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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Eileen Fulton definitely disliked Hogan Sheffer. She was very vocal about her lack of screen time during his tenure. I suppose he was unable to kill Lisa off or her send her out of town, so he just used her very sparingly. She took it personally. But since Passanante also didn't write much for her, I wonder if it was really Chris Goutman who was responsible for her lack of screen time.

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I would love to see, from ATWT, any footage of:

- The Dan/Liz/Paul saga (late 1960's/early 1970's).

- Footage of John Reilly as Dan with Kim (mid 1970's).

- Grant/Joyce/Don (late 1970's).

- The Bob/Kim/Jennifer/John/Rick Ryan saga from the early 1970's


From TGL, really any available footage from the late 1960's through 1979, in particular:

- Robert Gentry's last year or two as Ed Bauer. At least some clips from Gentry's final shows exist in black and white, as they were up on a GL website for a time. This was when Ed was arrested for drunken driving.

- Don Stewart's early years as Mike Bauer.

- Mart Hulswit's early years as Ed Bauer.

- Footage of Mike and Leslie (some with Rodell, some with Adams).

- Early footage of Lenore Kasdorf as Rita.

- Any footage of Lynn Deerfield as Holly.

- Any footage of Deerfield with Michael Zaslow and Mart Hulswit.

- More footage of Dean Blackwell from the late 1970's.

Basically, I'll take anything 

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All good choices! Mart Hulswit was so sweet and cuddly when he debuted on TGL as Ed, even when the character was mad at someone. It was a welcome change from the harsher Gentry, whom I found to be good but aloof. I loved Hulswit instantly. Stewart's casting as Mike gave the character a commanding, debonair presence. He was perfect as a square-jawed leading man. Gary Pillar/Carpenter had been good too, but Stewart was even better cast.


John Reiily's Dan had wonderful chemistry with Kim. They would sit in the park and talk, and you could literally see their love beginning to blossom. Excellent actors!


Damn. Today's bland, tepid, often dumbed-down soaps are so unsatisfying in comparison.  

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What puzzles me about Eileen's appearances in later years is that she must have had some guarantees in her contract.


If she signed on for and agreed for say, an average of one appearance a week, then why complain about not being used more?


If she made that clear and hoped for more that would make more sense.


I can't believe ATWT would not use her if she was getting paid for more...

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The whole situation with Fulton is baffling. I remember many years before the show ended, P&G wanted Kathryn Hays and Helen Wagner to agree to cuts in their 2-day-a-week guarantees, and they refused.  Everyone must have worked out a deal because the ladies stayed put, but in later years, particularly starting with Sheffer's reign of terror and moving forward, neither Hays nor Wagner were seen at least twice a week. Fulton must have had a similar guarantee, at some point. Did all the vets quietly allow their guarantees to be eliminated? P&G clearly did not respect or value Fulton any more. The fact that she continued on the show at all, sometimes not appearing for weeks and often showing up to recite a handful of irrelevant lines about other characters' stories, is hard to understand. They continued to give her special billing at the end of the crawl right up until the show went off the air, too. Why did they just not fire her 10-15 years before the show's death? Emily McLaughlin's (Jessie, GH) daughter stated that her mother was being protected by some PTB at ABC, even when the actress was unable to fulfil her guarantees and even when the character of Jessie had became a minor background player who was almost never seen. Maybe Fulton had an ally at the network or P&G, and she did not want to quit on her own, so she remained and languished in the background.

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Ok - here's what I wanted to say: sometimes you guys make it sound as if you all hate As The World Turns. All I ever see are posts about what you don't like.  So I'm posing a challenge today: POST WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT AS THE WORLD TURNS!! What was your favorite storyline? Who was your favorite character? What was your favorite year of the show? We will all feel differently about this because the show ran for 54 years and we're all of varying ages. The challenge is this: DON'T RESPOND TO SOMEONE'S POST ABOUT HOW YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT THEY LIKE. ONLY POST WHAT YOU LIKE.


I'll start


My favorite storyline was Barbara being set on fire and the dark turn that she took for many years. The follow up with Stenbeck returning and him kidnapping the 3 pregnant actresses was brilliance on Sheffer's part. It was so suspenseful at first as the ladies disappeared and then such a blast to tune in every day and watch Martha and Kelley sitting around in bathrobes being massaged by hot guys, laughing (or pretending to) on their drugs, and trying to escape. The moment when Craig sees Carly with her aged face and runs the other way while Jack sees Carly and still sees her as the woman he loves and has always loved was the absolute highlight of the series for me. A beautiful story acted brilliantly that moved me to tears.


My favorite character: Katie Peretti (this will infuriate many of you. That's ok. We all love different things. I can't wait to read your favorite!) Katie was a vixen when I started watching and Sheffer quickly had her love for Simon turn her around. The complete 180 was played to perfection by Terri Conn. (I remember reading an interview where TC said Kathy Hays told her how to play the scene so the audience would go with her and I sure did!)  Simon and Katie were one of my all time favorite pairings. Until Mike and Katie. And then Brad and Katie.

