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It makes sense. I also have the idea that a core family similar to the Hortons, Bauers, Hugheses, and Martins, should have been established at Y&R from the very beginning. In 1973, the Henderson family should have been established on the show. The father was a physician like a Tom Horton. The son, Mark, fell in love with Lorie, who ended up being the daughter of the father, Bruce, instead of Stuart Brooks. Mark & Lorie's relationship wasn't like Tommy & Marie's relationship on DOOL because Tommy had amnesia and extensive plastic surgery who was not aware that Marie was his sister. Victor's first wife, Julia, could have been another Henderson daughter who married the wealthy Victor and had two children, a daughter and son, who could have fulfilled Nick and Victoria's 1990s stories. SORASing Nick and Victoria made then-late twenty something/early thirty something Nikki seemed older than what she really was. Victor and Julia's own children could have played out those stories, still retaining ties to the Hendersons, who would be Genoa City's core family. Nick and Victoria could have been used much later.

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APRIL 1982


Nikki Reed admitted to Kevin Bancroft that she was pregnant. She made it clear she didn't want anything from Kevin other than for him to tell Victor it was his - Kevin's - baby.


When Dr. Snapper Foster told Sally he hadn't told Chuckie he was his father because they would be going back to Michigan once the boy was well, Sally offered to stay in Genoa City — permanently. "There's nothing more important to me than giving my son a chance to know his real father," said Sally. If she and Chuckie stayed in town, then Snapper would have time with him.


When Nikki told Victor Newman that Kevin had refused to marry her, he was deter-mined to change Kevin's mind. "I'll see that you're protected. Kevin will give your child a name and he'll do it soon. He'll marry you ... or I'll kill him!"


Because Snapper wanted to be a real father to Chuckle, he told Sally the time had come to discuss Chris' idea. Sally said Chuckie had been her whole life — if she gave him up, there would be nothing left. She was stunned when Snapper asked her, straight out, if she was still in love with him. "After everything you've done for our son, how could I not love you?" Snapper pleaded with Sally to please think about leaving Chuckie with him and Chris as the boy would be part of a family.


Andy Richards was furious when he learned his estranged wife Karen was holding up the divorce. She hadn't signed the papers his lawyer sent to her a month ago! "I don't know what kind of game she's playing," Andy told his girlfriend Jill Foster, "but I'm damn well going to find out. I promise you, Karen's not going to stand in our way. I'm going to get her to sign her name on those papers!" Later that day, Andy demanded Karen tell him why she was holding up the divorce. Karen said she needed more time to read the divorce papers carefully. "I can't sign them, because I still love you," she admitted. Although she wanted Andy to be free, she didn't want to lose him as a friend. Andy said he couldn't be her friend unless she let him go. Although it was the hardest thing she had ever had to do, Karen finally signed the papers.


When Jill learned that John Abbott, Sr. - Jack's father - was back in Genoa City, she arranged to meet him "by chance" in a restaurant. After John spotted Jill, he stopped by her table and said a polite hello, but cut the conversation short.


When Kevin showed up at Victor's house, he and Nikki got into a terrible light. After they had both cooled down a bit, Kevin offered to acknowledge paternity of Nikki's baby.


When John Abbott saw all the bills Jack had put up by romancing Jabot’s models, he laid down the law to his son. "You've got to function as a businessman, not a playboy. I expect you to devote yourself, totally, to fulfilling your professional responsibilities.” Resigned. Jack promised he would do his best.


After Nikki admitted how insulted she was that Kevin hadn't asked her to marry him, he finally broke down and proposed. Kevin explained he couldn't face his fiancée in San Francisco, or his family, if he didn’t do the right thing. Although Nikki wanted to continue living with Victor, she agreed to marry Kevin. She later told Victor it would be the hardest thing she had ever had to do. Her eyes filling with tears, Nikki ran into Victor's arms and sobbed, "Oh, Victor, I'll never be happy again."


Lucas Prentiss demanded to know how Victor obtained Lorie's proxies. Victor explained that Lorie gave him her stocks willingly, without any hesitation or trickery on his part. Lucas didn’t believe Victor for a moment and decided he was going to find out what really happened.


As Nikki had agreed to marry him, Kevin insisted she meet his high-society family, but he didn't want them to know she was pregnant, because he couldn't stand for them to be hurt. Panicking, Nikki claimed her doctor told her she couldn’t fly. "I'm not leaving Genoa City until my baby's born!" Frustrated that Nikki made everything so hard for him, Kevin felt like walking out on her.

Deeply upset that her daughter was "living in sin," Mary Williams paid Patty a visit at Jack's house and begged her to come home. Patty replied that she didn't want to. "It just tears my soul out to see you throwing yourself away on this man." Mary let Patty know that she still hadn't told Carl about her living arrangement. "Please spare your father something you know is going to devastate the man. Please, please come home!" Mary implored. When Patty refused to return home, Mary asked her to tell Carl she was living with Jack. Mary then handed Patty a letter from her father and told her he wrote it because he wanted her to know how much she meant to him. Although she was afraid to read what was in the letter, Patty opened it. After reading the very emotional letter from her dad, Patty decided she'd better tell him she's moved in with Jack.


When Snapper pressed Sally for her decision about Chuckie, she told him if he really wanted to be a father to the boy, it had to be the three of them — together. "I can't, I won't, walk away from my son." After overhearing this conversation, Chris returned a phone call from a boyfriend of Sally's back in Michigan, Stan Harris, who had tried to reach Sally earlier. Chris told Stan that Sally was a very lonely woman and suggested he surprise her in Genoa City. "Please come, Mr. Harris. It could mean more than you know to all of us."


Displeased with the way Jack had been running Jabot, John let his son know he believed Jack was not competent to function without supervision. Jack was distressed when John revealed he would be remaining in Genoa City to run the business. Although Jack again promised he would do better, John retorted, "I don't believe you can make that promise. You don't have the drive or the discipline. Or, frankly, the dedication to Jabot!" John then ordered Jack to return to his old office.


Nikki was upset when Kevin told her that since she was afraid to fly, he was going to have his parents come to Genoa City to meet her!


Mustering up all her nerve, Jill paid John a visit at Jabot and told him she had been looking for work for sometime and could use his recommendation. "A few words from you could really make such a difference in my future." John agreed to write Jill a recommendation.


When Nikki told Kay Chancellor how scared she was of meeting Kevin's parents, Kay offered to have them over to her house. "I'll do all the talking," said Kay.


