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GH50: October 2013 Discussion

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Sonny was so laughable yesterday. Perhaps because I'm a bit disenchanted with him right now, everything he does will rub me the wrong way, but did anyone find him to be someone that needs to be feared by anyone else, let alone other mobsters? Then they waste time on that silly conversation about Carly knocking 17 years later?! GMAFB! What about a heartfelt thank you to Carly for being there for you at your darkest hour?! I swear, TIIC believe that substance is a thing of the past. Idiots!

Morgan is wearing very thin on my nerves right now. I'm finding no reasons to sympathize with him. Carly is so afraid for Morgan because he is now written in the image of her. She knows, from experience, just how low he can go. Loved that dress!

Julian's "what is it now" as he goes to see who's at the door and removes his shirt! Huh? If anything, because you don't know who's knocking, why not button up? As good as his body looks, the scene was ridiculous. Who takes their shirt off when they don't know who is at the damn door? Ron is so ridiculous in his need to have these guys naked all the time!

Elsa, I agree. I think Tracy was tossed in and was not initially written for this adventure, and this just might be the confirmation I was looking for [you know who won't be returning] biggrin.png I can live without Tracy's horrible ass, but I would do cartwheels on the expressway during rush hour if I knew matter of fact the drone was out for good (the recast mop was much better)!

Is it me or was Tristan Rogers a bit extra crispy yesterday? That George Hamilton tan is not for Daytime!

Robin Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Cartoon villains in the lab was just not must see!

Happy the Lante story is back today. Give Dante his damn daughter!

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I am wondering if Youtube will have today's full episode. Maybe it aired in its entirety in Canada and can get put up online. I am very interested in this potential legal battle between Maxie&Spinelli and Dante&Lulu. The Falconeris shouldn't have a case. They need to put the baby's needs ahead of their own, and give her back to her real parents. No adoption papers have been signed, and there is no reason for this child to be adopted.

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All their hunks tend to be waxen, putty-faced, flat-assed, and wearing the same pair of underwear passed from one confused Ken doll to another. I am generally repulsed by these men, especially because there is zero variety. It's all dated and dreary.

If a soap could ever turn me straight it would be a "Cartini" soap, without question.

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They all have a OLTL look about them to me.

Yeah many people dislike/ or decide for whatever reason not be parents; as an educator I've seen parents who dislike their kids LoL (and kids who dislike their parents as well). Like I said they spent so much time showing this women treating a kid horridly and I don't recall anything to show me her new attitude. I assume her pregnancy would change her but it would be nice to get a little POV re: that.

I just thought it odd to choose a profession like a pediatrician and you don't like kids; ITA little Emma is a serious pain; don't care for the kid or Britt so I was good.

one reason that can be given of the twists and turns is that its a "developing story" so its .... changing constantly.

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I just wish there was some variety. Morgan is such a Ford clone. Julian is OK and Shawn takes off his shirt every once in a while, but mostly it's a generic mannequin making "who farted?" faces.

And the way the show does this is so forced and sterile. Soaps in the 80s knew how to make shirtless guys actually seem hot. There was a certain anticipation and atmosphere.

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Geary TV Guide interview with Michael Logan. LnL fans are going off on Twitter. LOL


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General Hospitals Luke Spencer is slowly dying from Polonium poisoning. What better time to interview the guy who plays him, seven-time Emmy winner Anthony Geary?

ML: What's the trick to making us believe that Luke is at deaths door when we know damn well they'd never get rid of you?

TG: That's very kind, but , in the soap business , everyone is expendable. That said, I'm not sure the audience does buy this. When that ex-KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium a few years back--they think by Putin---he was covered in gruesome sores. It's a hellish death. I really wanted to go there, but they wouldn't let me. (Laughs) I do love to look bad.

ML: Assuming Luke survives, is his romance with Tracy (Jane Elliot) one for the ages?

TG: Their relationship is gold and a joy to play. It's fraught with dysfunction and conflict, but I think they really do love each other. The good thing is, they will never have children.

ML: What do you say to the Luke and Laura diehards?

TG: The past is best left in the memory. Nothing stays the same except butterflies under glass. The [viewers] you speak of have always wanted Luke and Laura happy and growing old together like Ward and June Cleaver. They're like a child who never got over his parents' divorce and lives in perennial hope that mommy and daddy will get back together again. That is not going to happen. The audience needs to let it go and find interest in tomorrow instead of yesterday.


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