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Richard Thomas is listed as playing Tom  66-67.

If cast lists are accurate, this Tom would have been Paul O'Keefe who played the brother in the Patty Duke Show.

When Sandy returned in 75 she planned to have Jimmy join her but I think the story was he decided he preferred to be with his grandfather and Sandy reluctantly accepted that. You think Sandy having a young adult son would have been useful to the story at that time. 

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@FrenchFan thank you for all that you do to share your findings and keep the memories of these shows alive. 

These episodes sound great, would love to see them. 

Did Claire stabbing Michael happen before or after these episodes? How did she get out of that situation? Didn’t Michael end up dead and Tom accused? 

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From what I read Claire will stab Michael later. I have the scripts until October 1st so I guess we will find out but it will take time for me to read and recap all of them

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. And I haven’t finished The Secret Storm 1969 for those who followed this thread too. 
Good summer work for me

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In one script, Roy is mentionned as living away but calling Mr. and Mrs. Wilson to get news about Jimmy.

Martha Wilson: Even his father's gone. I never thought I'd live to say this but - I'm sorry Roy McGuire had to go away.

Carl Wilson: He had no choice, Martha. A man has to follow the jobs and he got a good one. But he'll be back to see Jimmy.

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Thanks. I wonder if they were afraid of Sandy seeming too old if she had an adult son, but I agree it would have enhanced the canvas, especially as he also had ties to the Hughes family. 

Paul is another I wish I could see in the part of Tom, as the material is a world away from the Patty Duke Show.

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#3184 – Monday, July 8th 1968

Bob and Pa Hughes were in Bob’s office, waiting for David to return. Pa would like Bob to tell him what Dr. Davis said in his office but Bob insisted he had to question David first. When David arrived, Pa excused himself. Bob said the infection in his eyes was cleared but to gain his eyesight again, he would need a cornea transplant. David said this was a very successful transplant and Bob shouldn’t hesitate.

In the waiting area, Pa had a talk with Mrs. Brando, whose husband was hospitalized under Bob’s care. David and Bob had just gone to visit Mr. Brando. Mrs. Brando complimented Bob to Pa Hughes and that his lack of eyesight didn’t change a thing for patients. Bob and David arrived. Bob told Mrs. Brando that he thought her husband might develop a mild condition. He convinced Mrs. Brando she had to remain confident and be reassuring for her husband.

Chris arrived in David’s office and found his father with David, waiting for Bob. David admitted to them that Bob would need a cornea transplant. David explained Bob was having doubts because it was not always successful on the first time. David, though, was very optimistic.

At the Hughes’, Nancy complained to Lisa she called David a few times and he didn’t answer. Lisa said that maybe David would prefer Bob tell Nancy himself what Dr. Davis said. Lisa showed much concern for Bob and since Sandy was nowhere to be found, Lisa hoped that maybe she and Bob would come closer in the future. Nancy was horrified.

#3185 – Tuesday, July 9th 1968

At the nurses’ area, Dan told Karen that Michael Shea was about to petition to get his licence back. Bob arrived and said he wanted to keep Mrs. Brando away from her husband because of the stress she could transfer to him. He was confident Mr. Brando would recover. David arrived and left with Bob. Karen thanked Dan because he stopped her from asking Bob about his appointment with Dr. Davis. It would have intruded Bob’s privacy. After Dan left, Karen admitted she liked him.

Ellen and Christine were in David’s study at the Stewart’s. Ellen asked Christine if she was willing to remain. She admitted she missed her work in the orphanage but she wondered if Ellen asked because she didn’t want a nurse for the kids at first. They talked about David’s first wife and how it was difficult for Dan after Betty’s death. Ellen assured Christine that if at some point she was unhappy at the Stewarts’, she would need to tell her. Happiness was the most important thing.

David arrived home. Ellen told him she was getting used to Christine’s presence and Christine was nice enough to let her take care of the girls with her. David was glad and added he dropped Bob and his grandfather in town as Bob wanted to walk home. David preffered not giving too many details to Ellen as long as Bob hadn’t talked to his family.

Chris had been back home and told Nancy and Lisa about Bob needing a cornea transplant. Lisa offered to stay for dinner as it could be some support for Bob. Bob and Pa arrived in time for dinner.

After dinner, in Tom’s room. Tom explained to Lisa he didn’t want to be home when Bob came back. Lisa understood that Tom couldn’t face the situation of Bob’s blindness but she was ashamed of her son because the whole family was there. She wanted him to be more a support to Bob and less a rebel even she was sure Bob would see again soon. Tom agreed to talk with his father.

#3186 – Wednesday, July 10th 1968

The same evening, Pa was in his workshop painting a wooden dog he promised Jimmy. Chris arrived. They talked about Tom’s rebellious attitude. Pa thought they should let Penny know Bob’s situation but Chris didn’t think it would be good that Penny knew about Sandy being gone and Jimmy living with the Wilsons even if everything was over between Penny and Roy. Pa also told Chris that Don planned to visit a weekend. Chris was surprised to learn from his father that Don was seeing Amanda again.