Lucas admits to his brother Lance that he was totally wrong about Lorie — she had nothing to do with Vanessa's death. Lance, deeply moved, gave his brother a big, emotional embrace. "I guess Vanessa pulled one over on both of us, didn't she?" said Lucas. "You ... me ... and especially Lorie." Lucas then told Lance he recently went over to see Lorie and apologized for his behaviour during the trial. Lance stopped by Lorie's apartment and said he wanted to talk about them. Because they were once so close, he wondered how Lorie could have given Victor the one weapon he needed to destroy him. He begged Lorie to tell him what drove her to do it. Hoping Lance would understand, Lorie explained she had been hurt — she thought she had lost Lance. "I wasn't acting rationally," Lorie admitted. "Do you believe for a moment I could have done what I did if I'd been capable of thinking of the consequence? Dear God, no, I could never hurt you that way. I loved you too deeply and desperately, Lance, that the thought of losing you struck me blind with fear!" Tears in her eyes, Lorie added that she did it because she loved Lance too much. She threw her arms around Lance and kissed him with desperation. But Lance pushed her away and said this wasn't what he wanted. Lance couldn't accept that love drove Lorie to give her proxies to Victor. Lorie begged for Lance to give her time to erase the memory of her betrayal, but he said it was too late. "We can't go back. Things are different. I have a son now, a boy I love very deeply and who depends on me more every day." When Lorie asked how Lance felt about Leslie, he revealed that in Europe a bond developed among himself, Leslie, and Brooks that drew the three of them closer together each day. They became a family. "I didn't intend for things to turn out this way. But after all that's happened between us, surely you must see that this was inevitable. Please try and understand." Lorie said she never wanted to hurt Lance. Although he wanted to believe that, what she had done had left him with a permanent scar. "Our love was once all things ... so very precious ... but now it's over. Let it be over." As Lance left, Lorie stared at him numbly and said that she might have lost Lance, but she would never give up on him. She did something horribly wrong but she would make it right. Lance pleaded with her to let go — for both their sakes. Lorie resolved to get the company back from Victor. She would make him pay for forcing her to say goodbye to the only man she had ever loved.


Claiming that he cared about Lorie, Victor told her he had purchased tickets for her to take a vacation in Greece! He thought it might help her put a little distance between her and her problems. Lorie was delighted by Victor's offer, for she was beginning to feel that he trusted her. Victor then admitted the trip was for the two of them. "It would be a challenge to explore the mysteries of a woman like you. Who knows what I might discover?" Hoping to put her plan into action, Lorie accepted Victor's offer.


After Kevin's girlfriend Caroline arrived in Genoa City - Mrs. Bancroft sent for her -, Kevin told her that their wedding was not going to go off as planned because there was another girl in his life. As he was about to tell her the whole story, Nikki walked in! Determined to fight for her future, Nikki declared to Caroline that she and Kevin were in love. When a stunned Caroline asked if Kevin wanted to break their engagement, he said it would make things a lot easier.


Sally admitted to Stan that it was all over between her and Snapper. She was not clinging to any false hopes and dreams anymore. Stan said all Sally had to do was to marry him and he would give her some real hopes and dreams. Snapper told Chris that although he had grown to love Chuckie, there was only one thing more important to him — her and Jennifer. Chris' eyes filled with tears, for this was what she had been waiting so long to hear. They embraced. Snapper said he was sorry for the hell he had put her through ... the pain. They declared their love for each other. Snapper then told Chris that he and Sally went to Chuckie and asked him to decide where he wanted to stay, and he chose Sally.


Chris' enthusiasm over her modeling contract with Jabot waned when Greg looked it over and said it was not as wonderful as she thought. Chris would be paid for whatever pictures Jabot used, but there was no guarantee of income or a commitment to the amount of work she would get. All the contract did was lock her into Jabot Cosmetics. The company was guaranteed her services, but she was not guaranteed much in return.


Jack told Patty the time had come when she was going to have to make a choice between him and her family. They would never accept their relationship. Before she cut her father out of her life, Patty needed to hear that Jack loved her. Seeing no other way to get her to commit herself, Jack assured Patty he loved her. "You are very, very important to me." He kissed her passionately. Patty was sure of Jack's love.


Kevin’s parents arrived in Genoa City. Allison Bancroft overheard Kay and Earl - her husband - discussing the affair they had in college. When Allison joined them in the living room, she pretended she had known about their liaison all along and made Earl feel as uncomfortable as possible.


When Chris admitted to John Abbott that she had some misgivings about the exclusive contract with Jabot, he assured her they wouldn't have offered it to her unless they were sure they would have considerable use for her. They wanted to mold her into a top-notch model. Since that meant she would be doing quite a bit of traveling, John advised Chris not to sign the contract unless she was certain she would be available.


Dr. Young informed Snapper that Chuckie was doing very well after his surgery. Since it was unlikely there would be any problems with rejection of the donor kidney, Chuckie was released. Despite himself, Snapper was a little thrown to learn his son would be leaving so soon. He had grown to love Chuckie to very much.


John warned Patty not to get her hopes up about Jack marrying her, or she would end up a very, very disappointed young lady. "I doubt that Jack was anywhere near making a commitment — to you or anyone."


Sally let Snapper know that she and Stan were going to be married. She then thanked Snapper for all he had done for their son and apologized for any trouble she had caused him and Chris. Before Sally and Snapper said their final good-byes, she awkwardly admitted she loved him. "I think you're the finest man I've ever known. And I'm never going to forget you." With tears flowing, Sally embraced Snapper. Snapper said he wouldn't forget her, either — or their son. That afternoon, Sally, Stan, and Chuckie flew back to Michigan.


The private investigator Allison hired, Mr. Kelsey, informed her he had a lot of information on Nikki Reed — she had a very "colorful" background. Mr. Kelsey later had a huge wrapped package delivered to Allison. When Nikki and Kevin told Victor how much Allison was opposed to their marrying, Victor decided to throw an engagement party at the ranch so Kevin's family could see how Nikki lived. But soon after the Bancrofts arrived with Kay, a bitter argument ensued. With a vengeance, Allison ripped the paper off the package the private investigator delivered to her earlier —it was a blowup of Nikki in her stripping costume! Allison was shocked when Kevin admitted he had known since his first visit to Genoa City that Nikki was an exotic dancer. Allison snootily declared Nikki was not the kind of girl she wanted in the Bancroft family. She wouldn't let her son marry a naked dancer!


