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B&B July 2018 Discussion Thread

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You mean Sasha? 


Re: Stuffy/$B - if the show was really clever, Widge/Stuffy/Lame would've concocted the whole scheme in order to get $B to sign over the FC shares. I 'm glad there's been references to Brooke/Widge/Taylor as part of her desire to avoid the fate of her mother. 


I've accepted that B&B will never move from the 'marriage' or bust. I mean WyNot/H8ie had to turn their FWB things in that direction, even though, it made zero sense for either character. 


Say what you want about $B, but he's not Widge/Lame waffling. When he decides a woman is his destiny, he moves forward. As much as I can remember, he never played the women in his life against each other. H8ie, then Brooke and now Stuffy were his focus. Even the H8ie/Brooke stuff, it was more Brooke waffling because of her sister than $B. 

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This is one of the reasons they don't need Hunter.  Remember Brooke and Taylor unhealthy over involvement with this rancid trio?  Who would push their kid in Liam's direction?  


A Ridge is a man, so it looks especially bad for him.  


I watched on CBS online yesterday just to take a peak and it was horrible.  The only show that remains visually stunning and its  the worst one on the air right now, and that included GH!  

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Hope is a Whore, Brooke loves her for it.  Steffy is now Catatonic and in bed with her Father in Law in 1 week.  $Bill is now Fire Marshall Bill with the frantic lines and the stalker craziness.  Perfect Liam doesn't know it's not OK to impregnate multiple women but we're supposed to like him.  Awful Wyatt and Awful Justin try to reason with Firemarshall $Bill.  He has to get married NOW.  RIGHT NOW!  When Wyatt did the same thing.  Must. Get. Married. NOW! 


Bill is stalker scary.  Just god awful.  Building a baby room for your own grand that you stole from your son, with his WIFE.  LOLLL. 


It's fun to watch how awful it is though.  Makes me laugh at how bad the plotting is and how bad the acting is.  Don Diamont needs to go. 


I'm secretly hoping that Steffy is playing Bill for filth to get the shares to Forrester so she can fire Hope's sorry as* but I don't think they're that smart.  I never liked Steffy.  I do now.  Hope is a Ho. 

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I'm surprised. Has Brad Bell actually realized we're living in the 21st century now?  

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I'm not going to get my hopes up though that this signals a real change in his writing. I've been fooled before. Remember this scene? I was so proud and happy that Brooke finally stood up for herself and her dignity, but naturally it didn't last....

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Oh wow I just got a good look at the new Zende and Nicole and this crazy chick and I don't understand how not one of them is attractive. Those are some crazy odds. They are super funny looking, all three of them. And both of the girls have speech impediments!


I'm sure LA has plenty of light skin/biracial actors to choose from, why these 3?

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The other applicants just weren't light enough!!!


Their speech can't be as bad as the last Ciara on DAYS, Vivian Jovanni. I swear to God that girl talked like Cartman's sister on South Park.

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Well she should be available unless anyone else knows differently...does anyone know what's taking The Chew's place?  Good Morning America This Afternoon?  ABC Local News at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00?  Kelly and Ryan at 2:00 and 3:00?  Ryan does the countdown at 2:00?  Michael Strahan does the sports at 2:00 or 3:00? 

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I'm dying!  LOL!


I'm pleasantly surprised about the direction of the Steffy/Bill stuff, but then I saw that look Bill gave after Steffy left Spencer-free and still got those Forrester shares.  He's just going to double down on the Steffy-stalking.  Blech!

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