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Y&R: RIP Kristoff St John

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Before my time with GL. 


There was absolutely something wrong with making him Jessica's rapist. 


I don't which is why I wanted Malcolm as far away from Dru as possible. I was also pissed when the reveal came that lily wasn't Neil's child. They played it like she cheated when she NEVER did. 

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I always thought KSJ got a raw deal on most soap forums - I thought one forum, was it TWOP? PTV? calling him 'Kneel' was disgusting. The show turned Neil into the goat for a lot of stories, but that wasn't on KSJ who I always found really compelling and unique. The show worked to emasculate him, and (as with Jack, IMO) fans helped.


As for Lamman Rucker, the instant they did a rape story he was toast. It was a waste.

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As sexy as Lamman is/was, it wasn't going to amount to anything beyond being paired with actresses of color (which in a more equitable environment would've been fine) but in the current daytime climate means an immediate trip to the backburner.

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The writing was terrible period.  But soaps' writing of rapist characters has usually been highly problematic.




Lamman was the first truly sexy, charismatic character the show had had in years.  In the first truly spicy pairing Jessica had,  tptb gave viewers a tantalizing glimpse of what could be, only to poison all possibilities?  

It's not like they had all these romantic possibilities lined up for Jessica (who had been on the show since 1988) and Travers was just one of many...there was nothing lined up for Jessica after the Travers storyline.

If you're going to savage a character, at least make sure there's a back up, but ATWT thoroughly obliterated any chance of having an strong male actor with leading man potential and long-term possibilities on the show.  

P&G wanted to get rid of all its soaps anyway so I supposed killing off any possibilities to get people excited about the show was in the grand scheme of things, I suppose.

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Wait, didn't "Doc" Reese come after Marshall Travers?  I seem to remember Jessica and Margo fighting over him and thinking how ridiculous it was to watch two grown women -- one of whom was married -- fighting over an AA man like he was Mandingo reincarnated.

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That scene between Neil/Olivia, so sad. TLW is such an amazing actress and continues to be a great person. If anyone needs to return, it's her. I know a lot of people didn't like it (for good reason), but I also miss seeing Neil's apartment. The sets were so much richer.


Lastly, that Sabryn Genet tweet surprised me. I've always said she is one character that should come back. 

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Not to mention the entire storyline was written to drive sympathy for the white cop (JJ) instead of properly play the complexities that race played in his shooting and potentially having JJ come to terms with his own buried prejudices about black people, or said prejudices within the police force.

Hell, they had Abe come off as the heavy for laying into "poor sad Jennifer" while she cornered Abe at every opportunity to talk about how sad JJ was. No subtlety, no nuance to it, and then, in the end, OOPS ALL WAS FORGIVEN LOL NO BIGGIE.

Absolutely disgraceful way that story was handled. You're all right, the way black characters are handled needs to come from behind the scenes before it'll ever show on screen. It's funny, because when the Grants were introduced on DAYS in the mid-70s, they hired a very talented black writer and poet (whose name escapes me at the moment) to ensure their portrayal and story were accurate and authentic. Apparently this is too much to ask in 2019.

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