Lance confessed to Lorie that he realized why she gave her proxies to Victor and he was even coming to accept it. He said he had made a decision so he could go on with his life — he was going to ask Leslie to marry him! Incredulous and numb, Lorie pointed out Lance didn't love Leslie, but he said he loved her enough to marry her. "You'll always have a special place in my heart, but it's over between us, Lorie. There's no future for you and me. We'll never again be able to trust each other the way we once did. That ended the day you signed those proxies over to Victor." Her eyes glazed with tears, Lorie said she would always love Lance.


When Allison continued to put Nikki down, Nikki lost her temper and angrily revealed that she and Kevin got drunk one night, made love, and then she was pregnant!


Hoping to win his wife back, Snapper treated Chris to an elaborate romantic evening in a fancy restaurant. He promises that if they got back together, things were going to be different. This whole ordeal with Chuckie had changed him, and he needed a chance to prove that to Chris. Snapper then revealed that a research and teaching fellowship he applied for in cardiology months ago finally came through. So that they could make a new start, Snapper wanted Chris to pack up and move to London with him for three months, where he would be working in a world-famous hospital. Chris was overwhelmed and torn — the timing couldn't be worse!


Because she was hurting over losing Lance, Lorie told Victor she couldn’t go abroad with him. Since time and distance were the best cure for what she was going through, Victor urged her to take the cruise. He even agreed to let Lorie go alone, to recover. "Your happiness is just what I want. Have the time of your life and forget your sorrow." Lorie gave in and decided to take the trip.


Determined to stop Kevin from marrying Nikki, Allison suggested she and Earl buy her off. Allison offered Nikki a generous lump-sum down payment and then a monthly income for the child and for herself until she remarried or whatever she wanted to do. Nikki refused the "handout" and said if Kevin wanted to walk out on her, she would tell Victor it was her idea. Kevin insisted he wanted to marry Nikki.


Lance let Leslie know that he had resolved his past with Lorie and was ready to go on with his life. "I want to take you along with me, Leslie, into the future. I love you. And want you to be my wife." Stunned, tears of joy came to Leslie's eyes. Lance took her into his arms.



MAY 1982


Jack Abbott warned Patty Williams that his father John would do anything to cause trouble between them. Patty pointed out that Jack could prove his father was wrong about the things he told her by asking her to marry him! Jack couldn't bring himself to say those words, though. Because she felt her dream of marrying Jack was crumbling around her, Patty decided to move back home.


When Snapper Foster sensed his wife Chris' reluctance to move overseas with him, she admitted big things might be happening in her modeling career — that was why she was so hesitant about moving to London. It was the worst possible timing for her to leave the country. "I've changed," Chris revealed. "I need a career and an identity." When Snapper asked if Chris' career was more impor-tant to her than their marriage, she said that was an unfair question. Snapper retorted it was a fair question. He was giving them a chance to put their marriage back together and she was telling him she didn’t want any part of it. Chris said that although she wanted to repair their marriage, the contract with Jabot was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. "I hope our relationship is not over, but if it is, I’m strong enough to stand on my own." Snap saud he hoped Chris would change her mind. They embraced and kissed. Soon after, Snapper left for London — alone.


Just as she was about to leave for her parents' home, Jack begged Patty not to go— he had a question he wanted to ask her. "I want you to marry me, Patty. I want you to be my wife." Patty couldn't believe what she was hearing. Jack assured her this was what he had always wanted — he was just waiting for the right time. "Yes, I'll marry you, Jack Abbott!" Patty cried. "And I'll love you, and make you happy for the rest of my life. I promise you." They melted into a very passionate kiss. When Patty broke the news of her engagement to her parents, Mary and Carl, they were shattered but wished her the best. They only wanted Patty to be happy, even though they were convinced Jack was the wrong man for their daughter.


When Jill Foster learned that John was going to be working late at the office, she paid him a visit, determined to make a last try for him. Much to Jill's surprise, John asked her out to dinner. Although she was supposed to have dinner with Andy at Liz and Stuart's house, Jill accepted John's invitation. Going for broke, Jill told John she had missed seeing him. Someday she would like to explain why she hurt him so badly once. John remained implacable. But later that evening, John phoned Jill and told her that someday he would like to hear her explanation, then hung up. Jill didn’t know what to make of John's call, but at least she knew she didn't blow her last chance with him.


With Victor Newman as her best man, Nikki Reed and Kevin Bancroft were married in a lovely ceremony at the ranch. Moments after Nikki and Kevin had been pronounced husband and wife, she fainted!


Afraid that Jill had lost Andy for good, her mother Liz urged her to make things right with him. "That man loves you. But he's not gonna wait around, takin' your abuse, while you chase after a pipedream with John Abbott. And in the long run, you're gonna end up with nothing but a heart full of dreams." Liz's words were not lost on Jill.


Nikki was taken to the hospital. After Dr. Wallace examined her, he told Kevin that so far the baby was all right, but Nikki was spotting and cramping a little. Since it could be serious, Dr. Wallace wanted to keep Nikki under observation.


Hoping to make amends with Andy, Jill begged him to come over to the house, and he agreed. Although Jill reiterated her love for Andy and assured him he could trust her, Andy demanded some answers. Jill lied that she didn't show up for dinner because she had been looking for work. She hadn't told him about it because she was so afraid she wouldn’t find a job. Jill won Andy over and he easily forgave her. "I'm in love with you, remember?" They embraced warmly. Relieved Andy bought her story, Jill then seductively invited him to spend the night with her.


After a bitter fight with her husband Stuart over Snapper and Chris, Liz told Stuart she was moving out! Liz felt it was best if she went back home. "I feel I don't belong here. Maybe I never did. I need some time." Stuart stared incredulously at Liz as she walked out the door. He couldn't believe this was really happening.


Since they were planning to be married, Leslie Brooks and Lance Prentiss decided to tell Brooks that Lance was his real father. "I'm your father," Lance reveals to Brooks, "and my brother Lucas he's your uncle." Confused, Brooks couldn’t quite accept this revelation of Lance's and asked to be alone. When Leslie and Lance later went up to Brooks' room, they found their son was gone! Brooks wended his way to the lake-house and when the maid told him Lucas had gone out, Brooks made up his mind to find him. As a storm is raging, he climbed into a rowboat and screamed out for Lucas. Some time later, Lucas found Brooks lying near the shoreline. Relieved his boy was still alive, Luke embraced him tightly. He was so terrified Brooks had drown in the storm. Back at the lakehouse, Brooks sobbed to Lucas that he had to find him ... he had to be with him. "Please don't be mad at me," he begged. "I love you, Daddy. I love you so much. You won't let anyone take me away, will you? I don't want any other daddy but you." Lucas' heart was breaking in two. Why did he ever allow Lance to tell Brooks the truth? How could he have been so willing to give up his son?


