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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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At least it makes a change from hearing you and everyone else on this board rant about how much they despise a show that's been off the air for 10 years. You people are an absolute trip. Normally, I'm with Victoria Foxton - just scrolling through reading member's incessant complaining about how horrible As The World Turns was - except in the 60s and 70s where are there are no episodes to tear apart bit by bit. Sometimes, I just need to bitch slap the board. You all really are a bunch of pathetic wannabe soap opera writers/producers with no concept of what goes into creating it and would fail miserably at the job. But, you know, you're bored and have no lives so some of the most negative people on the planet have a spot to come to complain about how horrible soap operas are. And you wonder why TPTB don't give a [!@#$%^&*] about what y'all think and ignore you as much as possible????


If it weren't for the wonderful work Brolden does to track the episodes of ATWT and me feeling responsible to help him out since I'm watching the show in order from YouTube as much as I can, I wouldn't come here. But he's doing some admirable work and I want to help him with added episodes I've found or to clear up some questions he has. I usually read without commenting but sometimes you people are so nasty, vindictive, and hateful that I decide to join in - only it's aimed at the board members instead of a 10 year old television show.

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My problem with Alan is his timing with interjecting when someone is in the middle of a story.  A good host knows when to interject and when to let the conversation flow.


I find when it's about a show he has no connection with, he doesn't say much.  I think he let Susie Pratt go off about GL cause it was before his time..same with Sharon G about AW and Holly G about OLTL.


And in his SFT one..Marcia and Michael spoke and in some cases had more knowledge of soaps than Alan did.



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Exactly. He has no sense of when he’s got gold. Just when things go in a newsworthy or revelatory direction, he smothers it like a wet blanket. It’s great he does these chats, and most of them are worthwhile viewing, but they could be so much better if he got out of his own way, and we’re not the only people who’ve pointed this out. 

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Miss Alan that you gurl???? A lot of the tea spilled happened 9000 billion yrs ago. The soaps discussed are long dead. A lot of the actors haven't been on a soap in years. It must be exhausting being this condescending and patronizing. Anyway this nobody wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving. May your turkey be dry and tasteless.

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Then why are you posting here? I mean, if this place is so full of this negative energy you're so put off by that you're posting diatribe after diatribe of same said energy back at us (to what end, I have no idea), then like...I'm not telling you what to do, but I wouldn't hang around, regardless of what folks are posting that you DO like. Get their contact info and e-mail them.


So...I dunno. Up to you. *shrug*

Edited by beebs
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The best example is the Don Hastings/Kathryn Hays reunion. Alan would ask a question and Kathryn would get her thoughts together she'd speak and Alan would interrupt her. The reunion was sinking rather quickly and then Scott Defrietas showed up and things changed. Scott knew the right questions to ask and let Kathryn & Don speak without interrupting. The reunion started flowing so much better.

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Thinking of Bob Hughes's Thanksgiving toasts and I wished someone would've asked him if he remembers the first time and then the last time he did one of those toasts on the show.

That would've involved some deeper knowledge about the show, which seems like too much to ask these days.

Too bad Scott couldn't just have completely taken over that one.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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The Marland ATWT binge has been a constant source of comfort for me this year. Silly as it sounds, returning day after day to places like the Snyder farm or the Hughes house (in the day-night cycle Marland's run often perpetuated during episodes) gave me a sense of time and place in endless lockdown. I hope more and more episodes will be moved to safe harbor on a private space/drive/whatever.

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I understand that feeling completely, @Vee
 It's just in my case, I've worn out so many of the episodes already up on YT, that I wished there were more never before episodes uploaded, but perhaps folks are skittish, given the rush to shut down never before uploaded content (something I'll never, for the life of me understand).

Hughes holidays gatherings always gave me such comfort (and yes, joy) at this time of year, or any time when I was in particular need of a diversion. Gosh, I'd even take a spooky or disastrous Shannon O'Hara holiday party about now (one that I haven't seen in years).


I was discussing this with someone recently in another thread, but I would love it if someone shared episodes of the different costume balls on this show, particularly those during the lavish 1980s when very little expense was spared, and every celebration specialized in being Over The Top. It was just fun.

Man, if only ATWT had an online vault like a few of the other soaps do...!

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I always loved the night-to-day transition shot even as a kid. That was one of the things, along with relatives visiting from out of town, and getting to see every character react to an event, that made ATWT special to me. 


I do agree that finding 'new' episodes is preferable at this point (I still need to catch up on the '84 episodes that were put up a year or two ago, if they haven't been taken down), but Marland was there long enough to where eventually the denseness of the material starts to make it seem new again.


I'm one of the few who has an easier time watching his last few years over his first few. They just feel more real to me, somehow.

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