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I remember Corday supposedly being involved with the huge changes for the worse at Soap Opera Weekly because they had some mild criticism of the soaps. I know soap magazines, like all other magazines, couldn't have lasted, but still, if a genuine place of constructive criticism had lasted longer, the soaps might not have careened so far off a cliff in quality and arrogance to any real change over the last two decades. 

Of course so many these days are so busy trying to have "shade," get likes, and have their pals laugh as they go on about an actor being too fat for them to get hard for, the constructive concerns are drowned out, but that's partly because the middleman between unfiltered fan views and a brain dead show was stomped out. 

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Mimi's perspective at Weekly & Michael Kape & Don West & Joanna ... something at their little one, what was it, Soap Opera Now? The only real critiques, the only actual analysis about ratings, them wuz the days. I remember that Corday was on a quest. If he'd ever marshaled that much energy focused on the quality legacy he inherited, DOOL today would be a different show.

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It should have happened. EJ was twisted enough to use Will to get back at Sami and Will was head strong enough to go against his mother. It would have been fire works. It didn't have to be a romance (maybe in Will's head) no need to make people love or ship this couple. It should have been a dark story. They were going there with Kristen at the time, dark I mean. 

Edited by will81
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