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Days: October 2019 discussion šŸŽƒ

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Ā Princess Gina was awful 20Ā yrs ago. All these years later is still awful. I was liking Gabi. But now i just find her disgusting. Lani is to weak toĀ slap her and take the phone. I wonder how many months we areĀ going to be subjected to KA wearingĀ that tiara?

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Edited by victoria foxton
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Itā€™s crazy to think the episodes airing next week Nov 4-8 were filmed 7 months ago.


Did we get official confirmation that DAYS is going dark soon for several months?Ā 


Dark Gabi, looking refined and perfectly dressed, is a-OK by me. I loathed victimĀ Gabi and never cared for the character.Ā I have a new appreciation for CB and her ability to spit out that venom. Itā€™s such a contrast to Jordan, who been written so badly that Kristenā€™s twirling mustache dialogue looks positively Emmy worthy.Ā 

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I really don'tĀ like Gabi's behavior or how Lani is being written in this storyline. Lani should be written much smarter and shouldn't just be cowering to Gabi and her threats. Lani is a police officer and should be warning Gabi about the potential consequences of her actions. Including jail time. She should have told on Gabi already/or at the very least threatened to tell on her.Ā That could have forced Gabi to change her plans. Lani should have also reminded Gabi that she could be away fromĀ  Ari for a long period of time if she goes to jail again for killing Julie. I hate how Lani has been dumbed down and written as virtually helpless against Gabi. ThatĀ looks terrible especially because Lani is a police officer, Eli is the commissioner. And thisĀ comes on the heels of Lani already looking very weak by begging on her knees.Ā 


Lani should stand up to Gabi. If she doesn't Gabi could continue to make demands regardless of whether Lani dumps Eli or not. Plus she could purposely or even accidentally kill Julie, anyway by pressing the button.Ā I know Gabi has alreadyĀ messedĀ with the pacemaker, but I wonder if she's really thought things all the way through and is prepared to possibly go to jail again and long termĀ for murder. Lani could have thwarted Gabi's plans about the pacemaker and forced GabiĀ to go in another direction with her revenge.


Like plot to seduce Eli/break them up in another way, that won't land her in jail for a long time. That would be a soapy way of handling things that doesn't have Gabi completely running over Lani and Lani looking very weak. The way that Lani/GabiĀ areĀ being written in this storyline is really irritating a lot of people, (myself included). AndĀ has actuallyĀ causedĀ people to actually lash out at Camila Banus. Granted, I don't condone that, but that shows the types of negative feelings this type of writing is stirring up. And IMO if anyone should be criticized for it, it should be Ron.Ā 




Edited by xtr
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