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AMC & OLTL Get Summer Run On OWN

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As I was checking just one of my too many e-mail accounts, I was briefly checking those on my Yahoo account and saw that One Life To Live was trending.

I clicked on the trending topic and noticed that it was really about both shows, one of the links was an article on the NY Times website about PP's limited run engagement with OWN. Actually all of the links were about this topic.


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I've said many times, if ever there was a soap that would be great as a comeback, it's EDGE OF NIGHT! It's crime format makes it a good fit for primetime. They should bring back 3 characters from the original: Jody Travis played by Lori Loughlin, Preacher Emerson played by Charles Grant, and Liz Corell played by Marcia Cross. The rest of the cast should be newcomers.

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Edge of Night could make a great primetime or a daytime soap and also, it could be a great vehicle to bring in male viewers. They could blend the current success with procedurals and use that to make it more appealing as well. I just would want a soap to serve a purpose if they bring it back.

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Speaking of TEON, I've been watching a lot of Alfred Hitchcock Presents on AntennaTV, many of the episodes from stories penned by Henry Slesar, and it's no wonder why he was such a successful soap writer. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the acting style and visual element of the time, but many of the episodes are pure soap. SoapNet should have done a soapy anthology series, treating the entire soap community as a huge rep company, actors playing any number of roles in unrelated episodes. Oprah could always do something similar if she really wanted to, dramatizing her favorite short stories and the like. She is understandably shy about scripted programming because her projects haven't always done so well (the Brewster Place weekly series, Beloved, her more recent TV movies).

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Why would Soapnet want to do that when they had classics like Southern Belles of Jupiter Hollow, and Bank of Mom and Dad? I still remember people telling me how these shows were the future of Soapnet and of daytime. Yes...no future at all.

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They should have Oprah tweet during the first few broadcasts. Apparently that's what's helped the Perry shows. And helped divert eyes to her network. Woman's got a beyond massive following, especially in social media.

All the soaps should embrace the social media aspect more than they do. Well, in a better way than getting drunk and tweeting.

However, this comes from someone who has no reason to tweet so maybe they already do?

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so does that mean that even with these mini-marathons, they won't be back to back on day 1? What genius made that decision?

Edited: Got it now- still stupid. Wonder if this ties into some greater ep count plan with PP/Hulu? I can't imagine there isn't some reason for repeating the third ep.

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