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Y&R: October 2017 Discussion Thread

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That SOD interview has proven to be highly elusive. I’d been interested in reading it (either in scan form, as I’ve seen other articles from that edition online or transcribed as I’ve seen with other interviews in the past) but as a man based in the U.K. it hasn’t been a case of just picking it up off the shelf. I’m not 100% certain online subscription would work with international restrictions, though I’m happy to be corrected.


I’m even pimping out my PM inbox if this message is frowned upon.

Many Thanks.

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Thank you for sharing this. It's easy to forget the history of the show and get frustrated with what's happening now, but hearing stories like this brings you back. TL had an indelible presence on both Y&R and ATWT.

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Zack is involved with running the girls in the sex ring and he knows Tessa's sister as he has her turning tricks.



Loved Terry Lester best Jack ever.  Sorely missed as Jack. Sad he passed away.


Love the interview with BM and ED... I also agree with most who love Terry Lester as Jack. He is sorely missed by me he is the best Jack ever,  I'm not a fan of Peter as Jack isn't anywhere near as good as Terry was.


I know a lot of people don't like certain characters and I am usually all for veteran actors except for Paul Williams...I don't like him or the Actor who plays him and haven't for a very long time. and I believe wholeheartedly the show would be fine if they cut him loose.


He actually was supposed to go back in 2009 but something happened to stop it. They should have let him go cause he isn't used and also his s/l's add nothing at all.


He isn't even a good detective and I hate to say it along with some I watch we love most all Veteran Actors but Paul we just can't seem to like, it also didn't help that he is involved with the most criminal family on the show Baldwin/Fishers which has made him look like an ass, pardon the expression. What cop/detective would work with the likes of Kevin or after knowing what Paul knows about him and his family would want to be near them?


Then they have him looking at others on the show when the Baldwin/Fishers who he hangs with have gotten away with so much and he acts like their great people??? Also we have had better detectives in the past who also were liked at least by me and some others I know and DID solve cases  which Paul has not ever done. Even when Heather was on the show he let her take credit for something she didn't earn?  JMHO


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Paul was much better when he worked as a PI surrounded by a team (e.g. Andy, Amy, Nathan, Lyn).

When he was a P.I., he could bend the rules a bit and then he'd consult with the police (often his father Carl) so he wouldn't go too far and the police would make the final arrest.

Now, being Chief of Police, he is mostly handcuffed (pardon the pun) where the storylines are concerned, because he has to do everything 'by the book'. 

He's been mostly useless in the sex ring case, before that he was useless in the whole finding Chloe story and it looks as though he will be useless in helping to locate Dina.

He may as well be as invisible as his wife Christine.

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So true. I never understood why they moved him (and Kevin) into GCPD. You're right, Paul had integrity as a detective, but took necessary 'short-cuts' when needed. It's also ludicrous that a Chief would be hanging out with Sharon/Scott discussing this type of case. Trust me, a Chief doesn't get into the weeds like this. If they want to make Chris/Paul viable again - Chris should practice with Michael and Paul should be a detective again. 


I decided to watch Monday (US):

1. So good to see GT's fire.  

2. Cane/Esther/Juliet  - this combo could make the story somewhat interesting 

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Just last week, she had some "incident" while arguing with Hilary where he seemed to have a pained look on her face and a ringing in her ear.


Question:  Does anybody remember when Ashley used to get bad headaches? Didn't she once pass out in Chancellor Park in Winter or something?  There was speculation that she might have a tumor, I think.  Whatever happened with that?

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That was Fridays cliffhanger.

So, I'm not one to really complain but is this a fuc#ing micraphone!!!!

If it is I think they should end the show after the 45th...LOL

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a 6 month wrap-up story ?  Give nods to the past then mercy-kill.  IF this were another soap I wouldn't care but this is the soap that was supposed to end that kinda tomfoolery.

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Tomorrow should be good. I don't care for either pairing....Billy/Vicky or Billy/Phyliss....neither pairing works IMO.


The Cane story is just horrible...horrendous....terrible.....bad.


At least there was one crumb with Esther saying....WOW.... when she found out that Jill had allowed Cane to not only live at the mansion but run her company and have whats her name living there.

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