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OLTL - Monday, April 29th 2013 Discussion Thread

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CHEAP your sig is awesome. What episode is that from? I have to see the actual scene!

Oh, and I watched both shows today and I like the fact that each has a very different feel to it. Production-wise I thought they looked great. OLTL might want to dial back some of the music because it drowned out the dialogue at a few points. Regardless, it was definitely an energy filled epi and I'm looking forward to more. And, just like B&B, 30-minute soaps really can work well.

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So I'm just gonna throw this out there: Unless I can figure out how to install HotSpot Shield (it's telling me that because I have Expat Shield, they won't let me install the other) I basically can't access either show. FX is not part of my house's cable, and we can't afford the extra $30+ a month for the extra channels, just for two shows. So it's not like people watching on YouTube are all awful and stupid, some of us just haven't figured out another option thus far. I will say I managed to find a way to see the shows on Hulu this morning, and I agree, both were great!

If anyone's aware of any other VPN I can access for free, let me know. I kinda still want my BBC sad.png

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I guess reporting all YouTube accounts which were meant for international viewers who have no Hulu access anyway, because you think that you are part of the PP family (and not just another soap fan) and that you might get a thank you postcard from a Shelter extra might also be a little bit awful and stupid. Just a little bit smile.png

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I love the first episode of OLTL!!!! Fresh and hot, all my faves were there and the best cliffhanger I have seen in years...I was screaming with joy at the end of the episode!!! It was a great surprise for me!!!!!I am proud of being a OLTL FAN!!! Long life Llanview!!!!!

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Okay, I finally viewed the premiere in its entirety. Some thoughts:

~ Robert Gorrie is really a very seamless transition from EA. He's different, but IIRC, Matthew turned into quite an !@#$%^&*] by the end of OLTL. RG was a natural in all of his scenes, especially with Bob Woods and Hillary B. Smith. Great casting.

~ That opening is still sh!tty lol

~ Natalie as mature mother is nice, as is the flirtation between her and Cutter, who was after my time on the original show but I like him. Their dancing was...interesting, to say the least, and reminded me of Pam and Bobby disco dancing on Dallas lol

~ I hate David Vickers, and honestly, I can do without Dorian for the time being. Dorian/Viki scenes aren't fun when Dorian is played nearly 100% for laughs.

~ Corbin Bleu's a good addition.

~ Don't care about Todd or the other Todd!! Blair and Tea just need to make out already.

~ LOL at Danielle's dubstep overdose.

Overall, a good intro into a soap I stopped caring about over three years ago. They have me for now.

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Finally watched this...

I like the opening. It's cheesy and the music is like something from a Lifetime bumper from fifteen years ago, but I think it sells the relationships very quickly and some of the character traits.

I tried to keep an open mind on people I disliked in OLTL's last few years. Of those, I probably was most impressed by Kelly Missal, who actually seemed like an addict to me, not an actress doing a bad imitation. I also thought Florencia did a good job playing the various sides of Tea, and I liked her clothes. I was also a little jolted that the lesbionic chemistry with KDP was back within about one second. You can't fake chemistry.

Speaking of KDP, I liked the little scene where the guy turned her down for being too old. It shows what women go through in this world, especially when the guy didn't look all that young himself. And her reaction to Todd was perfect. KDP showed again just how underappreciated she is - she just felt "on" in all her scenes, even the small reaction shots. Hated her dress, as it made it look like she had a boob job, which she hasn't.

I liked Todd's "gimme shelter" line.

Dorian...Robin was relatively restrained in a few scenes. I prefer this. The rest was a little much. I wish they hadn't brought back the feud with Viki (out of nowhere). David was David, which means I'm not a fan, but I did actually laugh at the "I give myself action," line. I hope that the scene where he realized how out of place he was at the club might be a sign of toning him down.

The atmosphere in the club was surprisingly effective - I liked all the music choices, and what a surprise to actually hear real music. I'm not going to talk about whether it would appeal to a young demo, because I have no idea if it would, but I thought the club worked well as a venue for the various characters.

I never got Cutter's appeal, but he works better here. I thought the dance scene with Natalie was kind of hilarious, but at least it was something different, and they did have some chemistry. I would rather he stay friends with Rama, I could enjoy that. And how nice to see that they appreciate what a great body Melissa Archer has after OLTL regularly hid it.

I liked the "double life" concept that OLTL began with being thrown around here a little, with Destiny and Natalie, among others.

Matthew - wow. I'm so glad I knew about this in advance. No thanks. He reminds me of one of those bad seed boyfriends Aaron Spelling heroines would get lumbered with. "Baby mama". Really? RSW was way off in that drug scene. Fortunately the scenes with Bo and Clint were much better. While I can never forget what Clint did in OLTL's last few years, I am glad he and Clint are on good terms.

Finally, it was only appropriate to give Viki the opening scene, but it's still a good touch.

In story I'd probably grade AMC's first episode higher, but in style and tone I'd say OLTL's was better.

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Please do keep going through these shows; we're all eager to hear what you think.

I'm okay with Matthew myself, as he had turned cynical as a young teen in the last several years after the strife with his parents and Dani's initial rejection for Old Man Nate. That was, of course, partly due to FV and RC trying to use him as the pint-sized heavy for the youths they really wanted to feature, but I also thought part of his acting out was a natural reaction and typical of a lot of young kids. I thought they pretty much swept his reaction to Destiny and the baby under the rug in order to do the finale happy ending - but here, I think it's all too realistic that he might blow off being a dad in favor of good times in college and as a barely legal adult. In any event, they are building his character and playing up his irresponsibility, so I think his complicated character is a work in progress.

I thought the little vignettes with David on the red carpet and Tea in the nursery were excellent. And it did, I think, lead to David being heavily toned down as part of the new show. He's a more fully realized character in the last two weeks than he's been in about ten years.

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I'll definitely keep that in mind. It does seem like they want him in a bad place to build him up.

I'll try to be nice, so if I seem otherwise it's not intentional. I'm even going to try to be nice about the two Todds.

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