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The only story I remember involving Marie and an airplane was when she and Alex Marshall were in a plane crash and were stranded in the mountains.  That was around February 1981.  I think Lanna Saunders was gone before John Aniston arrived in 1985, so any story with Marie and Victor would have to have been during a guest appearance by Maree Cheatham.  I don't remember that happening though

Edited by jam6242
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In rewatching the John & Marlena affair story from '94 I noticed Roman was catching alot of flack for his harshness toward Marlena in the aftermath in the YouTube comments .  I understand why the affair happened now, but from Roman's perspective he involuntarily had years of his life stolen from him only to have another man living in his place and his wife now more in love with that man than him. To top it off she cheats on him and has the other man's baby

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His anger is very fair, but I think Wayne's Roman was always an 80's hero that was misogynistic as was popular at the time and didn't change.  But I think the main issue was that he didn't really outright say his issues with Marlena and his stolen life until that awesome fight posted in the December Days thread where Marlena says she drives defensively and was just an ass to everyone.  Roman was 100% the wronged party, but he was basically pretending like those stolen years didn't exist and was very absent for Marlena and his children the minute he came back.  He also, rightfully, had issues with John being close to his children and wife, but sorta lived in 1984 and ignored everything until it was too late.  Marlena was cowardly and often danced around the entire situation, but they definitely didn't talk about anything in a productive way, so it just spiraled out of control.  I don't think anyone ever would argue he was wrong (except obsessive Jarlena fans), but he sort of could have picked up his pride and forgiven Marlena and I don't think she ever would have cheated again and was locked in.  It was a tricky situation always because I never felt like anyone asked Marlena about how she felt, about her missing years, her lost time, etc and Roman didn't really fully understand John/Marlena loved one another outside the fact he was Roman.  It was a lot of miscommunication and they were all at fault. But Marlena never really spoke up about her issues either.  And I think Roman called her a whore and a slut A LOT and that was not okay for our precious Queen Marlena.  I also think him enabling Sami's hatred toward her mother didn't help.  That's honestly my biggest pet peeve in the entire affair.  He seemed to be happy Sami hated her own mother then peaced out before anything was resolved.  John was wrong in a lot of ways, but at least he faced everyone and never left.

Anyway, it was one of the most bizarre circumstances on soaps ever to happen and everyone felt a ton of guilt and Isabella was pregnant, so John/Marlena/Roman sort of just cut everything off and bookended it without every really exploring feelings and chaos ensued.

Edited by carolineg
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Good analysis @carolineg. It also surprised me how much vitriol Sammy had towards John considering that he raised her solo during the "Roman" years when Marlena was presumed dead. After the affair she turned and went full blown villain (which I'm enjoying).

This D.Goldenson YouTube channel is everything!

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Edited by ironlion
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Yeah, I never understood why Sami and early Jensen Ackles's Eric were so anti-John.  I mean, Sami was traumatized, and it did appear when AS first took over the role that her and John had a good relationship, but Eric had no reason to be so pro-Roman/Marlena.  Roman got to leave town, miss important events and milestones, let John solve satan and kidanpping issues, and everyone just thought Roman deserved to be rewarded for this?  Only on soaps are two twenty year olds that are on their own obsessed with their long divorced parents getting back together lol.  Poor Belle/Brady would grow up without their parents together, but as long as grown ass adults Eric and Sami got to see Roman/Marlena remarry everything was alright.  It was a bizarre obsession they both had for years and I am still not sure how it would have made their lives better especially when Marlena and John were specifically telling them they were in love.  And those two brats never acknowledged the fact that they would have been orphans if not for John for several years and probably grown up without their sister Carrie in their lives (which actually may have benefitted both Sami and Carrie but not the point...).

Turning Sami into a villian was genius though.  

Another reason why I am sure Roman was so mean to Marlena after the affair is that she basically publicly humiliated him in front of the entire town.  If it was more of a private matter, his reaction might have been different, but everyone knew.  Embarrassing.  Marlena really could have pulled him aside.  I appreciate the entire town leaving the church to give them some privacy because my nosy ass would have sat in the front pew and eavesdropped if I was there lol.

Edited by carolineg
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I appeciate Sami's loyalty. In other soap storylines I've seen the kids side with the person that raised them not considering the parent that was denied the opportunity. But Sammy's complete disdain for John is odd and perhaps unrealistic. But the storylines wouldn't have been juicy if everything was kumbaya. 

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I have no problem with loyalty.  It's just we never saw anything with Sami/Roman to indicate they were that close.  The timeline got weird with her aging so all our memories of Sami were of her being raised by John-so as a fan I felt no closeness between WN's Roman and Sami..  I have no problem with Sami siding with Roman at all, but her OTT rage, bitterness, and anger for years was silly.  Her disdain of John was unrealistic.   Him and Marlena made a mistake(s), but 99% of the time he was supportive and loving to Sami even when she was awful.

Anyway, I always thought it was such a weird concept Sami/Eric were so hellbent on their parents being together as an adult.  I am not sure how that would effect their lives that much in 1997.

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I tend to overthink things that are not on-screen a bit but couldn't her exagerated loyaltly to Roman in all of this be read in the context of her rivalry with Carrie? Trying to be the even better daughte but since it is not entirely felt and something of a demonstration she ends up overdoing it and clinging to it a lot longer than she had to.

Also: I always assumed the John thing was a convenient one-stop excuse to resent her mother for things more embarassing to explicitly admit to like, once again, her jealousy of Carrie.

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Yeah, I mean that's probably 100% likely.  Plus her upbringing made her overly sensitive to her family being torn apart due to all the instability.  There are motivations.  But her constantly blaming Carrie, John, Marlena, everyone for her poor choices forever was obnoxious.  And Sami holding Roman to such a high standard/pedestal when he all but abandoned her (after the affair) was hard to explain away.  From what we literally saw on screen, Roman would let Sami get away with a lot of things and actually wasn't that awesome of a parent.  It might just me my take, but Sami was great at 'woe is me' none of this wouldn't happened if Carrie/John/Marlena weren't evil, but she's delusional.

I liked Sami as a villian and it was a contrast to how you think Roman/Marlena's daughter would end up.  If anyone would be bad you would think it would be Carrie with her being Anna's daughter and being an older, more aware child of the Roman/RoJohn/Marlena trauma.   

I guess I was personally annoyed that John/Marlena got hatred from Sami for years, but Roman got a free pass for leaving and being incommunicado for years.


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