Jill met John for dinner and told him how sorry she was for hurting him when he was just beginning to trust her and believe in her. "I realize you can probably never forgive me. What happened is not something I've taken lightly. A little part of me died when I hurt you that way," Jill admitted tearfully. Beginning to soften a little, John explained how he felt when he found Jill in bed with Jack: "The woman I was falling in love with — at that moment, I realized she wasn't you. She couldn't be you." He confessed he built up an unrealistic conception of who and what Jill was. He had put her on a pedestal...thought of her as an idealistic fantasy — pure, perfect, untouchable. Jill made it clear she was none of those things and never would be. "If I were to forgive you for what happened so long ago, what then? What are your hopes, Jill?" Jill answered it would mean so much to her if he would forgive her, but admitted she was hoping for more. Her fantasy was that they could totally erase the past and start with a clean slate. His feelings for Jill beginning to resurface, John agreed to start anew. Tears of happiness sprang to Jill's eyes as she assured John she was very much available to him. She didn't even think about Andy for a second, or that she was supposed to marry him,


Deeply upset that Brooks couldn’t accept him as his father, Lance told Leslie he couldn’t marry her. If they were to wed, Brooks would think Leslie was abandoning hiss. "I won't, I can't, inject myself into his Iife. It's obvious there's only one father Brooks wants or needs — and that's Lucas. I just hope someday Brooks will come to understand and forgive me." Leslie assured Lance that would happen, and they kissed lovingly.


Although Victor invited Nikki and Kevin to stay with him at the ranch while she was pregnant, Nikki decided to move back to her old house with Kevin. Soon after they arrived, Nikki informed her new husband they would be sleeping in separate bedrooms because her doctor had told her not to make love for a while or it could cause her to miscarry. Kevin reluctantly went along with it but deep down felt rejected.


At Chris' urging, Stuart went over to see Liz at her old house and told his wife he had missed her — he wanted Liz to come home. Liz admitted that although she cared deeply for Stuart, part of her felt like she didn't belong in his world. She felt like a stranger — someone who was on the outside looking in on him and his family. "How can I come back into your life when I don't really feel I belong there?" Stuart left, disheartened.


Lorie confessed to Lucas that she didn't go to Greece. She went somewhere else and interviewed men and women involved in big business who had dealings with Victor. Lorie said she needed information from Lucas about the way Victor had been running Prentiss Industriss — who he had stabbed in the back since he had taken over. When Lucas asked why Lorie wanted this data, she said only that she was doing whatever she had to do, to get the company back to him and Lance.

When Robert mentioned he was having a problem finding a house for himself and his daughter, Lance offered to lease Vanessa's house to Robert. Lance admitted the house held too many memories for him to continue living there.


Paul let Mary know that April wrote and told him their relationship was over. She had met someone who wanted to marry her and so she wanted a divorce from Paul.


Robert revealed to Lorie that because Lance had no reason to remain in Genoa City anymore, he had left town indefinitely. Through tears, Lorie vowed « I know that I will see him again . . . someday. And when I do, l'm going to give him his company back. And I'm going to give him my love. »


When Patty pressed Jack to set a wedding date, he tried to make her realize how much she would be giving up to marry him. "Marrying me right now, you're not giving yourself any opportunity to become self-sufficient. You'll be totally dependent on me as your husband." Jack pointed out to Patty all the opportunities available to women today and said she would be limiting herself by not reaching out to build her own life and develop her talents Patty argued that all she wanted was to be Jack's wife. When Jack said he wondered if this was the right time for them to get married, Patty accused him of trying to get out of setting a wedding date. John interrupted and suggested Jack be honest with Patty. To spite his father, Jack agreed to marry Patty! Tears of joy in her eyes, Patty fell into Jack's arms and embraced him tightly. They kissed. When Patty invited Danny to the wedding, he refused the invitation as he couldn’t forget his own feelings for Patty.


Lorie confessed to Leslie that she was going to write an expose on the real Victor Newman. "I'm going to bring that man to his knees!" she declared determinedly. She would then use the book to force Victor into giving the company back to Lance and Lucas.


While Nikki was out of the house, Caroline showed up and told Kevin his mother told her the real reason why he married Nikki. Caroline admitted she could almost feel sorry for Nikki, except that she married the man Caroline loved, the man she thought loved her. When Kevin said that was all behind them, Caroline pointed out that people didn't turn off their feelings to easily. Kevin said although he cared deeply for Caroline, he had taken vows he couldn't break. Caroline admitted she not only loved Kevin, she admired him for being such a strong, honorable man. "I love you ... now more than ever. I'll always love you - no matter what happens." Just as they were about to kiss, Nikki walked in, furious at what she was seeing. When Caroline said she could explain if Nikki would just give her a chance, Nikki demanded Caroline get her "sticky paws" off Kevin, then she would listen to whatever she had to say. Caroline confessed that Allison told her the real reason why Kevin had to marry Nikki. She went on to say she was hurt that Nikki and Kevin pretended to be so much in love — why couldn't they have just told her the truth? Nikki replied that she and Kevin tried to spare her feelings. Refusing to accept that, Caroline admitted she had come to see if Kevin was happy, and if he wasn't, she was not going to let Nikki ruin his life. "I gave up too easily before, but I didn't know all the facts," Caroline told Kevin. "Well, I'm not going to back away yet. If Nikki wants you, she's going to have to do more than to get herself pregnant!"


While Andy was at the house, Jill suddenly pretended she was not feeling well, then later sneaked out for dinner with John Abbott. When Liz found out what Jill had done, she waarned her daughter she was going to lose Andy if she kept two-timing him this way.


Paul told his father Carl he had been searching for a new direction in his life and thought he had found it at last. Carl beamed with pride when Paul revealed he wanted to follow in his footsteps and join the police force. "I couldn't be any prouder right now if you told me you were running for President!" Father and son embraced tightly. Mary, however, was afraid for her son.


