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Y&R: June 2017 Discussion Thread

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I thought I would tune in for Chloe's funeral since surely Jill would be back to support Esther and pay her respects. But no, Esther is all alone.

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 How unrealistic.


Next Gloria waltz's in, making a huge entrance, to tell Esther she's only there for her grandaughter & son? Nice. I guess they were going for the slapstick moment? Only Sally would feature Gloria at Chloe's funeral. I felt like MAB was back, the whole mess reminded me of Victor's faux funeral & Sharon going off the rails.

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Sharon with Scott does work with redemption because it's slow and not some heat of passion where they jump into bed together. It also has provided an opportunity for Sharon to share her history/future with someone who doesn't know her. It's boring but it's acceptable. 


The Cane downfall story is falling into place quite well. I hope they keep it a secret from Lily for awhile. Vicky finds out truth but doesn't disclose to anyone except Cane to protect company. Juliette/Hilary lurking/taunting Cane. There's no need to rush this. Lily gets hit with affair and that Cane engineered her career setback. 


Why put Esther on meds? That's weird. Esther is actually stronger than that. Obviously they won't bother with a S/L for her do what's point? 


The Worm. Why can't they just have Glo tell Esther that she'll help raise their granddaughter together?


Closed casket for a 'sleeping' death. Might as well had Chloe peering in watching her 'funeral' with Victor. 



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You mean you don't love Victoria's pod children? LOL. I see no reason she had to have three spawns or why Chelsea had to have a baby either.


I'd have no issues with a Juliet pregnancy, because sometimes they are needed. I don't like when characters are given kids because the writers don't know what else to do with them, or there's some desire to "tie" two characters together for plot reasons.

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I didn't give the new regime a passing grade for May sweeps. I guess that leaves November sweeps as their third test and when it's three strikes, they should be out.

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Well...what grade did you give them? Cuz they are sitting nicely with a B- for me.


So...can we assume that Dark Kevin is the next drama for Nick?Chelesa

ANd thank you, thank you ,thank you for Cane downfall taking its time.


Just do it as soon as Jill gets back.

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I graded May Sweeps as D. I still don't love the Newmans hate Victor rehash, but the progress was made with the Abbotts since Dina returned. There's still a lot of garbage time that has to be worked on though.

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I hate that Esther got so little screen time with Chloe's "death." Having her told off-screen was ridiculous, as was having everyone concerned like crazy about Kevin while not even mentioning Esther.


Kate Lindner deserved those scenes, even if Chloe was written as incessantly annoyed with her mother.


The writers are throwing in bits of history EVERYWHERE, so I don't get their botching the chance to highlight Esther.

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