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Y&R actress out

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Maybe this is the moment black fans of Y&R will realize that they don’t care about us (it won’t be but let me get this out).


Our viewership, loyalty and dollars only matter on a surface level. As in “We will only keep X number of biracial/light skinned actors on the show at a time in stories pushed to the margins in order to keep the complainers and our black viewers satiated.” They’ve been able to come up with a combined 100 some odd years of material for Victor and Jack and Nikki’s elderly asses but can’t give Hillary one decent story? Mishael Morgan has to carry the weight of making her character into a person on charisma alone? It’s ridiculous.

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Right now, there’s so much pressure to be in the industry to be superficially “diverse.” Even CBS, which resisted for YEARS, is now casting POCs as leads. The movement has thankfully elevated a lot of talented artists, but so many folks are half-assing it and paying lip service to Woke Twitter. Again, in a cynical way. Some people are satisfied with scraps after going hungry for so long.

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Of course she was. This show like all soap operas is deeply, unconscionably racist. VR and Dru only got as far as she did by having an advocate in Bill Bell along with bringing her own life experience and unique talent to the most humdrum repetitive nonsensical plots, and even then the Winters family never reached the heights or received the prefertial treatment of a Newman or Abbott or even a Baldwin.


Because not only are the people behind these shows under the impression that the audience only wants to see white people front burner and fully multi-layered, the people behind these shows only want to see white people.


They have decades of research to back up the fact that black people make up a significant portion of the (dwindling) viewing audience but refuse to cater to us the way they do to the vocal racists who get mad at things like Neil looking at any white woman on canvas. It’s disgusting that it’s gone on this long.

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I dropped the show a few years after VR left and I'll probably be doing the same once MM does. Sony is really underestimating her impact, this new budget Blake from GL interpretation of Summer is not going to carry the show the way Hilary/MM has these last few years.

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OMG, those Hevon fans went full-on LANE

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I agree with what's been said by @Darn.  The fact that we are discussing this not in 1988, or 1998 or even 2008 but 2018 speaks volumes...and none of it is positive or affirming. 


Y&R fights tooth and nail to maintain this type of hegemony among their characters regardless of how it deadens and pulls the show down.  There's an obvious racial and gender hierarchy on this show and it's more than highly problematic. TPTB will still maintain that status quo in the face of proven evidence that having genuinely diverse storytelling improves ratings. I don't think Y&R should be rewarded for their obstinance, which is why I haven't physically tuned in to a show (on TV) in years.


The daytime drama "community" loves to cite (i.e. blame) working women who left the household, OJ and reality T.V. for their declining ratings but never seems to cite the fact that the writing failed to keep up with the times or real life.

I wish there were an honest discussion about why the soaps declined that incorporated the fact that most of these shows wanted keep the patriarchal, racially hegemonic quota in place and many viewers just got tired--in addition to all those other factors that often get cited.

EDT: I mean, why TF does Victor always have to eat so much show?? Why do Jack and Victor always get so much storyline? (nevermind that it's terribly written).

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I don't blame hevon fans one bit for speaking a language that the show has proven to understand. 





I agree with all. It pains me to say it because soaps are a genre I love. But it's  time that AAs turn this show off. What's interesting is that I never thought my mother and older cousins would (all 65+). But they have dumped Y&R. Nothing to do with Mishael Morgan but they find it boring and are just tired of the merry go round and misery. 

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Considering all Mishael has been aaked to do and her popularity with fans, I'm outraged that she is being paid the exact same amount that she was on day one! Yet I see the show bringing on all these new people, bringing back old ones,even keeping old who hadn't had a tenth of the success she did.  And my gut tells me they are paid far more. Came in with bigger contracts. 

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