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So many culprits there.
-The writers first and foremost who fail to understand that a character that can be funny DOES not have to be merely comic relief, particularly when it has a layered relationships with many characters, a lot of history and a good actor.
- Tuc Watkins who, I am sorry to say, just phoned it in and let the camp take over even though he can act. He clearly was written as a buffoon but there was stuff he could have played understated and he chose to amp it up instead. Was he over it and just cashing the check?
- Robin Strasser who is a fantastic dramatic actress but who cannot do comedy. As her stints on Passions and Days showed, she just thinks comedy is over-the-top and broad. And since they were written as a twofer, TW kept up with her instead of, again, trying to rein it in since David should not have been the "straight man" (comedy terminology obviously, not the other kind) in that dynamic. But when you have camp interacting with camp, you end up with the disaster of these last few years.
- And finally the soap press. Boy did they love the "shenanigans". But in the small world of NY soaps and publishing I bet a lot of that was about personal friendships. And instead of calling them out, it encouraged them to think the audience loved it
A shame really. I hated the retcon of Bo as his father but if they were going to go there, so much more could have been, considering what had happened between David and that family, rather than turn it into an odd couple comedy show.

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No. Tuc has spoken at length about finding the original David boring and difficult to get a hold on as a performer, until a moment somewhere in his first year or two when he flubbed something, they kept it in and he realized David is, to paraphrase, a dumb guy who thinks he's a brilliant schemer. The writers ran with it and that's how David became David. The character got too broad in later years, but I don't believe Tuc ever phoned it in.

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I was not referring to these early years at all.
It is my personal opinion that these later years where he got too broad is when Tuc started phoning it in. Maybe because the writing of David as a buffoon displeased him. But I don't think in the last few years he was making the same kind of effort he made early on - as you describe - to balance the comedic with the serious.
He is talented and David was a great creation, that's not the point I am making. On the contrary that is because he is talented and David was a great creation that the later years sting.

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