Kevin and Nikki began arguing bitterly in front of Caroline over the fact that they were not sharing a bed. Furious with Kevin for bringing that up, Nikki shouted. "You and your precious Caroline can do anything you like together. I'm getting the hell out of here and if I never see you again, it won't be too soon!" With that, Nikki slammed out the front door. Nikki showed up at Kay's house and informed her she had left Kevin! "If Caroline wants Kevin, she can have him. I never should have married him in the first place." After Nikki told Kay all about her fight with Kevin, Kay said she thought Nikki was playing the "wronged wife" for Victor's benefit in hopes of moving back in with him. If Nikki didn’t  want to stay married to Kevin, Kay pointed out, she would have to tell him the truth. Nikki realized if she did that, Kevin would tell Victor and then she wouldd lose them both. Kay urged Nikki to return to Kevin and make a go of their relationship.


Nikki did as Kay suggested and apologized to Kevin for making such a scene. When she tried to seduce Kevin as a way of making up to him, he became enraged with Nikki for using sex to bargain with him and ordered her never to do it again. "Don't do me any favors, Nikki. I can sleep alone till hell freezes over and it won't bother me one bit!" Nikki slapped Kevin's face and shouted, "As far as I'm concerned, you will!" Though they both fell rejected, Kevin and Nikki were turned on by this quarrel. He grabbed her and kissed her angrily, then showed Nikki away fro him and stormed up to his room Despite Nikki's fury, she found herself for the first time wanting Kevin.


Robert confided in his wife Claire's doctor that he was divorcing her because he needed to get on with his life. Dr. Marshall said he was not surprised, since Claire had shown no signs of progress for the past 16 years, and it seemed no conventional treatment was going to release whatever was blocking her mental function. Before going to the courthouse to obtain his divorce, Robert stopped by to see Claire in the mental institution. With much pain in his heart, he told her their marriage was going to be over that day. "I have no choice but to do this, because I can't, and I won't, go on this way — tied to a memory that's tormented me — that's given me nothing but pain and anguish for so many, many years." Robert begged Claire to say something to him, but she just stared ahead vacantly. "How could this happen to us? What we had was so precious, so important to me. I would have gladly waited until the end of my life if you would have given me one word, one sign of encouragement these last 16 years." Robert added that even after they were divorced, there wouldn’t be a day that went by that he wouldn’t pray for Claire. While Robert's back was turned, Claire very slowly made her way toward him, a cold, hard stare in her eyes. When Robert turned around, Claire lunged at him! She screamed as Robert fought her off. Suddenly two orderlies burst in and free Robert from Claire's grasp. Robert was horrified. After a doctor injected Claire with a sedative, she was silent and docile again. As he left, Robert whispered with tears in his eyes, "Good-bye, Claire. God be with you." Robert asked Leslie to redecorate Lance’s old house he had leased for him and his daughter Angela. She agreed.


Hoping to get into the files at Prentiss Industries for "dirt" on Victor, Lorie asked him to give her a lob at the company. She complained that her life was at a very low ebb and she needed to do something that would fill her time and force her to use her brains and creativity. Although Victor was skeptical about Lorie's sudden "need" for a job, he said he would like to see her writing skills to help create a new corporate image for Prentiss Industries. Because he wanted to wipe out any misgivings people might have about how he acquired Prentiss Industries, he would like Lorie to write a series of articles that would show Lance never took full advantage of the opportunities of his position and that Victor was the better man for the job. When Lorie balked at the idea, Victor pointed out, "You said you wanted success in business. This is your down payment. Aren't you willing to pay it?" Although it was killing her inside, Lorie agreed to write the expose on Lance.


Pete Walker, who was behind a big vice racket in Genoa City which Carl Williams was trying to break up, "suggested" one of his hookers, Pam, get herself arrested for possession of cocaine to that Carl would bail her out in exchange for phony information. Pete Walker was determined to wipe Carl out and use Pam to help him do the job! Later that day, after Pam was arrested, Carl told her if she wanted his help and protection, she would have to give him the information he needed on her "bosses." Because she didn't  want to appear too easy and make Carl suspicious, Pam insisted she needed a few days to think about spilling her guts to him.


After Kevin admitted to Victor how bad things were between him and Nikki, Victor asked Nikki why she was trying to wreck her marriage. Nikki confessed it was because she loved Victor. All he had to do was say the word and she would come back in a minute. Victor urged Nikki to forget about her feelings for him by going to bed with Kevin until she had got Victor out of her system. Unable to accept that, Nikki asked Victor to hold her one last time. Although he hesitated at first, Victor gave in and kissed Nikki tenderly. After he was gone, Nikki whispered to herself with desperate confidence: "You still love me, Victor. I'll get you back someday. And next time, I'll never let you go."


The following day, Victor paid Nikki another visit and told her their relationship was finished. It was over the day she married Kevin. "I've got to get you out of my blood now and I can, believe me." When Nikki insisted Victor loved her, he revealed he had begun seeing Lorie Brooks — he had been attracted to her for years. Thrusting in the knife, Victor declared if he were to have an affair with Lorie, she wouldn't be stupid enough to get pregnant! Furious, Nikki shouted for Victor to get out —she never wanted to see him

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Does anyone have August 12, 2004 episode - Cameron Kirsten arrested?


Someone uploaded August 11, 2004 episode - Nick/Sharon/Cameron on the plane to the vault. Just wondering if that same person is here and has the above episode, as well?

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I think the latest episodes uploaded were from May 1982 but I also post June for those interested to finish with Jack and Patty's wedding.


JUNE 1982


After Pam Warren's released on bail, she begged policeman Carl Williams to meet her in an out-of-the-way coffee shop. Carl was stunned when he saw that she hds a black eye and a black-and-blue mark on one cheek - actually, it was only make-up -. Pam lead Carl to believe it was a "warning" from the people she worked for. Carl again offered Pam protection if she would cooperate with him. Pete Walker told Capt. Alex Morgan, who was taking payoffs from him, that he was getting ready to make a move involving Carl Williams. Pete warned Alex to put some distance between himself and Carl or he would go up in smoke with him!


John Abbott summoned his son Jack into his office and let him know how pleased he had been with Jack's performance at the office lately. Delighted Jack had been taking full responsibility for his future, John offered him the presidency of Jabot as a wedding present! Jack would become the company's new president on the day he married Patty, and John would stay on as chairman of the board. Jack just stared incredulously at his father. When Jack asked if John was giving him a figurehead position or real power, John said he wanted Jack to know he believed in him. "I want you to begin this new facet of your life on the same day you begin your life with Patty. I'd like your wedding day to be a whole new beginning for you. I'd like to see that day be a new beginning for US, as father and son. I'd like us to learn to reach out to each other, to become close. To work together in the business. Perhaps even become friends. That's what I'm trying to tell you by making this offer." Although they both wanted to express their deep emotions, neither was able to. Father and son just shook hands as Jack thanked John for this gesture of his faith in him. For the first time in many years, Jack gave his father a very brief masculine embrace.


