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I think John and Marlena 2.0 could have still heated up with Don.  I guess it might have made Marlena look bad having feelings for someone else again, but John was 100% committed to Kristen at that point.  I always was annoyed that Marlena had to sit on the sidelines for so long without a love interest and John just got to have Kristen lol.   Don coming back was always just less messy than Roman and all that baggage, but they had a strong enough history to make it believable.  And Don's story was always so unfinished and as a lawyer he could have fit in a lot of places.  He could have helped John's case in Aremid.  Or Jack's case against Peter's murder.  He could've even helped Sami/Austin/Carrie with that Paris weird custody issue lol.  There were always a lot of possibilities for him.

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I see where you're coming from. I got fixated on getting Don back as soon as Jed was available. ETA: He could have popped up anytime from 1993-1998. And yes, the possibilities were there, they just weren't explored.


Sad but true, all around.

Edited by Franko
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Yeah Jed Allan was probably too old and too grounded in reality as a character for Reilly's vision of Days.  And also he was working on 90210.  


But they pick and choose how they want to mine Marlena's history on this show.  Even today she could have mentioned her losing DJ to Sarah, but did not.  I mean, does John even know Marlena was raped?  Has that fact even been mentioned since 1983?  

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I get the feeling that Dee Hall would rather forget about Marlena's rape.  It's the one storyline of hers that I've ever heard her criticize.

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Thanks!  I remember Marlena talking about it when the Sydney baby switch happened and Grace died.  Has Marlena mentioned her  rape anytime in the recent past?  I know it was a fairly big part of early Roman/Marlena.  Was it mentioned when Sami was raped?  I think it was, but it's been so long I forget.

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I've only had one video blocked which was a Y&R episode. I'm just getting nervous because I'm unclear on what I can and cannot publish, people keep speculating the channel will be taken down and I don't want my channel completely taken down. I was surprised the Y&R episode was blocked because the only warning I was initially given was that I couldn't monetize it. So, I've only privatized my Y&R and DOOL episodes since they are still in production and those shows seem to take things down regularly. A youtube search almost never reveals complete episodes of Y&R and DOOL but there are plenty of complete episodes of ATWT and GL. So I'm thinking it has to do with the shows still being in production. Hence why I privatized the Y&R and DOOL episodes even though I hadn't had any of my DOOL eps blocked yet. Better safe than sorry. The rules are just too ambiguous and I don't want to lose everything. It's a shame. I enjoyed sharing. 

Edited by BillBauer
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You're right.  I don't know why I thought it was Marlena.  I think Sami mentioned it?   After talking to Marlena off screen.  I swear it came up but I would have to re-watch for the exact details.  My memory is not as good as I thought lol.

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Bill Hayes (Doug) is celebrating his 95th birthday today! The happiest of birthdays, Bill!


Here's a look back at this very funny, great scene that he and Frances Reid (Alice) did in Episode # 2402, which aired 45 years ago, on June 9, 1975. This scene opened the episode, and was a very long 13 pages!!


# 2402 Doug's Place (New Day)

Doug and Ben are rehearsing an upbeat number, "You'd Be So Easy to Love." The hammers of the workmen remodeling are heard in the background. As the song progresses, it's almost as if their hammers are beating out a not-so-rhythmetic accompaniment. They stop a moment. The workmen's hammers fall silent. Doug shrugs and they start over on their tune. The hammering picks up again, growing in volume. Doug says :Maybe we should try it their way, with a Latin beat." Doug stops singing and the hammering stops again. Ben jokes "I bet they're not even union!" Doug says "Sure they are....That's their second ten-minute break in three minutes!" Ben: "Maybe we could all work out an arrangement of The Anvil Chorus.'"


Alice enters and watches Doug and Ben try to play louder than the workmen, to no avail. They give up. Ben exits. Doug turns and sees Alice. Doug: "Alice, I didn't hear you come in." Alice (yelling over the noise): "I'm not surprised." Doug says he can't get any work done. "From now on, I won't sing, just do soft shoe routines. And Ben's going to take up juggling." Alice asks if that noise will continue once Doug's Place opens for business. Doug: "We're supposed to have a schedule worked out, but I'm learning carpenters are more temperamental than chefs. Wait 'til you see the mess back there, all to remodel one teeny-weeny bitty apartment." Alice sits at the bar. Doug pours them each a coffee.


Doug asks Alice if she knows where he can get bedroom furniture for a room approximately six feet by three. Alice: "Good heavens! Whose room is that?" Doug: "Mine, the master bedroom...We needed the space so whomever I hired to take care of Hope will have a room of her own." Alice: "Have you considered a very small person?" Doug: "I'm at the point where I'd consider Genghis Khan, if he were good with children." Alice says she knows Doug is desperate, but the agency has had no one to send yet. Doug asks if Tom would consider renting HER out. Alice: "I doubt it. I think he'd be suspicious of the fringe benefits." Doug says he'll put an ad in the newspaper: "Wanted: Housekeeper for bachelor and little girl." Doug (more soberly)" "How about: Wanted: Housekeeper to MOTHER bachelor and little girl." Alice: "That's a little ambiguous." Doug: "You're right, and I wouldn't want a matronly type who was TOO motherly." Doug (reads with a flourish): "Hip bachelor needs hip motherly type to take care of little girl in newly-remodeled pad." "That should draw some attention." Alice: "I imagine it would."


Doug asks if he should throw in "catered meals and nightly entertainment." Doug starts to get carried away. Alice suggests a more sedate approach. Doug: "We don't want any ladies in tennis shoes applying." Alice: "We don't." Doug: "We can't have someone living here who isn't with it, Alice!" You don't want your granddaughter raised by a square, do you?" Doug now thinks up this for the ad: "Casual living but lots of love required." Alice: "Oh, Doug." Doug: "What I'm looking for is someone like you, who swings enough to give Hope a sunny, happy home." Doug says the ad will need more work, but he guesses it will get results. He puts the pad down and says he'll call the paper later. Doug: "Of course it'd be a lot easier if you'd take the job,,,and we hired a babysitter for Tom!" Alice (pretending tartly): "Not with THAT ad you won't, Doug Williams. If there's going to be lots of love required at MY house, I'll handle it!" Doug :"Right on, Mrs. H. You ARE with it, see?" Alice: "A swinger, eh?" (Shakes her head) You find out something new about yourself every day."


Doug grins, then asks if Alice has talked Julie this morning. Alice says she has not, but she's concerned about her. Doug asks why. Alice says she's afraid things haven't worked out too well for her and David. Doug (who knows the score): "It takes time, Alice." Alice says Julie isn't handling the situation with Brooke too well. Doug (carefully): "It's not easy for her to accept the fact David is so grown up ,and so hung up on a girl." Alice says that Julie fighting it isn't going to help. "I remember how I resisted when my boys started getting serious about girls." Doug asks what she did. Alice: "Keep my opinions to myself. Tom saw to that. He pointed out young people are inclined to be stubborn, especially boys, and if you make it plain you don't approve of something, that makes it all the more attractive to them. Doug: "Your husband's a wise man, Mrs. Horton." Alice: "I know. Unfortunately, Julie hasn't learned this when it comes to handling David."

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Bill Hayes looks better and has more energy at 95 than I do at 40, lol!


Happy Birthday, Mr. Hayes! 

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