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Y&R: October 2017 Discussion Thread

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You didn't like the random crazy crashes and disasters that go nowhere?  Jack and Yack? Neil kidnapping and drugging Hillary?  Plane crash where everyone survives (except a pilot we never met)....the Newman Towers fire that....no one dies in....but the situation was so dire that the building "could go any minute now!"....the warping of time so that Victor can say he replaced Jack with Yack to save the FAMILEH because of the DOMMED PARAGON VIRUSSSS (even though the virus happened well well later after the Jack/Yack)....Crazy Kelly keeping Jack hostage??  And I forgot - who was the random Latina character that was on for like 6 months or so but lost her accent within 3 weeks...???  Uh....you're right....one complete trash "story" after another.

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The "everyday being a day" is already showing some cracks in writing: At the end of Friday's show, Sharon twice said about "last night" - that was two nights ago. Also, how did Sharon know Scott was 'framed' during the fight with Lauren? She just found out he was in jail for murder and no mention of set-up or anything like that.


It's funny when Lauren asked Billy who hated B&S, I immediately thought of Cane, not Jack.


Interesting how Lauren has been central to both reboots. I hope MY decides to keep TB around.  


The first two weeks when the old regime's stories are always fast paced and give promise because everything is action, it's what follows that ends up usually being disappointing.  

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This change and storytelling style comes as absolutely no surprise to me. I won’t explicitly go down the ‘told you so’ route but a leopard doesn’t change its spots. 


Having seen Brookside undergo the changes in March 1991 when Mal Young became the Series Producer and the style of stories he told (sensational, rating-grabbing, etc), and as others have said, the fact his daytime soap grounding came at the hands of Jill Farren Phelps and Charles Pratt Jr, I knew the show would move away from what it was before.


It may seem like I’m being negative or have already formed a view of what we’ve seen so far, but alas, I’m fairly neutral at the moment. I suspect I will either fall out of love with the show again or will watch it but start to disassociate it from The Young and the Restless. As I did when Lyn Marie Latham was in charge or when Jill Farren Phelps and Charles Pratt where running the show and tried to re-invent the wheel, as it were. Only this time, it’ll feel like I’m watching a glamorous British Soap with largely North American accents. 


To address the ratings point that is already being flogged within an inch of its life, doubtless there will be an upswing in ratings, as we enter Sweeps and the show takes its first swig of Red Bull under Mal Young. My concern in that it will become the equivalent of the moment a car explodes in a field. All eyes within sight (and sound) of the event will turn to see and admire the towering blaze that has aroused its senses, but when the flames die down, all that is left is a damaged, burnt out and rather useless shell of a car...

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Lauren upset goes in the elevator and next scene she is already confronting Sharon....LOL....horrible....LOL


Lauren/Sharon fight....LOL....CL customers video taping their fight....awful.....lol


Paul? Are suppose to hate his guts? Cause in just two episodes he has become unlikeable.


Jack and Ashley redux scene but it's the next day?







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He represents the police. Either he’s merely becoming a device to put sympathy on Scott or how he is viewed and presented will accord with the U.K. soap opera perception of the police- oppressive, gung-ho and to be inherently regarded with suspicion. That perception isn’t exclusive to the U.K. but our brand of police distrust on the television (outside of shows that focus on the police) is quite something. 



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For me - the character of Paul has been awful for a long time also.  Miserable.  Badly written no matter who was writing.  There are times when all the evidence is right in his face and he needs to "take time and be careful".  Then in other instances he would *itch at Kevin to hack someone NOW.  He's been a plot device for a long time.  "We don't have enough evidence!"  And just garbage. 

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Yeah... Paul is usually unlikable about half the time. The other half of the time, he's just kinda there. Reminds me a bit of how ATWT ruined Tom Hughes, in that his personality gave way to a sanctimonious sense of over-duty.

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Typical actor behavior, if you ask me.  As long as they have airtime or screen time -- even if their material is utter crap -- actors will be satisfied.

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This is why I've always said that Y&R really ran into a rut when they started letting actors & fan bases dictate the direction of their characters (*coughs* Lane and others).

DD probably won't care what gets done as long as Paul gets screentime. Oh well, I guess, in a way, he's smart not to get his hopes up for anything really good.

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