After receiving additional "instructions" from mob leader Pete Walker, Pam phoned Carl and asked him to meet her. She told him she hadn't been "working" because she didn't want to get beat up again. Believing he had this gal exactly where he wanted her, Carl asked Pam how she got involved in "the life." Pam claimed she began working as a prostitute to pay off her brother's sizable gambling debts. Two men who worked for her brother's loan shark suggested she talk to the bartender at The Golden Touch, a sleazy bar where she picked up many of her "johns." When Carl tried to glean more information from Pam, she said she had given him all she could, then insisted she had to leave.


Robert Lawrence had been flirting with Leslie Brooks, who was helping redecorate Lance’s former house he had leased for he and his daughter. He was stunned when Dr. Marshall phoned and let him know there had been a change in Claire's condition, but he shouldn't get his hopes up too high because it might not be that significant. For the first time in 16 years, Claire had begun speaking. Robert’s daughter, Angela, arrived in Genoa City and was looking forward to having Robert all to herself. Robert visited Claire after Dr. Marshall’s phone call. She was indeed speaking but she only kept repeating Angela’s name. Leslie, who got really closer to Robert while redecorating his house, had to go on a concert tour.


After Jill Foster returned from a disappointing date with John, she found her boyfriend Andy Richards waiting for her at the house. Andy reaffirmed his love for Jill and said he wanted a future with her. He pulled out a ring box and handed it to Jill. When Jill opened the box and saw how tiny the diamond was, she felt let down, but did her best to hide it from Andy. "The ring comes with all the love in my heart," he said, then slipped the ring on Jill's finger. They kissed.


Carl warned Pam that if she didn’t give him the complete truth about who ran The Golden Touch, he will dropped his protection of her in a second, When Carl inquired if she knew Pete Walker, Pam nervously admitted she did know who he was, but didn't know anything about him. She said someone named Phil Carter was the only boss of The Golden Touch that she knew — he was the manager of the place. Carl ordered Pam to do some snooping, because he wanted to know more about the chain of command. He wanted names from Pam —who was the real boss. When Pam said she shouldn't have gotten involved in this. Carl assured her nothing terrible was going to happen to her. "That's easy for you to say!" Pam retorted. "You're not the one who's running the risk. Do you know what happens if Phil Carter or anyone else finds out I've been talking to you? I'm dead, mister. Worse than dead. They'll cut me in pieces first!" Meanwhile, Pete ordered one of his men to look over Carl's house and find out who lived there, when they came and went and what their habits were. "Remember where Carl Williams lives, 'cause when you're finished, I'm gonna have another little job for you," Pete added with an evil look on his face.


Mary Williams was very upset about Carl's in-volvement in this vice investigation. She knew the job had to be done, but why by her husband? She feared they would all be contaminated by Carl's association with the prostitutes and other low-lifes he had to associate with.


John Abbott was completely sincere when he offered to pay for Patty's wedding, or at least help the Williams family defray the expenses. He wanted the wedding to be just as beautiful as they hope for their wonderful Patty. Mary thanked him and said she would mention it to Carl. Carl was feeling the pressure of money, but his pride refused to allow him to accept money from Jack's father. Carl would pay for Patty's wedding himself. He would figure out a way to come up with the $3500 it took to pay for even the simple wedding they were planning. Somehow he would find a way, he vowed to his wife.


Paul was with his sister Patty as she shoped for her wedding gown. He saw her disappointment when she came across the perfect bridal gown, but knowing it cost $750, she determinedly talked herself into loving a dress that cost $150. While Patty was in the dressing room of the bridal department of the store, Paul arranged to buy the dress Patty really wanted. The saleswoman was so touched that she took $100 off the price. The remaining $650 cleaned out Paul's checkbook, but he felt it was worth it to make his sister as happy as he knew she would be when the dress was delivered to their house.


Pete warned Alex Morgan that he was being paid to keep Williams off Pete's back. The cop was getting too close, Pete said, and he warned Alex that he would be the first to fall if they were nabbed. But Pete wasn't relying solely on Capt. Alex Morgan. He had got a plan of his own that he would have one of his henchmen plant $3500 somewhere in Williams' house. Then he would get the word spread "on the street" that Williams was a crooked cop asking for protection money. Pam was to set him up for the final fall. Pete was looking forward to his plan's fruition because the police would be the ones to do the work! Carl Williams was being set up for one tremendous frame-up! Pete's henchman jimmied the lock of the Williams home, and began his search for the perfect spot to hide the $3500 so that it could be found when Williams was accused of taking money under the table. He hid in a closet when he heard Mary unlock the front door, prepared to strangle her if she found him. When Mary went to answer the phone, the henchman sneaked down to the basement, still in search of a hiding place that would look as if Carl himself had secreted the money. He found the perfect spot in Carl's work area of the basement. Corning down to the basement, Patty was very close to being strangled by the unseen thug when she was called upstairs — her gown had been delivered. While Patty, very moved by her brother's thoughtfulness and generosity, thanked him for her gorgeous gown, the thug managed to sneak out of the house, his job well done.


When Patty learned Danny Romalotti was planning on leaving town, she knew he was hurt by her upcoming wedding with Jack.


Carl met with Pam in a seedy coffee shop and told her he had to have proof of Pete Walker's activities and the names of all the higher-ups. Pam feigned great fear of her bosses, and reluctantly set up a meeting later on at her apartment. They would go separately. She found herself quite moved when Carl gave her a pretty compact to that every time she looked into the mirror she would think of what she could be if she went straight. By the time the "word" had been spread about his being on the take, Carl showed up at Pam's apartment. He noticed that she seemed to be stal-ing about giving him the names he needed, but he didn’t see her drugging his coffee. By the time he passed out, he had just begun to realize what Pam did to him. As he lay unconscious, on her bed, he had no idea that she had been part of a scheme to ruin him on the force. Pam did feel twinges of guilt for betraying him, but she really felt she had no choice. She, too, was forced. She had arranged for her friend Cindy to discover her and the mess Carl made as he staggered around from the drug. She planted some pills in Carl's pocket, and waited for the police to come.


