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Days: October 2015 Discussion thread

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Still playing catch-up on this past week, but just wanted to throw in my two cents on what I've recently seen...


The build-up to Hope/Aiden's wedding and Bo's eventual return is good. We know he'll bust in at the right time, so that promise is enticing.


The grief for Will has been mostly very well done, aside from a few cringe-worthy crying moments from some (I'm usually Bryan Dattilo's cheerleader, but a couple of his performances make it uncomfortable to watch).


Steve/Kayla/Joey is flat and uninteresting. I didn't watch them in the 80's, but I do know their return and storylines in 2006 were lackluster and mostly uninteresting, and their 2015 resurgence is the same uninteresting stuff. They just don't do it for me. It's Steve moreso than Kayla. I've never had a problem with Kayla, but Steve is just a character that's an instant downer.


Eduardo. Yeah no. Not interested.


Clyde. Girl bye!


Andre's reveal to the rest of Salem was decent. It pales in comparison to "Tony's" 2002 return, but it was decent. Still though, the aftermath is kinda flat. So Andre's back in town. Okay. So he'll do something a little sinister, no doubt. But the days of Salem Supervillains, elaborate Maison Blanche mansions, and intricate hideaway spots are done. Nowadays, if the evil doings can't take place at a park bench or Horton Town Square, it isn't done at all.


Knowing DAYS, I'm sure the episodes during the week of November 8th will be fantastic. Lots of familiar, beloved faces all in the same room. Hopefully a ton of flashbacks, and some big twists and reveals that we've been waiting for.


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It wasn't always that way, of course -- but I think that's the problem with bringing back certain characters from the "supercouples era."  It's great for a nostalgia (if not ratings) boost, but the truth is that those characters worked best in a particular kind of storyline that 1) isn't in vogue anymore and 2) they're too old to be involved in anyway.

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God no. They just need to revert John back to being an Alamain then leave it alone for good! Rehashing his history every 2-3 years is getting old. 


Yep. It was a cute segment seeing as it showed how soaps still can play a pivotal role for many. Even the young girl the segment was about, who used DAYS to help her learn English. Sad part is that DAYS didn't even capitalize on it afterwards. 

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LOL. OMG :wub: Best thing ever


I also don't care to get yet another look into John's parentage, and to me, they made it abundantly clear he's a Martin. JMO. And Paul's supposed to help him, but it all seems off-screen at the moment, which is honestly fine with me.


Steve and Kayla are lackluster, aside from Kayla. Joey has gone into hiding, aside from two episodes (or the same episode, I think, Will's funeral and talk with Steve). Why isn't he on more with Kayla while Steve's galavanting around chasing his true love? IDK. It's just not there and feels like another rush job reunion. The Bo diversion makes sense for Steve but at this point I think we're ALL over Steve taking off. They're failing again at making newer (and older) fans invested.


This show is just doing a little too much at the moment and not everything is really able to be played out as well as it should be, IMO. I still WANT to watch the show everyday, and it's VASTLY improved, but I'm ready for the anniversary to sort of be done with, more characters to go and return and things to feel a little more stable.

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But this IS DAYS, so there's ALSO a good chance John is actually Marlena and Don Craig's child.  ;)


But seriously.  I just keep wishing they would go ahead and spell out what's been obvious to me for what seems like eternity: that John is actually Stefano's son.

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I don't know why they've dodged that story so many times. They've now done "John is Daphne DiMera's illegitimate child" (which worked, as far as any of these things have actually worked) and then "John is Stefano's half-brother." If they make him related to Stefano in a third, different way, my head is going to explode.

I totally thought they were anviling that he's Dickie Martin in that one episode several weeks ago, when Julie was blathering on about the Martins while John was trying to solve the never-ending riddle of his past.

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AFAIC, John is Stefano's son; and either Stefano brainwashed him and turned him into The Pawn (then Roman, then John, with a thousand other aliases in-between) because John (or whatever his real name) rebelled against Stefano and his criminal enterprises; or he was a willing participant in his father's vendetta against the Bradys (with an added twist, perhaps, that John was a wanted criminal, and so hiding him under an assumed identity was a solid way of avoiding apprehension).  And no, that doesn't mean Tony, for one, would have had to have known about John's existence, because John could have grown up away from the DiMeras.  (As we all know, Stefano has family stashed all over the globe.)


Of course, this begs the question: if Stefano knows John is his son, then why hasn't he told him already?  I say, what if Stefano DOESN'T know?  What if Stefano is as genuinely surprised as everyone else to find out the truth?  How would THAT change the dynamics within the DiMera clan?




It's DAYS.  Nothing is out of question.

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Best thing to do is to take a DeLorean back to 1991 and have Gene Palumbo and Corday just let Hogestyn stay as Roman, given just about every Roman and John backstory has proven to be a failure. Sheri Anderson herself said RoJohn was always suppose to be Roman. 


Stephen Nichols' acting has been screwy since his run on Y&R as Tucker which had some unbelievably embarrassing moments. He seems better as Steve but I guess I didn't realize Steve and Kayla had actually separated. I knew Kayla's been recurring for the last few years but don't remember quite well if they had actually mentioned Steve until now. 


I was hoping we'd see the last of Ben now was he of any significance before this story(Sorry I haven't really followed Days too much in the last couple of years). Jake Kositchek and Harper Deveraux he is not...





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