can't forgive characters who commit crimes and walk away without a conviction again and again or male characters who inflict violence on women?  I know Jean Passanante later said that anyone can be redeemed, but, uh, no.  TPTB also do not understand that viewer like or dislike for a character is not something that can always be manufactured, or easily maneuvered.  On soaps or in real life, things just aren't that simple.  

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