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I've seen only one scene from the Suzanne Lynch story and even that scene was one big WTH? for me.  (Kay stabbed Suzanne to death, but not really?  Or something like that.  Anyway, it was weird.)

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Hello does anyone have any Y&r episodes from 1988 through 1991 I want episodes with Clint and Gina and the storyline when he kidnapped Katherine and replaced her with Marge Cotroke and I want episodes when he returned briefly in 1991 and I want some episodes from the 2000s I want ones with Colleen, JT, Tricia and when Kevin Fisher came to GC Through 2010

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The late 70s and early 80s for Y & R sound interesting to me... while the show went back to the basics by the mid 80s (with Bill Bell admitting he was trying to follow the trends of soaps during that period).. some of those gothic esque stories sounded interesting to me... Suzanne Lynch, Vanessa Prentiss, even the Robert/Angela Lawrence stories sounded interesting to watch.


Was it Bill Bell or Kay Alden that did the Joshua and Veronica Landers story?  It seemed interesting, but than it veered off into just having Victor/Nikki remarry on a whim that really led to nothing really interesting (other than Diane's woman scorned  story).

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Lol yup I would give anything to see 79-83 at least cause it's funny at one time all the families were on the show at the same time fosters,Brooks,Williams,Prentiss, Abbot and including Newman that must have been quite a show during the transition period

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Bell did most of it and Alden finished it off/did the climax.



I don't know if I'd call it a "just". The shooting/remarriage sparked a ton of the next few years' worth of story: Diane and Victor's bitter divorce battle, the Newman takeover, SpermGate, Nikki and Brad 2.0, Victor's attempt to seize Jabot again, Nikki going into business, etc. So many developments in those few years can be traced back to that.

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That's soooo true and hard to imagine these days. I started watching Y&R during the mid 90s but later got to watch 1986-1988 and was SHOCKED that Miguel and the Newman Ranch et al. existed, but Victor was just one of many characters and Newman Enterprises didn't properly serve a function back then.

What a treat!!!! Thanks a lot

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That scene was supposed to be so dramatic, but it ended up being unintentionally hilarious. Katherine had stabbed Suzanne and TPTB put perhaps a tablespoon of VERY dried ketchup (or what looked like ketchup) on her dress to look like blood. Relating the incidence, Katherine wailed, "There was blood...SO MUCH BLOOD!" But no...there wasn't. There was the teensiest amount possible, and it was already dry 10 seconds after the stabbing. Production really bungled that scene. I laughed my butt off.

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