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OLTL Tribute Thread


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Speaking of Bob Woods, I wrote to him recently and just this week I got his reply. Not only did he sign the pictures I sent, he sent along six more pictures (all signed) from his own collection and a lovely handwritten note. I will have to have them posted up here soon.


One of the photos was of his surprise 70th birthday party in March. Posing in the picture with him were his son Tanner (who played the young Bo heading off to Vietnam in the 1968 story from 2008), Mark Derwin, Michael Easton and Peter Bergman. Mr. Woods said in the note that while he is enjoying retirement, he still really misses OLTL.

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How did Dorian get so rich? The radio guy in this video says she has a billion dollars. I know she got some type of money from Victor's estate, but I also recall her going broke in the mid to late 80's briefly and then she had the Intruder, but the character's wealth still never quite made sense to me after the endless revisions to Victor's will. Todd only got $27 million.


Speaking of that, how rich was Viki supposed to be? I always found Viki and Dorian's wealth to be kind of vague and confusing. I think Asa was richer than either of them and at times I got the feeling Todd was also. 

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The Lord family owned a paper mill/generic manufacturing plant (Lord-Manning), a large estate (Llandfair), a newspaper (The Banner) and a tv station (WLAN) which is how Viki got her cash.  She rarely married guys with any money,  (even Clint didn't have control of his family's fortune during their marriage when he worked as a reporter for the Banner), I don't think any of her marriages caused a loss in liquidity.  Tony and Meredith died and Todd and Tina weren't in the will so they got a cash buy out and Viki got the rest.   Thus, if The Banner operated at a loss she was fine because she was diversified.


Viki had to buy Dorian out of Llandfair which is how she became initially wealthy.  Then, she had kids by David Rinaldi and Mr. Santi, who both had access to lots of ill gotten gains.  Also, her familial wealth is always a question because she had that wealthy aunt who was retconed in along with Paul.  Plus, she had some of that Mendorra money from her time as an ambassador and Todd bought Inquirer and turned it into The Sun newspaper from her. . So, while I don't think she was ever a billionaire, I didn't worry about whether or not she could make a mortgage payment and afford to keep two sisters in sanitariums.


I question how good ol' Asa kept his fortune.  Not only did he wed lots of wives who drained the coffers with expensive divorces but he had secret wives who had to be kept on islands and in gothic mansions; and that takes money.  Neither Bo nor Clint was ever trained in the oil business.  Bo was in the army, then on the ranch, then he ran a country record company, he had a brief foray into factory work, some tv producing and eventually took the natural leap into chief of police.  Clint studied journalism at a prestigious university and worked as a reporter until his mid-40's.  Somehow both boys learned the oil business while working in the London office?  Because London is known for it's oil business?  Meanwhile, Chuck was trained in the company and passed over for promotion due to nepotism; a classic mistake in maintaining inherited wealth.  Finally, Buchanan Industries seemed to constrict to just being an oil company in later years and sold off the music, fashion, and ranching divisions to open offices in expensive European capitols; not a great business plan.

Edited by j swift
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OLTL was kinda pick-and-choose with paternity reveals in those days. Wasn't Dr. Ivan Kipling supposed to be Edwina's biological dad at some point? And I should know this, but Brad did get brought up to speed about Mary/Kristine being his daughter with Katrina, not Jenny. right?

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Clint became the editor of the Banner.  He was a reported up until the death of Joe Riley, Sr.


The name of the newspaper that Dr. Dorian Callison owned was THE INTRUDER, not the Inquirer.


And, Viki's subsiderary book publishing  company bought all of the copies of Dr. Dorian Lord's auto-biography and kept them in a South American warehouse.  (Maybe her company was the one that published Sloane Carpenter's Lord of the Banner.)

Edited by danfling
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Yes, and his girlfriend Mimi was a cheerleader for the team.


BTW - The Intruder was originally The Chronicle when Edwina and Clint worked there as rivals to The Banner.

Edwina knew that Ivan was her father but she hated him.  Ivan had been Dorian's med school mentor and she brought him to the hospital to take over for Larry when he was fired as Chief of Staff for being married to Karen the suburban hooker (I'm not fluent in labor laws but I think that would not happen today).  It started the Larry/Kipling feud, which may have the most lop sided feud in soap history.  Not only did Ivan put a microchip in Larry's brain, he also ruined Larry's romances with Mimi, Karen and Ivan's ex-wife Faith.  Larry was cuter, kinder and saner that Ivan, so the fact that he kept getting kidnapped and tortured by an older more frail man did not speak well of Larry's heroics.  Later we find out that Larry's whole med school was paid for by Victor Lord because he delivered/stole Viki's baby from Eterna? Larry, we hardly knew ye...


Yes - Brad was in prison for raping Karen when Mary was born but he found out soon after he was released.  Jenny had started dating Dr Peter, who figured out that Jenny wasn't the mother but didn't tell her.  Brad taped Peter when he confessed to a priest.  Brad kept the information to himself until he learned that he was also the father of Katrina's baby.  Peter died on his wedding day (the second time that a groom died on the same day they married Jenny).  Katrina found out about the baby switch but didn't want to hurt Jenny who had just lost Peter.  Brad offered to marry Katrina, she agreed.  But, two years after the switch,  Jenny found out and gave the baby to Katrina so that Karen and Marco would stay out of jail for switching the infants.  Until Jenny met David she was a trice married virgin nun with a stolen baby; certainly my award for most tortured heroine.

Edited by j swift
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