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Judging by the unbridled vitriol Jessica directs at Marie once she does find out the truth, I get the feeling that's precisely the case.

Yeah, I really don't understand the whole surrogate business to come, but I'm sure we will get a clearer picture when those months start popping up.


It absolutely seems that Jessica was meant to be Laemmle's big young ingenue, but she comes off to me as so prissy and unlikeable, it's hard to see her in that role. I'm sure Jean Bruce Scott was able to soften a lot of those edges we read about here, but the writing really does her no favors.

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Idk that much about it either, but it sounds confusing. Maggie was gonna be a surrogate, but then she decided to keep the baby. And then she didn't know who the father was for a while, I think. And then she thought she was going to have twins, but Neil made the wrong diagnosis or something. It sounds convoluted lol

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Going off the Tune in Tomorrow recaps, the storyline was labored from the get-go. Maggie wants to be a surrogate! Mickey won't let her! He agrees, but isn't sure she'll be able to give the baby up! Maggie's friends with Stuart! Now she's friends with Evan! Either way, she's too close for comfort! Evan's the daddy! Evan wants his baby! Never mind about the couple Maggie was carrying the baby for!*

*They apparently weren't that important in the scheme of things. I can't help but think of how surrogate stories would be told later in the decade after the Baby M mess.

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IMO, it didn't make sense for Maggie to agree to be a surrogate when she was yearning so much for a baby of her own.  It's as if they wanted to replicate the Doug/Rebecca surrogacy storyline from the Pat Falken Smith era without taking Maggie's history into account.

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Yes he was around with Roman.  And then his mom came back and got custody I think.  The reason Roman didn't want Marlena to get close to Carrie at first was because she just lost Johnny and he was afraid Anna would leave with Carrie and upset Marlena.  I remember thinking Johnny was extremely obnoxious in all scenes. m Glad they shipped him off in favor of Carrie and future Roman/Marlena kids.

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With all this talk about Johnny, don't be surprised if/when he suddenly pops up in present-day Salem.  You know how much Ron Carlivati loves to do that kind of thing. 

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Could you even imagine?  Since no one has mentioned him since like 1983?  Perfect.  Total Ron.  The last thing Marlena/Roman/John need is another wayward fake kid.

On a separate note, I am surprised they never brought Don back.  He would have been perfect in the 90's to help Mickey on one of his trials (Jack's maybe?) and as a secondary love interest for Marlena while John was with Kristen or even a love interest Kate, Laura, or Vivian.  

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It's a bit odd since he was a long-running character that seemed fairly popular. I assume it was partly down to them not needing a spoiler in the John/Marlena/Roman relationship and I guess they already had a resident attorney with Mickey. Of course, 1986-1993 Jed Allen was busy with Santa Barbara anyway, so I guess Don Craig was just allowed to fade.

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i am thinking post-Wayne's Roman would have been perfect timing. Obviously JA was still willing to work soaps. I think even outside the Don/Marlena connection he could have been paired with quite a few women. They could have played on the Maggie stuff as well.  I also think it would have added dimension to the Marlena/John/Kristen situation if Marlena was allowed a love interest outside of pining for John for 3 years.  I know Mickey was the defacto lawyer, but it would have absolutely made sense for him to get outside help for cases (John's Aremid stuff would have actually been perfect) especially since him and Don were partners.  And it's very odd JLB's Laura never had a love interest.  You could easily have him interact with the young set too since he knew Carrie/Sami as kids.  They could have brought a re cast Donna back too.  Wasted potential.

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I don't think they would have ever paired Marlena with Don again.  The show has tried to make Marlena part of Hope and Kayla's age group, instead of Maggie's and Julie's, for 30 years.  And Don (at least Jed Allan) is even older than that.

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Lol.  I know Marlena was 40 for like 20 years, but Don was always the older man for her.  They never were contemporaries so I don't think that's a problem.  And I agree they tried to make her contemporaries with Hope, Kayla, Kim, etc, but she was still good friends with Laura/Maggie, so it's a toss up.  They were pairing her with JM's Stefano who was basically Jed's age, so I don't think that was an issue.

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