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Married to Medicine


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Super annoyed they’re using Mariah as a hook for the 10th season of the show they forced her off of. The trailer was alright but I’ve literally enjoyed every season of M2M so I’m sure it’ll be fine and better than Atlanta as usual.

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Heavenly did a live today discussing the trailer and upcoming season. In it Quad says she likes that it paid homage to the important people that were instrumental to its success. Someone asks if they miss Mariah. Quad says she was great for the show.  She was happy to see her in the trailer bc she made a great contribution to the show. Heavenly agrees and says she may be in that casket. We might see more of her, you never know

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Starts at around 11:15.

I'm 100% convinced that Mariah is gonna make a cameo this season. Both Quad and Heavenly are usually shady towards her but it seems they are all in a better place now. Was surprised to hear Quad give her her flowers. Bravo didnt have to put Mariah in the trailer but they did .


Also later she says all the ladies came to work. "I believe everyone showed up to work. From Jackie to Phaedra to Quad to Mariah..." She caught herself there and tried to course correct but yeah she isnt good at keeping a secret


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@Cheap21 Hmmm. Thanks for posting.


A very meh trailer IMO, Phaedra doing her same song and dance ( wisecracks, sexual innuendos, funerals). And I hate her dress in that cast pic.

Looking forward to seeing Dr. G get his happy ending and meeting his new Bride.

It wasn't enough of my Dave's Quad and Simone but I'm rarely disappointed in this show. They always make me laugh!


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Toya: "When good enough is not an option, they call on this doctor's wife to deliver"

Jackie: "I may be a little sassy but always classy"

Lateasha: "Married to medicine? I am the medicine"

Phaedra: "I am back. Its your favorite southern belle so check up on that"

Quad: "They say I make them sick but the gag is they are addicted to me as if Im their medicine"

Simone: "You're never  gonna see me in a funk, but you always call me Dr. Crunk"

Heavenly: "I have the prescription for drama and a dazzling smile

Alicia: "You can for my crown, but come for my empire and its off with your head!"

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I am SICK of seeing this damn Mugler bodysuit on every show every season. Did Bravo get an endorsement deal or something? Phaedra on here LYING as usual. Now she dating an emoji? She and Bravo need to be slapped for this


Dr. G looks GOOD. He seems happy too. Tea is ALOT but I think I like her country azz. Quad who? Tea looks like she could be Toya's country cousin. I like her energy and how unapolgetically honest she is. Plus she is MARRIED to medicine so she alright with me


I like Dr. Alicia so far but I dont get why she didnt get an introduction. They are doing her no favors with that


Heavenly STAY messy. She apologized for calling Quad a hoe at the reunion but the first epsiode back she is insinuating she sleeps with taken men. Huh? She was also wrong for the fight she started with Simone. She gonna get smacked one of these days by the wrong one and she will have deserved it

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Any word on the street (©GizelleBryant) regarding how things develop between Heavenly and Phaedra over the course of the season? I could see them pairing up as the bestest of buddies or bitter rivals, the latter likely being the case. 

So, I did a Cliff's Notes catchup (i.e. reunions and key episodes), so I don't know all the ups and downs of M2M, but what's the consensus on this board regarding Quad? And what's the tea on Mariah no longer appearing onscreen? And lastly, of all the non-OG castmembers that have come and gone, which did you like the most? I liked Lisa Nicole. 


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Heavenly has had nothing but positive things to say about Phaedra on her YT. She's been one of her biggest cheerleaders. I think if we see any drama its bc Phaedra wasnt really coming to work. She would say things, be messy but not get her hands dirty so Heavenly tried to activate her. I dont think it will be anything serious but Heavenly said Phaedra gives as good as she gets so she may have met her match. What I got is that she respects her


Most of us hate Quad. She's overly dramatic for no reason. A few seasons ago, she got a gig on a talk show called Sister Circle and gave the women her entire azz to kiss, much like Nene did when she tried to go Hollywood. That didnt work out for her so she had to humble herself and stay on this show despite not being married to medicine anymore and having no real storyline. She's had fake stuff and tried to be a producer instigating drama.


The women banded together and successfully ousted Mariah. I dont remeber it all but stuff like not wanting to film with her, ganging up on her in scenes, excluding her. Production didnt like her either and would limit her airtime, and family stuff. She ended up filing a lawsuit against them bc she created the show and is an EP. They settled and she still retains that EP credit.

