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I see Joy as someone who just likes to talk and talk without being all that well-informed, but then, that is The View. Good luck to her in her career. I think this show mostly became famous for loudmouths screeching at each other and long-term that isn't a great career move.

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Meredith and Lisa will go down in my book as the two perfect princesses of this show. Those two never got on my nerves. Then again, neither did Debbie though I don't remember much about her.

I had such love for Rosie and Whoopi, still do. But seeing them be "human" and not just on screen to entertain me taught me a very valuable lesson about celebrity, which I'm actually very grateful for. Imagine if someone like Beyonce was a host on this show and her kingdom of stans got to watch her day in and day out speaking her mind on controversial issues, sometimes putting her foot in her mouth or looking downright ignorant or even foolish from time to time. Makes me wonder how her entire public persona would change. I never stanned for any host of the freaking View, but the way I see Barbara, Rosie, and Whoopi was forever changed by this show.

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The entire show needs a total makeover and revamp. Everyone needs to go, including - especially - Babs

I dont mind Whoppi so much, aside from her rape-rape, racist defending comments of her celeb friends who can do no wrong.

While I dont agree with Liz, and dont think she is as well informed as she believes, I also do not mind her and appreciate that she brings a different view to the show.

Joy tho is an insane extreamist who talks out of her ass. Shes awful, so glad she is gone.
Babs is just too much now.

And Sherri is.. well, a freakin moron.

Id love a reboot, but I much prefer to watch The Talk now.

The View needs to go back to having different women, of different backgrounds. Three stand up comedians? Why?

Edited by JackPeyton
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The show debuted when I was a junior/senior in high school, and then for college, I was on the seven year plan, so it's like, damn, a lot of years went by without me really noticing. I look at someone like Star or Elizabeth who became rich just doing one year of this show and think, "Wow, where could I be right now if I'd hustled and booked a gig like that?" laugh.png

Edited by SFK
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I commend you for saying these things.

IMO, Goldberg's "rape-rape" and Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" terminology both mean the same thing: forcible/violent rape (as opposed to date rape or statutory rape). I know that the feminist/PC thing is to say that "rape is rape," but I personally believe that some forms of rape (i.e., the violent kind) are more morally reprehensible than others. To lump all types of rape as equally horrible makes as much sense to me as saying "homicide is homicide" (when violent, premeditated murder is obviously more morally wrong than negligent manslaughter).

I obviously don't agree with the larger points that Goldberg (on the issue of Polanski's punishment) or Akin (on the idiotic notion that "the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down") were trying to make. My whole point is that too much s#it was made regarding their extremely poor choices of terminology. Furthermore, we need to remember that people who are in the age range of Goldberg or Akin aren't as enlightened about rape as younger people are; specifically, many believed (up until about 20 years ago) that violent rape was the only type of rape that existed (because concepts such as date rape weren't even well-defined).

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Joy has terrible interview skills but I've liked her. She comes off very jaded and dismissive though so it can be off-putting. I have enjoyed her and Whoopi's clear annoyance at Babs.

Speaking of Barbara ... in reading some old posts through here, I agree, the View has changed my opinion big time of her. I'm fine with Rosie and Whoopi. I mostly watch for Whoopi and was watching for Rosie (I wish her talk show on OWN had been better).

So Babs might be retiring too ... I can't say that bothers me. Barbara seems so out of it half of the time (likely due to age, which sucks, because I've always liked her) and it annoys the piss out of me when she constantly interrupts Whoopi and tries to control everything and be politically correct all of the time. She's just not an off-the-cuff person. She needs to stick to specials and interviews. And yeah, she's 84 (wow!), so she probably does need to take a step back and not have to deal with the hassle of the show. She often missed a lot of shows anyway so it won't be that big of a loss, technically.

I can't even imagine who they are getting to replace all of them. Hopefully Whoopi sticks around but I've often felt like she was looking done with the show too.

Edited by KMan101
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To me this show was at its peak in the mid-2000s when there was constant drama surrounding it whether it was Star Jones using the show to pay for her wedding and then getting fired and pretending she was quitting or Rosie O'Donnell going at it on split screen with Elisabeth. It has been irrelevant for quite a while now.

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It hasn't had as much buzz in the last couple of years. It rode a little bit of a high from the Rosie/Elisabeth debacle as well as Whoopi coming on but the last few years. Meh. It was time for a change. I also agree with whoever said in here that having three comics wasn't the smartest thing. You always had Joy, Whoopi and Sherri agree, which was often fine with me because I like them the most, but Elisabeth probably got more hate thrown her way than deserved just because she had a different opinion, which is why they were all hired in the first place.

I like Sherri but I don't think the View is for her.

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Sherri's ignorant statements always disturbed me, because she could pass them off as being this loveable, hilarious person. Some of her views were very harmful. There is a fantasy view on this show of "liberal" vs "conservative" that also disturbed me, because they were all generally stupid and lazy in how they approached subjects, more interested in buzzwords and staring at the studio audience than they were in what was being said. I remember when they had an ex-gay on there and everyone, even "liberal" Joy, was prattling along, not bothering to say much to question him. The only one who did was Meredith Viera.

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Jesus Christ this show has been on for 16 years?! I'm getting old. They definitely need a shake up but I don't know if they're going about it the right way.

Joy was the last tolerable one IMO and her exit is going to leave a bigger hole than I feel Bill Gettie and Bahbwa Wawa are expecting.

I can't stand Elisabitch but I would have kept her. She consistently brings the drama and controversy. Sherri is just an ignorant dumbass who can barely argue/stand by her own opinion without getting flustered. Whoopi doesn't care about 90% of the chit they talk about and only gets passionate when its time to defend a celebrity white male. And Babs just needs to be put down tbh. She never adds anything to th discussions and always hinders them by trying to make sure no one powerful gets offended.

Monday's show should be interesting, this show always becomes must-see-tv whenever one of the ladies is leaving.

Edited by detroitpiston
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