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  Basically, anyone other than Jack and Katie worked for me! Sheffer made her the comedy character along with Henry. I loved watching their hijinx. One of the first storylines of ATWT when I started was Simon and Lily on the island all summer. It wasn't a favorite of mine - also wasn't written by Sheffer. One of the first things he did when he took over as head writer was get them off of the island. However, when he then took Katie and Henry and stranded them on the same island and did a comedy story - utter brilliance. He took something that didn't work and made it work. It's one of the reasons that so many actors from the show will tell you how much they loved acting during Sheffer's tenure.


My favorite year of the show was probably 2002. All of Sheffer's work was gelling. The actors obviously loved having such great material because they all stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park.



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My theory is that Eileen Fulton remained on the show because she loved playing Lisa and hoped that the next headwriter/producer team would value her. She was hanging in there and not wanting to just give up and walk away. But by a certain point (probably 2008) it was clear she was never going to be a relevant part of ATWT anymore. I looked at the cast totals using the link someone provided earlier and there were quite a few months under Sheffer and Passanante where she had 0 appearances or just 1 appearance. There is one month during Passanante's reign that she has 6 appearances which I think is the most she ever had in the whole decade. Six appearances during one month is not even two days a week.


My guess is she got to stay on contract, she was still given special billing and she probably was still paid her usual rate per episode but only when she worked (no guarantees and no salary increases). During 2010, the last eight and a half months of the show, she was only in 12 episodes. She only had one appearance in the show's last month. Lisa was definitely not relevant at the end; and this leads me to think that if the show had continued she would have been taken off contract at some point and been recurring. The only way she would ever have had substantial screen time again would have been if they killed Lisa off and she had a proper exit story.


Edited by JarrodMFiresofLove
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@adrnyc Please don't be offended by what I'm about to tell you because I genuinely enjoy most of your posts and engaging with you:

We think critically on this board. 

We debate, we pull apart, we deconstruct. 

It's what I enjoy most about this board, is to have critical, thoughtful discussions of storylines, characterizations, direction, music cues and use of popular music, sets, even wardrobe and hair.  Also, budgets, the socio-economic times in which stories were written.  The strengths as well as the flaws of the writers and how it affected the show, both positively and negatively.

I think you'll find that we are fans of the show but we also realize the problems that did impact the show, some of which were precipitated by the producers of the show, some of which were precipitated by the industry itself, and some where happened as a natural flow of events in the overall culture.


We can appreciate when things are done well and do discuss them but we are not going to be shy about discussing and yes, deconstructing things that are not done well.  No, we aren't cheerleaders here.


Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to have an issue with the fact that we appear to be very critical of the last decade of the show?  We are critical of all eras that we've been able to see on camera and discuss with some facility.


As a writer, I've had my work read aloud in workshops and some can find the process uncomfortable to brutal but in grad school, I've learned that a writer can be protective but not become 'too precious' of his or her work.  I will defend the aspects of my work that I believe to be worthy but I also have learned to be open to critique of what is lacking or deficient.  It's a part of the process of making the work sharper, stronger and ultimately more powerful and engaging.  It's what every writer wants.


The thing is, most writers (the ones who are worth their salt) welcome their work being engaged with.  Indifference is worse than dislike.


I don't know what to say except that we have some strong opinions around here and this a great space to freely discuss them.  I truly appreciate this.  It's what keeps me coming back to this board.  

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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No offense, but I'm a human being. How new or old I am has nothing to do with it.

 I don't take offense to anything you said. I like a good constructive debate about a show. But really, when did someone come on here and talk about what they LOVE about ATWT rather than that what they don't love. I'm simply trying to bring about some positivity today. What do you LOVE about ATWT?   I really really want to know. And everyone else. What does everyone LOVE about ATWT?


I get that many people don't like the last decade - that doesn't bother me. I love to get into a debate. It just so happens that if I talk about what I love it will be about the last decade because that's what I watched.


Of course, I'm watching the 80's currently but I feel as if I am only just now after 2 years of watching the videos getting to place where I can really comment on the period. If I were to say something I LOVE about this period - one character in particular - it's Meg Snyder. Her journey over the past 2 years is really starting to emotionally affect me. Jennifer Ashe is really pulling me onto her side. I don't believe for a second that she loved Tonio at the start - she was simply going into a business arrangement where he gets a green card and she gets lots of wealth and material possessions. But, oh my Lord, I've watched her grow to truly love Tonio over the past year or so. Seeing her heartbroken over Tonio's affair with Emily is really getting to me. I'm not sure that I think Josh is necessarily a great love for her either (it's early days yet so I may change my mind) but I'm hoping to see her get into a great relationship one of these days. Being loved in return for her just might help her to be less manipulative and selfish. (At least, that's what I would do if I were writing the character. Learning how to truly love and be loved has changed many a person.) I can't wait to "tune in" these days to see where Meg's story will go!


Again, as someone else pointed out to me, I'm still fairly new to the board. And what I'm saying is: from a new person's perspective...y'all seem to really focus on the negative around here instead of the positive. For one day, could we champion the show we love rather than pick it apart? Is that too much to ask?

Edited by adrnyc
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