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  • Best Vixen: Sally Spectra (Darlene Conley)
  • Best Heroine: Brooke Logan
  • Best Couple: Brooke & Thorne
  • Best Hero: Thorne Forrester (Clayton Norcross) & Storm Logan (Ethan Wayne)
  • Best Actress: Susan Flannery (Stephanie Forrester) & Heather Tom (Katie Logan)
  • Best Actor:  Pierson Fode (Thomas Forrester) & Norcross (Thorne Forrester)
  • Best Story: Angela Forrester / Deveney Dixon
  • Best Year: N/A (only up to 1988 in full-years, but I'd go with 1987 thus far)
  • Best-Looking Female: Linsey Godfrey (Caroline Spencer), Joanna Johnson (Caroline Forrester) & Tom (Katie Logan)
  • Best-Looking Male: Fode (Thomas Forrester), Norcross (Thorne Forrester), Wayne (Storm Logan) & Jacob Young (Rick Forrester)
Edited by Liberty City
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So I'm getting to the storyline in 1991 where they are setting the stage for the BeLieF theft and again it bothers me how this mystery was never conclusively resolved. Or was it, and I missed it the last time I watched this storyline?

WHO stole the formula? Theories? 

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I had the same question when I was watching those episodes.

Jake confessed to stealing the formula but it was implied that he was lying in order to clear Macy. But at the same time it was never explicitly stated that he was lying. After that, it was just dropped.

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Exactly. On the one hand, Jake had probably the strongest motive and the best opportunity, on the other hand we were shown his point of view afterwards and it strongly implied he was lying when he confessed. 

But the only other character that seemed plausible as I recall was Clarke and there was really not much to imply he did it. 

Unless it was really a nameless burglar with a soft spot for Spectra, which makes even less sense. 

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Hi. I'm adding the last 6 episodes right now.

Again, thank you everyone for the videoland episodes. 1993 was definitely one of the best years, I can't wait to have 1994 and 1995. The quality is perfect.

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@BoldRestless I really appreciated the January 2005 episodes. Any chance to grab more from February-May 2005?  Maybe @rsclassicfanforever has 4485-4499 and 4511-4537 in German?



Edited by Jennybold1974
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Hey everyone!


I am back....i have been moving to another place and  i finished most of the work.


I saw now, that the account from the guy who provided it, isnt active anymore.


Maybe someone has an account, so that i am possible to record the B&B Classics from videoland. Or is there something new who provides the episodes?

@Jennybold1974yes i have those episodes from 2005 in german


i uploaded 4485-4499 directly, the rest is coming

Edited by rsclassicfanforever
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That's great! I can't wait for more 1993 episodes! Both you and the other angel are amazing! I myself can upload the missing 2005 episode soon after my mother sends me one of my old laptops. I am sure I have the missing months. I think I even have them in 2 different sources - diva tv and cbs. The diva tv is all episodes from January to May but in very big files without intros or  titles but the cbs recordings are complete files... maybe with 1-2 missing episodes a month I told my mum to search for the laptop in my room an send it. I hope I can upload soon and finally give something for you all.

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Thank you as ever!

I caught up over the weekend and there was a standout scene to me from (I think) 1522 which really put the spotlight on how different the show is today. Sheila went to visit Taylor to ask her to throw a party for her and Eric's upcoming wedding. Taylor balked at the idea and accused Sheila of manipulation without missing a beat. Sheila meanwhile defended her request very assertively but rationally; adamant she's been mistreated by Stephanie and wants Taylor to be a neutral peace keeper.

There was no Taylor being an idiot pushover or Sheila twirling a moustache afterwards. It was just a fascinating scene between two strong characters who haven't been each other's orbit but with two really clear points of view. 

It's night and day comparing that to 2022's Sheila turning up at Taylor's office with half arsed bitchy comments about Brooke that Taylor barely bats an eyelid at. And it's all writing, not budget. It's literally two characters on a set, talking but it's hugely compelling. I would kill to see that level of thought today.

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