Mariah is the only past cast member I miss. The rest I could take or leave honestly

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Anyone watching the current season of M2M? I am hooked! Usually M2M is a slow burn in the early episodes, but they hit the ground running this season by jumping straight into the engagement of throwback Dr. Greg and his new fiancée. 

Sweet Tea is not at all what I expected from a M2M cast member. Facially, she looks like she could be Toya's country cousin (Toya BTW seems like she's had a little face work done, but good work). Lateasha is proudly country and I like that. She's a little different from reality newbies on these shows -- first of all, spilling that she went after Greg in his DMs because she has an older-dude fetish. That one is going to bite her in the ass come reunion. Heavenly has already sized her up like a shark, but props to Lateasha for leaving her off the wedding guest list as payback. Heavenly has been crowing about how she got into the wedding anyway, but since she probably had to bribe an attendant to get that cameratime, I'd say its a hollow victory. While I'm not sure Sweet Tea is a GREAT cast member, I do think she adds an interesting dynamic. She's a fish out of water, she's not pretending that she's loaded, and she's just trying to fit in. She's not quite a pushover either, but there is a power imbalance between her and other cast members. 

Quad was bragging some months ago about how Bravo reached out to come back and 'save' the show, but I'm not quite sure that's true. It's fun to see her trying to rile up the group, but she very much feels on the outside. I echo Toya's distrust of her and always have.

I'm not sure slippery Porsha fits. A lot of her shtick is so staged and contrived. I hope M2M doesn't tip too far in that direction. The other women seem to be clocking that and her shady background in a good-humoured way.

Curtis only showed up for the bachelor party? Sometimes I think he and Jackie are fully living separate lives.

M2M really is one of the best shows on Bravo IMO.

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I'm watching and loving it. I agree this is the best Bravo show, outshining the Housewives for sure. I like how through all the comings and goings, you still have the core cast and in their 10th season, are still fun and interesting, the friendships are real, and it doesn't come off forced. 

Yeah, Sweet Tea sure doesn't fit the mold, but she's kind of fun to watch in a trainwreck kind of way, what with her bridezilla antics, blowing up at her own sister, and just being a little clueless in general. 

Also agree about Porsha. She's like a throwback to Housewives days gone by, when we actually believed her schtick was real and her quips weren't force-fed to her by producers to look witty and clever. I hope the likes of Heavenly, Simone and Jackie continue to side-eye her and call it out. M2M comes off as less edited, aside from the usual reality TV fare like Quad's perfectly producer-timed entrance to the bachelorette party. 

Overall, I love the couple dynamics on this show, particularly Dr. Simone & Cecil, and Toya & Eugene.  And god bless Dr. Damon for being the yang to Dr. Heavenly's yin. LOL. 

Sunday nights with M2M and Potomac is currently my favorite TV night. 

Side Note:  Any tea as to why Dr. Contessa left the series? Was it her own choice? 

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I love Heavenly! The way she slips and lets the "yo mamma" slip out every so often is hilarious.  Again, I haven't seen *every* episode and did a lot of catchup via reunions, but despite what others may say here, I love all the women for what they bring to the show: Heavenly, Quad, Simone, Jackie, Toya. And I'd welcome back Mariah easily, along with Contessa or Lisa-Nicole. 

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First of all, apologies-- I meant Phaedra, not Porsha!

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Secondly, even though she riles me up, Heavenly is a necessary ingredient to this mix, as the cast all are. And what i eould give to have Mariah or Lisa-Nicole back! The show would lose something without this core cast. I must say, when I saw Dr. Contessa at Sweet Tea's wedding, I thought 'She should come back.' Because she was so unguarded and funny with Simone and Jackie. I wasn't always a fan, but I respect that she put her marriage problems out there. I think she left because the speculation around her and Scott's marriage became very intense, and they probably wanted the spotlight off of themselves. They were pretty committed to their medical practice first and foremost, and not just the show, which i think is also the case with Jackie and Simone and makes M2M all the better for it. Medicine is a true vocation after all.

I also have a lowkey crush on Dr. Damon (aka Daddy, lol). He seems so grounded and lovely.

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