John’s elder daughter, Ashley Abbott came home unexpectedly after she graduated from college. Her father saw the ceremony, then he went on to other daughter Traci's high school graduation. Like Jack, Ashley bore the scars of being deserted by their mother so many years ago. But she sided with her father, while Jack sided with their mother. When Ashley met Patty, she found it hard to believe that Jack would marry anybody, let alone such a wholesome, innocent girl as Patty. Ashley wondered if Patty could make Jack change. Jack wanted to live up to Patty's picture of him, and he wanted the presidency of the firm, but he hated these sessions with Patty's priest, and he was very attracted to the beautiful Diane, a model at Jabot.


Lorie Brooks realized that Nikki Bancroft suspected her of being up to something that had to do with Victor Newman, and she knew that Nikki was as intent on protecting the man she loved as Lorie was on returning Prentiss Industries to Lance. Nikki, meanwhile, vowed to find out just what Lorie was up to. Kay advised Nikki to get along with Lorie to get into Victor’s good grâces. In San Francisco, Allison Bancroft convinced her son Kevin’s former girlfriend Caroline to return to Genoa City and fight for Kevin, rescue him from the clutches of the despicable Nikki.


Kevin admitted to Victor that things weren't working out between him and Nikki. Nothing he did seemed to please her, and Kevin got the feeling he had robbed her of something. "I'm making her miserable. Me, Kevin, her husband! Nikki doesn't even want me in the same house, let alone the same bed. She doesn't want any part of me!" When Victor offered to have a talk with Nikki, Kevin begged him not to interfere. Kevin realized what a big mistake it was for him and Nikki to get married.


In Pam's apartment, Carl suddenly realized she put a drug in his coffee. Although he tried to leave, he was too far gone to be able to unlock the front door. "You drugged me, dammit! You drugged me!" he shouted, lunging at Pam. A few moments later, he collapsed on the bed. Feeling levels of guilt mixed with fear, Pam stared at Carl's unconscious body and whispered, "Sorry it had to be you, Cop. They gave me no choice at all." Pam placed two of the pills Pete gave her in Carl's trouser pocket. She then arranged for her friend Cindy to mess her up and make it look like she had been raped! Pam instructed Cindy to tell the neighbors she heard her screaming, that it sounded like she was being attacked.


At Mother Bancroft's urging, Caroline paid Nikki another visit and announced she had come to Genoa City indefinitely. She was here to spend as much time with Kevin as he could spare. Caroline intended to fight Nikki for Kevin because she felt he was worth it. "I don't believe Kevin is happy married to you and I don't believe you'll ever make him happy, baby or no baby!" Caroline revealed she had come not only to break up the marriage but to pick up the pieces afterwards. "Kevin and I belong together. I've known that from the first time he kissed me." While Nikki wasn't looking, Caroline unobtrusively slipped a small envelope on Kevin's drawing table. "You don't scare me at all!" Nikki shouted. "I've got Kevin, and neither you nor anyone else is going to take hint away from me. He wants me. He's always wanted me. And you and that old windbag of a mother can't do a thing about it!" After Caroline had left, Nikki picked up a vase and threw it at the door.


When two police officers arrived at Pam's apartment, she told them Carl came on to her, but she tried to resist.  After she fought him off for a while, he passed out. Although the officers were somewhat skeptical of Pam's story, she declared she wanted to file charges against Carl. "This guy's gonna pay for what he did to me!" Pam later told Officer Davis of the Sex Crimes Unit that Carl threatened to frame her. She said she had to pay him over three grand or he'd put her up on phony charges. After Carl came to, he was taken down to the police station for questioning.


Jack's sisters, Traci and Ashley, were surprised when Patty asked them to be her bridesmaids. Patty wanted them all to be close, since she had never had any sisters of her own. Traci, however, was worried about her weight.


After reading Caroline's note, Kevin confronted her at her hotel room and asked why she had come back to Genoa City. "I want a straight answer!" he demanded. Caroline said she got to thinking and realized Kevin was trapped in an unhappy situation and was lonely. "I wanted to show you that you aren't trapped forever. Kevin, your marriage to Nikki can't last! There's nothing there to hold it together. I can give you everything Nikki is refusing to. I'll be your mistress ... and your friend. I'll do anything to make you happy." Kevin said it wouldn't work —he couldn’t love one woman and be married to another. Although Caroline declared her love for Kevin, he urged her to go home to San Francisco. But after Caroline forced Kevin to admit that was not what he really wanted, she decided to stay. Caroline melted into Kevin's arms.


Alex Morgan was stunned when Officer Davis told him Carl had been accused of attempted rape. Carl insisted he had been framed because he was getting too close to the truth. Since Pam had claimed that Carl was shaking her down for thousands of dollars, an investigator from Internal Affairs was brought into the case. He informed Carl that a team of investigators had been sent over to his house with a search warrant to look for money. "They can search wherever they want. I'd be very surprised if there's fifty bucks in my house," Carl said confidently. But, at the Williams home, one of the investigators found the money the thug planted in Carl's basement. Although he was sure the charges against him would be dropped, Carl was devastated when Capt. Black - of the Internal Affairs Division - told him his men found $3,700 in cash in the Williams home. "They planted it, dammit!" Carl shouted. He insisted Pete Walker — or somebody who worked for him — framed him.


Although only a few hours earlier Jill and Andy were celebrating setting their wedding date, when John Abbott phoned and asked her to meet him, Jill happily accepted the date! Liz was furious that Jill admitted loving John even after the wedding date was set with Andy. Jill also felt guilty because she hadn’t told John about having a son, Phillip.


Pleased with their work so far, Pete told Pam and his henchman Mike that he was to set her up in an apartment in Chicago. Pam was to call Investigator Davis and told him she was terrified of Carl and was leaving town until the trial. "We've got Williams, now let's finish him off and he'll never be a problem to us again," Pete said resolutely.


When Patty learned that Jack's best friend couldn’t stand up for him at the wedding, she suggested Jack ask Paul to be best man. Jack reminded Patty that Paul wasn't exactly fond of him, but later asked Paul to stand up for him — for Patty's sake.


After learning from Lucas that Victor had highly confidential files delivered to Prentiss Industries, Lorie resolved to find out what was in them. When she asked the file-room attendant if she could look through the personal files, the woman told her no — Victor was the only one who had a key. Desperate, Lorie later invitded Victor over for dinner, hinting that more than dinner would be included in the bargain. She was got to get that key from Victor, even if it meant going to bed with him! After dinner together, Lorie invited Victor into her bedroom. He was filled with anticipation.


