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Y&R June 2019 Discussion Thread

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Yeah, I don't like these types of storyline at all that the show has been telling lately regarding someone being upset that their SO is trying to help them financially. I will give Elena some understanding about wishing that Devon would have consulted her first, before paying off her loans. But I thought that her reaction was OTT and she reminded me a bit of Lola. She acted like he was trying to control almost every aspect of her life and I didn't like how she was acting he didn't value her opinion and was trying to get her to shut up. They haven't even been together very long.


Elena complained about there being a imbalance of power in their relationship (largely due to Devon having a lot of money). If she really feels that way, then she should have been applied for a job instead of lounging around the Penthouse doing much of nothing. She has been living rent free off of Devon for a bit now. And has enjoyed perks of living/dating a rich man. Yet now all of a sudden she wants to complain about him helping her financially when he pays off her student loans. Plus on today's show she talked about running off to join Jett/Ana on tour, yet another thing Devon is paying for. 


I liked how Devon handled himself. He explained his POV, apologize and got up out of there and went about his business. I wish Kyle would have reacted the same way when Lola berated him for wanting to give her nice things. I liked that Devon stood up for himself.


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Some friends I don't see very often will always forget - we'll go out to a nice restaurant and I always "go to the restroom" and take care of the $1100 bill.  LOL.  They get mad because they always forget...and then I'll say - well if it bothers you it's not like we're going to stop drinking tonight, so all my drinks are on y'all.  And since we're spending the weekend together - take care of my drinks tomorrow night and our day-drinking too...I'm gonna come out on the high end of this stick.  hahahahaha.  
Return on Investment - I put up the cash early-on and it's gonna pay off for me. 

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The only way you could justify an attitude like Lola's is if Kyle were involved in organized crime and Lola was afraid he was using "dirty money" to buy her those expensive gifts.  Otherwise, it's as if she's Latka or Simka on "Taxi," and she has to curse the money or gift before accepting it.

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I liked seeing Devon interact with Summer today when they were looking for Phyllis. It was nice to see that different interaction. I would like to see Devon interact with more people on the show.


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And if it that doesn't work?  "Ladies and gentlemen, making his debut tonight at the Bayou, NICK! THE STICK!"


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Two things are coming to mind.


I feel the struggles with Lola/Kyle is that SHE wants to feel the satisfaction of being able to pay off her loan. If they showed her side more, assuming that is the point, I think it would be a dynamic story. Having fantasy sequences of family 'cheering her on' for making it one her own. That 'Kinda' resonates with Lorie vs Leslie.

That sorta stuff. I think, in all honestly, that would be PURE Bill Bell/Kay Alden. That psychological element is missing. Further, starting it out slow but showing the fantasies, at the start, would allow for the store to write itself. Its too late now.


The other thing is the characterization of Nick Newman. I always felt that he were Daytime's Elliot Roosevelt. In essence, the son of a rich kid who is constantly trying to make a name for himself but winds up giving up when the first sign of trouble shows. I feel if one had that historical person as a reference point, along with some gilded age types, I feel the writing for him would be far more compelling.

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The idea of a financial imbalance as a sore point in a relationship is a good one as many relationships have trouble over attitudes to money but Lola's actions in particular come across as inconsistent and immature. Which would be fine if we were supposed to see her that way but often character motivations are muddled.

The other thing is we haven't seen a rich female buy stuff for a poorer male partner so it gets caught up in a typical male provider/helpless female trope.


BTW SID reports that Christel Khalil is now Toronto based so unlikely to appear too often.

They should have dropped Cane as well and have the Ashby family leave town.

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Totally. It’s difficult for audience members who have financial worries to identify with characters who reject generosity from characters we know to be upstanding, but there are *many* reasons why a woman would be suspicious of even a seemingly nice and attractive man like Kyle or Devon offering the world on a plate. As in, “What’s the catch?” “What will I have to give up to live in this man’s world?” Issues of control that might stem from strained parental relationships, previous abusive relationships, political concerns, and just the imbalance of power financial dependence creates, especially for women, etc. (Just anecdotally, I had a friend who became involved with a very nice man who offered trips, a beautiful place to live, an allowance, etc., and once my friend got reeled in, that “very nice man” became an abusive monster, demeaning him, making my friend a glorified slave, etc.)


I never really saw Y&R exploring motivations for Lola’s hesitation, aside from a vague, cliché ideal of stubborn, working-class independence.

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These storylines about women being upset with them their men about money are so poorly execute and unrelatable, that I can't simply can not root for the women. Though I did give Elena some understanding, about Devon looking into her information and not consulting her first before he paid off her loans. Still she came across as ungrateful and OTT with some of the stuff she said, and it soured on me the character. And I think this type of storyline feels out of place on a soap where a lot of people have been rich, worked hard to be rich, schemed to be rich, etc...


And I can't go with the financial imbalance aspect of it, either not in these situations. If Elena is so upset about Devon having way more money than her, than she needs to leave. He's a billionaire, and unless something major happens, he's not going to turn into a working class man anytime soon. Plus, I hate watching women (or anybody) complaining about a caring SO or spouse trying to help/provide for them financially. It's cringeworthy. And we haven't been given any good reason as to why she has the views she has. She's so underdeveloped.


Plus, she's had no problems living off Devon rent free, and enjoying the perks of living/dating a rich man. If she felt this uncomfortable she should have been tried to get a job, so she could move out. She didn't do that. She didn't even offer to pay him back after she found out he paid off the loans. Maybe if she mentioned that she wanted to do that when she was ranting at him, he would have agreed. Or maybe they could have come to some sort of compromise, where she could have donated the money to charity or paid the money he did for the loans for someone else. Or something. I liked that he explained himself, apologized and went about his business. He doesn't have time for that and I don't blame him.


If she so uncomfortable about him making a lot more money, than her should have been made steps to move out of the house and be more independent.


And Lola is a disaster of a character who uses her feelings about wealth to judge rich people and control, berate and mistreat her boyfriend. Kyle is constantly groveling to Lola about something and it's awful to watch.


The show needs to abandon these types of storylines. They just don't work, certainly not the way they are writing them.

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That's what I think.  She even said...oh, she went to pack her clothes and leave and then realized....Oh, I have nowhere to go and no job. 


Girl, you been rakin' off of him and now he's (GASP)...paid off your loans!  You've been living with him for free, you know you're dating/living with a billionnaire...but GOD don't pay off my loans.  Whatever.  Then leave and figure it out on your own if you don't want a piece of his pie.  At least Lola had the guts to call it off with Kyle, albeit briefly, but was more than willing to go back to her food truck.  Over an expensive purse.  This chick is stying right-put with Devon.  And like you said - instead said she would go shack with Jett and Ana - who is also Devon's money. 

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