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Your daily (or nightly) thought


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Thank you @slick jones and thank you again for everything you do here with such vital information.

2022 was a very rocky year for me, and 2023 isn't likely to be different, so I'm glad I still have this place to come to and friends to talk with. Any time there's a new discovery of a soap classic, rare as that is, I'm reminded of the importance of having a place to share it and talk about it. 

I hope you have a safe and happy NYD, and may 2023 be the year you deserve. 

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That's very kind of you all.

My issues with aspects of the forum are no secret, and I have never claimed to be a god among men. What I value about SON, and what keeps me here in spite of any issues, as I've told people before, is the wealth of shared, storied history and first-hand knowledge or extensive research of a dying art form. It can't easily be synthesized or reproduced anywhere else. It's less lonely keeping a little piece of a flame when you have people who are making it a bigger flame with you.

Happy new year.

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Awwww I just got off being held hostage at work with a dash of 'relationship' drama so this is very nice to hear from a fellow Elizabeth fan. Happy New Year's to you as well and may the joy keep on. 


2022 was a great stepping stone, but the time for movement is truly coming into focus.  

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Thank ya, Mistah Slick(@slick jones)! 

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I need to see a neurologist or something, lol! I swear I don't know what goes on in my head. But at least I can laugh at myself for the most part. Yesterday I was in the kitchen washing dishes while streaming msnbc on the Echo Show. There was a repeated news segment on Morning Joe where one of the panelist who specializes in brand strategy was discussing the "brand-ups" and "brand-downs" of the year. I've seen this segment before as they initially aired it on Christmas Eve, so it was nice to revisit/rehash as I found it interesting. 

So, here I am washing the dishes in the kitchen when Joe Scarborough's voice is getting louder as a phone was ringing somewhere in the background and it was rather annoying. Seriously, it was so annoying and no one would turn their ringer off either! Basically, I'm having a conversation by myself yelling at the Echo Show telling Mika to turn her ringer off. She looks down, picks up her phone, looks at it briefly, and then places it back on the desk.  Still, the phone keeps ringing. Then I'm like, "Joe! Pick up your damn phone! It's right in front of you and it's annoying. So, turn it off!" Joe looks down and picks up his phone and pushes a side button and then proceeds to place it back on his desk. Even after all that, the phone keeps ringing!

All of a sudden, I came to a realization as these words muttered out of my mouth: "Oh, wait. That's me."


Edited by Noel
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Thanks @slick jones. What a lovely post. Like so many others, 2022 was a bumpy year with lots of successes and challenges. Through it all, SON was a place I could rely upon for new discoveries about soaps, opportunities to relive classic soap moments, and chances to learn more about the long, rich history of daytime soaps. I'm very grateful for this board, for the wonderful people who post here, and for the friendships I've made here. I wish everyone here nothing but the best in 2023! And as the iconic Mrs. Slocombe from Are You Being Served? would say, I am unanimous in that!


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It's always this time of year when I begin to realize that we do the same recycled stuff over and over, especially when I see the anti-age cream and weight loss commercials from adverisers. Well I mean, I notice the commercials more remarkably. But yeah, we do the same crap every year. 

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Yep. Turn 53 later this month and it’s really hitting home that I’m the youngest of my siblings and we do not walk for long on this Earth - and I will be alone if things go as they go. My brother is 20 years older than me - almost to the day as our birthdays are both January.  3 so steps, then me. My closest sister is about 8 years older than me.  So I need to figure out what being mostly alone looks like. 


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Mayim Bialik's CALL ME KAT did a tribute to the late Leslie Jordan, featuring his close friend, Dolly Parton. Apparently he was en route to work when he passed. He was such a talent.  For those who haven't watched the show, enjoy his highlights! 

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