Lisa was with Nancy and they talked about Bob’s possible cornea transplant. Lisa tried to comfort a worried Nancy. They also talked about Lisa’s son. Nancy questioned Lisa about Chuckie’s dad and wondered if he ever left his wife. Lisa said she didn’t care about him anymore. Love was long gone. Lisa added she went to Tom’s room and let him know that being late for the dinner was not acceptable.

Tom went to his father’s room. He apologized to Bob if his behaviour disappointed him. They talked about the cornea transplant before Lisa arrived to say she was about to leave. Tom went to call a cab for his mother. Bob told Lisa he realized it was Lisa who asked Tom to visit Bob and talk about cornea transplant. Bob thought Tom was old enough – 17 yo – to make his own decision. Lisa thought the Hughes family was putting too much pressure on Tom.

Back at her place, Lisa told Alma she was sure her talk with Tom would be a good thing. She asked Alma if Nancy questioned her about Chuckie’s father but Alma denied. She wondered if Lisa was interested in another man. Lisa answered she was interested in a man she had always been interested in.

#3187 – Thursday, July 11th 1968

In the morning, Bob and Nancy had a talk about Lisa and Tom. Nancy hoped Lisa would do right for Tom. Bob also said he took time to think last night. There was no reason he shouldn’t get the cornea transplant. His doctor side talked to his patient side in his mind. He decided to go to the city with a cab and not with his grandpa, to get more independence.

Alma received a phone call – a $40.000 offer had been made on her house in Rockford. Alma told Lisa she didn’t know about that because she might like going back to Rockford once Lisa remarries someday. Lisa assured her mother that even if she married someday, Alma could always find a place near Oakdale near her grandsons. Alma would go to Rockford for the evening and as Lisa had already plans, she would ask Tom and his girlfriend Sally to babysit.

At the Cassen house, Claire was all dressed up to have dinner with Michael, much to the Judge Lowell’s disapprovement. Claire tried to explain her position but Judge Lowell said he didn’t trust her judgment when it came to Michael.

Claire and Michael were at the restaurant. Michael told Claire he intended to come before the Board to get reinstated before the six months he was supposed to wait. He added he didn’t intend to do more with Lisa than support for Chuckie. After all, Lisa didn’t want anyone to know he was Chuckie’s father. Claire didn’t think she would be able to forget about Lisa and Chuckie.

Tom and Sally babysat at Lisa’s. Sally found Chuckie to be hot. She was sure he had fever. Tom decided to call his dad. Bob said he would manage to help.

#3188 – Friday, July 12th 1968

In the study, Ellen was writing a letter for Paul in Vietnam. Christine interrupted and said the girls were asleep. Christine went out when Judge Lowell arrived. He was very worried about Claire who went to dinner with Michael and said she didn’t want to conceal her meetings with Michael anymore.

Michael drove Claire home and she was worried Judge Lowell was out. Michael dismissed her fears and tried to recreate the time he proposed to her. Michael told Claire he would be in Indianapolis for some time but he would be back for his review by the Medical Board. He asked Claire if there was a future possible between us. She admitted it might be.

David came home and Ellen expressed Judge Lowell’s fears about Claire. David thought that Ellen and the Judge should accept that Claire would do what she wanted. David had come back from a housecall at Mrs. Brando’s but he admitted he was not as good as Bob to reassure the patient’s wife so he advised her to call Bob. Then, Bob called and asked David to come with him at Lisa’s to check on Chuckie who had fever. David said he would come if it was serious but Bob could deal with it. Nancy convinced Bob to let her come with him.

Tom and Sally had Dr. Thompson, Lisa’s pediatrician, come over. He said it was probably nothing serious but would wait for Bob’s opinion. Bob arrived and went to see Chuckie with Dr. Thompson. Nancy insisted Tom accompany Sally back at her place. Dr. Thompson and Bob were worried. There seemed to be an obstruction in Chuckie’s abdomen. They had to take the child to the hospital.

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I noticed Dan and Susan were hardly mentioned in these synopses. I think this may have been due to the fact that the role of Susan was being recast.

Jada Rowland ,who had been playing Susan since Oct 67, departed and returned to her signature role of Amy on Secret Storm in May 68. It seems that there was some BTS maneuvers to move her back to SS.

I think that Leslie Perkins may have been a temp Susan during this time until the successful recast with Marie Masters. Maybe we will see Susan mentioned more often to indicate Marie has taken over the role.

We don't have definitive dates for Leslie and Marie.

Kathleen Cody played sally,Tom's girlfriend.

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I can see what made ATWT so popular, even reading the synopsis kind of mesmerizes you in an odd way. People planning a family fourth of July, who is invited, who is not, all the while melodrama going on, Lisa, outcast with an "illegitimate kid," (no one would bat an eye now) dithering between Michael and Bob (and you can read between the lines that she wants the safety of the Hughes family) Bob blind...David being blackmailed, Claire , an interesting character, older, neurotic and horny still as we see, a different take from Irna's matriarchs (the Claire, Michael,Lisa triangle is a forerunner to the Alex,Roger,Mindy triangle on GL)Dan and Susan...all of this drama against a simple "Hey, who do we invite to the BBQ"  which the viewers could totally relate to.

It looks as though Irna got a bad rap..it seems that there are a lot of gray characters on this show and Lisa, Susan and Claire all were women dealing with their own sex drives and not "evil"  Interesting stuff. 

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