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REPORT: Marie Osmond to Replace Sara Gilbert on ‘The Talk’


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Carrie-Anne Inaba, Marie Osmond, and Sheryl Underwood discussing popular culture sounds like the blind leading the blind.  How would Marie even know who Eve was if she wasn't on the panel?  There are intriguing parts about Marie including her dead gay son, her divorce and its impact on her faith, and how aging effects women in Hollywood.  However, Marie seems reticent to discuss these issues in interviews, so I doubt that they will be fodder for the group.  


None of them are attuned to modern trends, and it seems like it is going to be 200 days of the ladies referencing the only parts of popular culture that have reached mass media; like twerking and selfies.  I'm placing my bet right now that we hear "back in my day" at least three times a week.

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J swift, if I had tried to say it better, I could not have done it.  


Listen, I don't hate Marie.  I actually secretly like her, in spite of her stringent flaws.  She has been through so much, and I can't help but root for her since she has overcome so much adversity. 


However, Gilbert was my champion that kept "The Talk" more left leaning.  We all know Osmond will not fill those shoes.  Usually, I am at work, so it won't bother me too terribly much.  However, on the rare instances I am off and able to watch, Sara's absence and Marie's presence will likely make this bleeding heart liberal turn the f#cking channel. 

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Marie is a safe choice. It makes the show even fluffier with her in it.....LOL

Sara was good as a supporting member. She was awful as the lead...the audience yelling and screaming and Sara starting the show and you couldn't even hear what the hell she was saying. 

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Sara always looked bored to tears whenever I tuned in, which isn't often, but still ... lol. I think she mentally moved on a while ago.


Marie is definitely a safe choice. 


I wonder when Sharon will bolt?

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Yup, Sharon is the last original co-host.


As for Sara, I think she is tired and burned out. In addition to being onscreen on The Talk and Roseanne/The Conners, she was behind the scenes on both as a co-producer. And, of course, she dealt with the Roseanne and Julie Chen/Les Moonves fallouts as a co-producer on both shows. I don't blame her for wanting/needing to step away.


I like Marie (who has previous experience as a talk show host) and I feel she will do just fine. She's not as conservative as many would think (one of her daughters is a lesbian - or bisexual, and is pro-gay marriage), and at the same time has mainstream appeal.

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