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This was from December 1, 2014



LET'S MAKE A DEAL 1 averaged 3.23 million viewers, up +9% from its previous week. It was also up +11% in women 25-54 (1.0/07) and +17% in women 18-49 (0.7/05).

LET'S MAKE A DEAL 2 averaged 3.71 million viewers, up +8%. It was up +22% in women 25-54 (1.1/07) and +33% in women 18-49 (0.8/06).

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John CBS is a business. ATWT was doing terrible when it went off the air. The show skewed old. The Talk wasn't a success at first. It only had like 1.8 million but it grew over time with finally finding the right panel which has clicked chemistry wise. They all look like they are having fun. I love Aisha Tyler on the show. The talk is doing almost 500000 more viewers that ATWT on a cheaper budget. The View needs to go to basics and got old fan favorites mixed in with younger viewers. Barbara Walters exec producer credit has been in name only this season. She hasn't consulted or had anything to do with the show this season. She retired and when she did she sold her ownership to abc. Bill Geddee were exec producers for 17 seasons. When new people come in the tru original vision gets lost. Again I think the view should end in 2017. 20 years is a good place to end. Have season 20 be the farewell season .

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The show may have skewed old, but so were most of its fans, myself included. People who appreciated a show with several generations represented, which was a nice change of pace from a lot of the crap shown on television. Characters that had history which for the most part was shown through vets that had appeared for many years. They were the faces ou could count on to brighten your day, make you laugh, cry or just think. Had P&G and CBS not fallen asleep at the wheel and fired wrecking ball Passanante and ushered in real writers the show could have pulled out of the slump.Nobody bothered and Moonves rewarded trophy wife with a series. A series which has taken how many years to catch on? It begs the question, as a soap fan how would you feel if YOUR favorite show was cancelled to make way for yet another talk show...one of about 500 currently on?

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I'd be fine with it. Y&R has been gutted from the inside out for a solid decade and DAYS is floundering badly. I would hate for the actors to lose their jobs, but I'm also realistic to the economic realities of putting on shows that don't make financial sense.

The problem with an old skewing show: the audience dies and in daytime, the audience doesn't get replaced.

I have an aversion to saying Moonves rewarded Julie Chen with The Talk or calling her a trophy wife, aside from the fact she's hot, she had a very nice life going with Big Brother (which she got prior to her relationship starting with Moonves) in the summertime and being a Beverly Hills housewife the rest of the time.

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I know this show is hideous and unwatchable most of the time these days, but my 2014 obsession Colleen Ballinger will be be guest co-hosting on Thursday, so anyone who watches, let me know how she does cool.png I won't be able to watch live or record...but hope I will be able to find a link! ;'-)

Edited by AllMyDaysatGH
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I sympathize completely. I felt really bad for the P&G fans when their soaps went off the air. If GH went off the air I wouldn't replace it with anything any of the networks offered. I would just watch an hour less TV a day. I know I went into mourning when Lost went off and that was only on the air 5 years. Same when I ran out of episodes of Battlestar. To lose your soap must be horrible.

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I really don't find the Talk all that wonderful, to be honest. Without The View would there have even been The Talk? I just haven't found a single compelling reason to watch The Talk, ever. And it's not out of anger that ATWT was cancelled. It's just as boring to me as The View is becoming. The Talk is definitely overrated, IMHO.

The View is a hot mess though. Hot hot mess. Nicolle Wallace is fine. Get rid of everyone else. I wouldn't mind Joy back. I've like Laverne Cox and Naya Rivera but neither is going to be accepting a job on The View if one were even offered. IMO. Rosie Perez is likeable enough but this isn't for her. They should have tried for Brooke Shields.

I really would rather not have any of those Housewives on The View. I'm so over them and them having celebrity status. If I had to, I'd go with Bethenny, Nene or someone who's actually working and making a name for themselves. Not just throwing drinks and being a bitch for the sake of camera time [and not sure why so many people stan for the Housewives and their awful behavior].

I just don't know where The View can go from here, honestly. They've had too much overturn of co-hosts and not enough stability recently. This would be the easiest [and best] time to end it.

They desperately need a fifth permanent co-host. Something is missing from the panel.

They're promoting Rosie Perez's return so that, to me, means they're making it clear she isn't fired ... yet ;) LOL. I don't trust them when they say "so and so isn't going anywhere".

Whoopi seems checked out half the time, and I don't blame her. But at the same time, I'm not seeing where she HATES the show and wants out desperately. Why does everyone jump on all of these rumors of them hating each other, wanting out, etc? I think Whoopi maybe loves her paycheck more than being on the show at this point, but she could leave anytime and be fine. So, why stick around?

I really don't have problems with Rosie O. She's not the same she used to be, but I think she's gotten a tad better. She still pisses me off when she fails to engage in a discussion that doesn't follow the agenda and her already made up mind. I know she's probably trying to not get into heated debates but she comes off childish at times.

As I said. The View is a hot, hot mess. But I really like the addition of Nicolle Wallace! And if they ever add Mario Cantone permanently ... I'd rather see the show cancelled first. That would NOT be a step in the right direction. Temporary fill in host? Fine. Permanent? No.

Edited by KMan101
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