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Days:September 2019 discussion topic

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Fan IS short for FANATIC - kind word for cray-cray. As others have mentioned, it's not limited to soaps or TV, but film, gaming and, of course, music. I thought CH handled that exceptionally well. I do wonder how long it will be before certain social media platforms will only admit verified users. On the other hand, anonymous users who provide provocative and inflammatory messages definitely drive engagement (revenue).


Anyway, during the past month I binged DAYS from end of April - coincidentally when AZ arrived - to present. Am I the only one who prefers AZ as "Kristen as Nicole" (as per closed caption, lol) than the 'real' Nicole? AZ seemed far more into the material as Kristen than she is now. Perhaps AZ intentionally over-soften Nicole so that non-regular viewers would know it's really her, but still.  


While I do like SH, I hope the writers find a way to bring it down a few notches. As many have noted, Kristen was sophisticated, clever and more insidious, not so OTT and screeching. I know SH has the range after YR (Patty/Emily), but somebody needs to get a clue. If they intend on keeping Kristen around, she needs to be likable and she's not. Same goes for Susan, tone it down just a bit. 

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Yep. I prefer Eileen's Kristen. I think the writing is to blame but only partly. It's how Stacy is playing her. I want some more vulnerability. She's just completely unhinged. She's on contract so this needs to be toned down a tad.


And @edgeofnik I agree, I preferred Ari playing Kristen as Nicole. It reminded me of old school Nicole in many ways. I want more of that. Nicole and Eric work best when they're complimenting each other, she's a little impulsive and irrational, Eric is steady and grounded, etc. I'm all for maturing Nicole but she can still be swilling martini's and stirring things up. JMO. And then deep down you know Eric likes her that way. I want him quietly smirking as she lays the smackdown on someone ...




A few of the script writers are terrible.

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Y&R viewers -- was Stacy's performance more layered than her Kristen has been thus far? She just seems so "hard" to me in appearance and manner. Eileen's Kristen did a lot of despicable things, but I always felt that Eileen let us see the psychic wounds that were driving Kristen. I haven't seen this with Stacy. (To be fair, Eileen played the transformation from good girl to bad girl, so she had a history Stacy doesn't.)

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