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Yes!!! so been looking forward to this for such a long time!! :D

my goodness those scenes were terrifying, Bill Bell was really good at doing mentally disturbing dream sequences....I don't think I have seen one like that before...omg those screams.I guess Lorie and Vanessa's fight in the dream was one of the show's earliest "catfights"

the suicide scene was great, I had know idea that Lorie and Vanessa had gotten "friendly" and Vanessa used that to frame her....I just can't believe she would take her own life just to destroy Lorie.....I guess it shows how messed up she was....

Lorie's catatonic state was very well acted as was Lucas's reaction.....and wow never thought I would see Brooks, but wasn't he Leslie's son?.....that housekeeper looked a little like Betty White....

also liked that Carl was there doing the questioning and wow you see a hint of early Victor at the ranch in some of those scenes....

You don't know how much we appreciate your continued effort in posting these wonderful clips! still looking forward for more...

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You have to remember that weeks before this, Vanessa found out she was terminally ill, the doctor told her she had about 3 months to live at best, if I remember right. She had returned to the doctor to find he had suffered a stroke, and would not be seeing patients anymore, so the nurse gave her her records and referrals for another doctor. So Vanessa destroyed the records and set her plan in motion. Dare I say it, but Vanessa scared me more than Sheila.The closeup on K.T.'s face when she says "Tomorrow" just freaks me out.

Edited by alphanguy74
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Thank you!

The nightmare/fantasy was just a stunning piece of work. It was like a music video. You could tell Bill Bell and (I guess Conboy was gone by this time - was this Wes Kenney?) were transitioning into the 80s. You can also see it in Lorie's more conservative, restrained hair and wardrobe. Even her penthouse.

Lucas has a nice ass.

I didn't think the suicide scene was as effective as the fantasy, but I appreciate the idea, along with the attempts to show Lorie in shock. I also liked the part where she realized Brooks was still in the house.

It's such a contrast to now where a character would be in that situation and would just shrug and there would be no aftermath.

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WOW ! Thanks for more vintage treasures. Vanessa was determined to screw Lorie over before she died. I noticed they just sent one officer up to question her before Carl came in.This day and time they would send an entire force and kick down the door and make Lorie & Lucas get down on the ground.

I hope you have some scenes of the funeral where Lucas opens the coffin and screams at Lorie "Look what you did to my Mother"

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Finally! I got to see the infamous Vanessa suicide scene that I've read and heard about for years. Those scenes were good but it frustrated me how Lorie just kept stuttering over her words. I know she was in shock but good God! Does she not realize her life was on the line? I just wanted her to spit out that Vanessa threw herself over the rail. It's not like it would be hard to prove that she did do it because of her antics over the years.

But a part of me is feeling sad because isn't this a turn for the worst with the Brooks/Prentiss clan? Shortly after, isn't the entire clan [including Snapper and Greg] given the boot and the Abbotts and Victor take the forefront?

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I think all of it was already uploaded by YRFan23, saynotoursoap, and others (this uploader is using his own material, I just mean these scenes have been on Youtube before or still are), but if any of you want to see if there is any new material, he's uploaded some Sheila/Lauren and farmhouse stuff, and the catfight.


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Thank you for the clip. JLB is very subdued here, which is a nice change of pace. She adds some weight to it. Those melodramatic speeches from Robert are too ridiculous to believe, but Peter Brown has presence (and as always is kind of oddly hot) even as the character seems like something from a radio soap. i like how they are playing Perry Mason - I didn't realize the story was told this way. I thought it was more pure melodrama.

I also like her country music blouse.

Was that Victor and Eve in a quick shot?

I'm not sure if I posted it (if I did it was years ago) but JLB and Peter Brown were on the cover of SOD around this time. I guess he must have been planned as Lorie's love interest.

Edited by DRW50
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Seeing JLB in these scenes and watching her stint on DAYS years later (which I believe spanned 1993-99 and 2010), it's like watching two completely different actresses. Her Lorie was such a mover and a shaker, and wasn't afraid to use both her brains AND her body to her advantage. Her Laura on DAYS was such a drugged-out victim. Not that I'm blaming her (I blame JER and his writing staff), but DAYS just didn't play to her strengths. They could've done so much with JLB and wasted her instead.

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