Patty, all aglow over her wedding, asked Ashley to be her maid of honor, and she happily accepted. Although Paul would be part of the wedding party, Jack has asked John to be his best man.


Carl was utterly incredulous when Alex Morgan brole the news to him that Headquarters had decided to file departmental charges against him. He was even more upset when he learbed the department has suspended him, Carl shouted that he was not going to take this lying down, and walked out. Because it would ruin their daughter's wedding day, Carl couldn’t even share his burden with Mary. He asked Stuart Brooks not to publish anything about his suspension until after Patty’s wedding. Stuart agreed to his demand. A furious Carl pushed his way into Pete Walker's office and confronted him. "I'm on to you, Walker!" he shouted. "It's not going to work!" Carl declared he was not going to let up on Pete until he was locked him up for the rest of his life. Grabbing Pete by the throat, Carl pushed him back violently, causing Pete to fall to the floor. In a fit of anger, Carl knocked over a file cabinet and threw a liquor decanter across the room. He then brushed everything off Pete's desk and stormed out.


After Victor's houseboy told Nikki that Victor was at Lorie's apartment for the evening, she stopped by Lorie's and called out for her. Nikki's unexpected visit stopped Victor from consummating his night with Lorie and he left with Nikki, feeling more than a little disgruntled. Although Lorie was relieved she didn't have to make love with Victor, she was upset she didn't get the key Lucas was supposed to search for, either.


On the day of Jack's wedding, John gifted him with a lovely brass doorplate, reading: "Jack Abbott, president, Jabot Cosmetics." John gave his son an affectionate embrace. Ashley realized that Jack was marrying Patty only to get the presidency of Jabot. Jack's co-workers gathered together and threw a lively celebration for him at Jabot before he took his vows with Patty. Since the liquor was flowing freely, Jack downed a few too many drinks and ended up in bed with Diane, the sexy model he had been attracted to for weeks! Concerned that Jack was running late for the wedding, Ashley stopped by the photo studio and was stunned to find her brother in bed, drunk. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Diane coming out from some of the bedclothes piled on the bed, awakened by the commotion. Ashley was completely blown away. How could her brother do something like this when everyone was expecting him at the church?


A reluctant Danny finally agreed to attend Patty’s wedding. Ashley dragged her brother out of bed,  but Jack, bombed, made no effort to cooperate. In control of the situation, Ashley ordered Diane to help her get Jack into the shower.


Victor summoned Nikki over to the ranch and angrily told her he wanted to have a long-overdue talk with her. When Nikki said she was terribly sorry for walking in on him and Lorie the other night, Victor told her he knew his servant Charlie told her where he was. "Nikki, you've been lying to me, and if you've lied to me about this, what else have you lied to me about," He accused Nikki of going to see Lorie to keep tabs on him, but she said she was trying to protect Victor from being hurt by Lorie. Victor argued that Nikki was trying to hurt him because she blamed him for her bad marriage. He declared that Nikki's behavior was becoming extremely annoying to him and to Lorie. "I want you to stop lying to me and stop pretending to suspect Lorie of some scheme to do me harm. If you meddle any more, I'll forbid you coming here and I won’t see you again, no matter what your problems are." He warned Nikki that if she did break up with Kevin, she couldn’t move back in with Victor. Crushed and hurt, Nikki lashed out: "I hope Lorie does mess up your business or whatever she's got in mind. I hope she pays you back for everything you did to me and to her boyfriend, Lance. Right now I'd help her if I knew how!"


Before leaving, Nikki admitted she didn't mean what she said and said she still loved Victor. "You can't do this to me ... send me away and refuse to see me again ... you can't do it!" she sobbed. Nikki threatened to kill herself if Victor wouldn't see her any more. Victor agreed to see her occasionally, but she had got to give him her word she would stay away from Lorie Brooks. Nikki promised she would never go near Lorie again. Col. Austin was not convinced and wondered whether Lorie and Nikki were working together against Victor.


Much to everyone's relief, Ashley managesd to get Jack to the church in the nick of time. A radiant Patty and a still slightly tipsy Jack were united as husband and wife in a lovely religious service at the Sacred Heart Church. A large reception was held afterwards for the newlyweds, and luckily, no one spilled the beans about Carl's suspension. Danny sang for Patty. Shortly before Jack left on his honeymoon, Ashley angrily warned him that if she ever got the slightest impression he hads been unfaithful to Patty, she would blow his marriage right out of the water — and Jack out of the president's office! "Happy honeymoon, big brother," Ashley said sadly. When Patty threw her bouquet, who should catch it but Diane! Furious, Ashley told Diane she never wanted to see her again and ordered her to leave the reception at once!

Some new clips from June July are available ! 
I noticed Joe Blair appeared before Jack’s wedding. I thought the character only appeared beginning 1983 !

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I have been so happy to see 1982 ! The Lorie/Victor/Lucas story is way better than I thought. Loved seeing Julia for a bit.

Wish we would see more of Jill/John/Andy though.


I loved the scenes between Traci and Angela. It must have been one of the earliest appearances of Mamie too !

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Firstly, thank you to @ChickenNuggetz92 for setting everything up and secondly, thanks to those who added everything. I'm almost done the 1982 segments that are up so far.


1982 was the big transition year and who knows how much of Bill Bell's original plans for that year changed because of everything going on off screen. Case in point, if MTS wasn't pregnant and JLB didn't leave, could Victor and Lorie have ended up as the end game couple instead of Victor and Nikki?


The Bayou is clearly no Magic City

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 (Side note: Magic City is a strip club in Atlanta that was in the headlines recently.) Daytime dramas were alot more scandalous and shocking in the early 1980s. I guess once AIDS happened things changed. 


It was a treat to see the beginning of the Abbotts. I think the Abbott house was added when John Abbott returned and Bill Bell expanded the family w/ Mamie, Ashley, and Traci. The Abbotts would also be almost all recasts within their first decade but Bill Bell kept the Abbotts instead of replacing them with a new family like he did with the original families. To think that July 2020 should have been Terry Lester's 40th anniversary on Y&R, sadly that wasn't meant to be.


Robert Laurence would return as a prosecutor. I think he was part of the George Rawlins murder mystery but I do remember seeing Robert as the prosecutor during Danny's drug trafficking trial. Not long after Peter Brown started on B&B.


Like I said before, it's amazing how Y&R survived its first decade then thrived for the most part during its next 15 years.

Edited by kalbir
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