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Thanks for sharing all this! Some juicy stuff! 


Ed Scott just sounds like a very shady person....VR snapped at him once because he apparently tried to encourage the women on the show to have some laser surgery on the eyes because it would have "improved the lighting" during their scenes...


i love all the praise Jeanne seemed to Give her younger co workers, surprised not really anything on the Brooks girls though? I heard she was also close with JLB though, they barely interacted.


i knew about the relationship with Beau Kazer, but never knew she dated Quinn Reddeker IRL....I think that's kind of neat their romance onscreen blossomed into real life for a bit.


Lol about the Felipe being "Katherine's true love" I almost want to hope Jeanne is kidding but something tells me she isn't.


thats very sad how the early 90s were rough on her, and dealing with Ed And Melody Scott's B.S.....Katherine was really just a talk to, by the time she remarried Rex, I can't imagine how she felt when they killed Rex off.

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Me too!  I had no idea she was so well acquainted with Marland. Oh, to not only get the chance to see JC and Liz Hubbard, but add it might have drawn a lot of additional interest to the superveterans-- Eileen Fulton, Don Hastings, Kathryn Hays, Larry Brygmann, etc. 

Would she have been related to Royce and Neal, I wonder?

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I don't know if I would've wanted her to be aligned with Royce/Neal, as I found that story to be a dud for me personally. It was pretty obvious that Royce had killed Neal, but if it would've put her at odds with Lucinda, I might've been OK with it. 


I do think that JC might've been a better for GL. Does anyone think she would've been a decent Alexandra recast?

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Maybe, but it might've been dependent on what JC wanted to portray. She may have had no interest in playing another wealthy aristocratic dame.  We know she had fun playing Marge and she may have wanted to play a blue collar character or someone in a totally different socio-economic milieu.

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It was fun reading all these! I read the book a few years back and really enjoyed it. Some of the stories that stuck were being told to sober up and, if she did, her job would be waiting for her,  the Peter Bergman one, and the 'break' with MTS, but I'd forgotten a lot of the rest. Of course, I will never forget when she directed people to watch a Y&R video I uploaded years ago. I gasped and couldn't believe it. I never had the chance to meet her, but this was our connection. 

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 I loved that she threatened to quit if both responsible parties didn't pay for their actions. I think it was only her who could have gotten away with that.

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If that's the case then should she had been made Meta or Trudy Bauer? 


I doubt that would've happened though as JFP had a hard on for the Coopers, and the show was all about building them up at that time. For all we know, she would've been sadly cast as Buzz mother. 

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Nothing about JLB or the Brooks at all!  (I did skip the opening and ending chapters, assuming they were more about Jeanne's personal life, so I may have missed something)


I think she was serious about Felipe

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 She spent awhile recounting the whole story of how Katherine fell overboard on the boat she was on with Derek... washed up onshore and met Felipe, and they fell in love.  She felt Katherine could have spent the rest of her days with Felipe, but she got an infection, and Felipe had to bring her to a mainland hospital for treatment.  He realized their worlds were too different and said goodbye to her.  Sounds like Jeanne enjoyed the story, but I have a feeling it was one of the early-80s misfire stories, after the show expanded to an hour.

Oh!  Is your vid the "Gina sings the YR theme" 1983?  That is so cool that you got a shout-out!

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I think a good chunk of the 1990s weren't very kind to Jeanne/Katherine, I'd say from the end of Kay/Marge until the estate battle. Jeanne even ranted to the soap press some time in the mid-1990s, when Nick/Sharon became the focus. Considering that, I wasn't surprised to read that she almost left in 1993. Had Jeanne gone to As the World Turns, I'm pretty sure she would've been connected to Terry Lester's Royce somehow. 



Between Jeanne's and EB's memoirs, and VR's "novels", we can compile a chart of who's had beef with whom LOL.


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I recall Eileen Fulton referring to Jeanne as a friend in her As My World Still Turns book. I can't recall if Jeanne attended her early 90's Cinegrill performance in LA, or just sent flowers, but I remember Eileen mentioning her, and I think Darlene Conley, as friends. 


Sadly, I'm not shocked by the issues with Ed Scott and MTS. Katherine was basically nothing  except a busybody, so Jeanne's annoyance made sense. MTS has always struck me as somewhat full of herself. I'm wondering if Ed Scott's issues with Jeanne were because he thought his precious wife should be regarded as the show's grand dame?


Does anyone know how Ed Scott and MTS got along with Lauralee Bell during this time? 

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For whatever reason, Bill Bell pulled the plug on Kay/Felipe. Felipe could have easily returned to GC and the'from two different worlds' story could have played out.

I may be messing up timelines, but after Kay and Felipe parted ways wasn't this when JC was offscreen for a few months without explanation and then Kay returned and hooked up with Cash.

Was Jeanne in rehab at that time, so Bell had to write out Felipe?

Or am I way off base?

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