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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Saw a scene for next weeks episode, and Shannon appears to be calm so curious to see what causes her to start melting down and breaking the 4th wall. She said we would all see the truth and so far, I think that both she and Heather are at fault.

I'm also seeing that Tamra is fueling the flames between Shannon and Heather.. me thinks Tamra is trying to get revenge against Heather and is throwing Shannon under the bus in her quest to bury Heather. However.. unlike Gretchen and Alexis.. Heather is no dummy nor is Shannon.

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The title of the next RHOC episode is Point "Break" so I'm guessing they WILL leave Shannon breaking the fourth wall in there. I cannot wait. It's been a slow, but very satisfying season. It almost feels like a first season the way we have to get introduced to two new wives and the old cast members have to figure out where they fit as well. I much prefer this to the usual where the newbies kiss the old cast members asses until they piss them off.

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I loved this week because the slow implosion of Shannon's marriage is like a car wreck in slow motion. I don't want to look away, even though I should.

Heather and Shannon are both to blame for their own bullshit, but Tamra has been fanning those flames very stealthily and it is high time that she pay for all the crap she's pulled on everyone else.

Vicki can always be counted on to be hilarious by footing her foot in her mouth...but she can't always count on being as charming as she has been this season. She seems calm, kind and happy. Really, she radiates happiness. Not giving a damn is clearly working for her. Yes, the Brooks thing is a mess and her relationship with Brianna is clearly in a rough patch...but I can't help but root for the OG of the OC.

Lizzie seems really sweet and good natured and I like how level headed her talking heads are.

Really, this season of OC has been so enjoyable to watch.


LuAnn for the win zinging Ramona. She is this season's MVP.

I love how there is always one episode featuring Ramona and Sonja going to their dermatologist, Dr. Sharon, who is clearly doing something very right for these two who are ageing beautifully.

Mario cannot sing. Neither can Heather. However, props to both of 'em for getting up there!

Carole bores me to no end.

Sonja has so many of the little snippets of being totally in control and looking drop dead gorgeous that I can't help but wonder what the hell is going on with her? Harry seems good for her. I wish those two would just get married and be happy.

Aviva is so lazy this season. She had better lose that leg in a big fight, otherwise she has been a total bust.

Kristin is so annoying and whiney. Her crappy marriage with Josh (no prize himself) is tiresome to watch in comparison to Shannon and David on OC...she should definitely not survive the cast cull at the end of this season.

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I was looking forward to a new opening theme (taglines) but i guess they are waiting till next week. This week was just to introduce and reintroduce the ladies.

I just wish the new Teressa would spell her name differently. I know it's pronounced different but a little confusing when reading the guide. Glad Dina's back. I don't know much about the new people. I think the twins might be interesting. and in the previews Melissa and Joe will be running a garbage truck...i have no words!

i don't know how i feel about Teressa and Joe's troubles. I never liked Joe and nobody can convince me that he's innocent. kind of reminds me of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker (and also with Teressa is wearing more make-up every season... LOL). I think Teressa like Tammy was just not intuned to what their husband's were doing. Teressa loved spending money. we saw that in the first season when she was droping cold cash at every boutique in Jersey. I think Joe kept her in the dark for a long while (he's not the best conversationalist.)

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