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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oh please, none of these ladies would think twice about signing if Bravo calls their bluff, as they should! Doesn't Phaedra have more pressing matters anyways? Like which color jumpsuit will bring out Apollo's eyes?

I'm sure Kenya is laughing her made in Mexico ass off at how much these chicks take time out of their lives for her. They just keep giving her exactly what she wants! *twirls*

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It would be hilarious if Bravo met those demands and hired Porsha.....at the expense of docking all their paychecks and given that to Kenya


LMAO at Joyce calling her for what she is


Where did this Amanda chick come from? They should have made her a housewife! She and crazy Aviva sure stir the pot

I have to admit it, but I do find Harry to be hot. I can easily see why all the women have been all over him

This episode was missing Ramona but was good nonetheless

"For shiz" OMG, Heather, STOP talking like that. She looks so ridiculous

The opening to NYC is truly the worst and its bc of all those awful taglines



That is SOOOO shady...lol

Edited by Cheap21
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Those bitches are stupid. I hope Bravo pulls a quick one on them and fires all their asses. Slap Marlo & Lexis on the cast beside Kenya, bring back Sheree and possibly Kim, and find two/three other women equally ratchet/witty women and we'll be fine. I'm tired of the network bending to these hoes. Bravo made them and they should break them. Porsha is not a big of a deal to be losing thousands over. People wanted her off the show since last season, and her ignorant comments this season further solidified it. No one told Whorsha to hit Kenya because she's not astute enough to fight with her brain and tongue instead of her fists.

Bravo, show all them sluts the door. Don't no monkeys stop the show. Everyone can be replaced....

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It continues to be just excellent.

I was happy to see Luann back and she gelled beautifully. I love that house of hers.

Sonja is so desperate but it's hilarious.

Carole vs Aviva is great.

Kristin didn't have much to do this episode.

That Amanda woman is beyond trash.

I can't wait to see Heather go jailhouse on Aviva next week.

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If I was Kyle, I'd get a restraining order. Carlton is obsessed.
I don't think they'll keep both Carlton and Joyce. One or the other is going. Carlton is pretty good for Kyle's image so I wonder if Andy may consider keeping her over Joyce when push comes to shove. As much as Carlton irritates her, Kyle's got to see that Carlton's obsessions has helped her gain some points this past season.
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I def think Joyce is coming. Carton was spewing too much venom and for no good reason at the end of the day. The only time she really looked flawless this season was when she went over to Lisa's after the goon squad ganged up on the Queen. That pink dress she was wearing was beautiful.

Kim's ending statement seemed very finale like...as if she had reached a conclusion about RHOBH and was ready to move on....but who knows the old girl might still come back for one more. I love her silliness to death tho and she brings comedy for me so I'm down with it.

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If they're smart they'll bring both Carlton and Joyce back. I think they performed well enough for a first season. Too much turnover kills these shows, especially with a franchise like this which now has trouble getting Beverly Hills ladies. Next season the producers need to use Joyce and Carlton's wealth and add the glamour back to the show. I would do a cast of Lisa, Carlton, Brandi, Joyce, Kyle, Camille with one new housewife. I wouldn't waste time with Yolanda.

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But there is nothing glamorous about Carlton. Her Wiccan and sexual fetishes was such a huge turnoff and does not fit on this show. As much as I feel Brandi's trash unless drags the show down, I think Carlton's inclusion does as well in a different way. The spells, curses and hexes is like a jumping the shark moment for me

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I think the Wiccan stuff was one of the things that worked. It was funny and Carlton was a total airhead about it which led to some great confrontations. I think the sex stuff is what came off forced and cheesy. I think the few times they showed Carlton one-on-one with Lisa or Brandi that it worked. When she showed her organizing that party for her husbands business, that worked. I completely blame the producers for a lot of the failures this past season. They did a terrible job mapping out the season, similar to what happened with New York last season. The problem with New York wasn't the reboot, but the lack of introduction for the ladies and the way the previous cast was let go.

I hope that New Jersey looked at Atlanta and Orange County for inspiration on how to reboot a cast. If thats the route Beverly Hills wants to go they need to look at those shows as well. I think both have pretty much set the standard. Also it cannot be stressed enough that Beverly Hills needs to get those supporting players back, starting with Kim for Kyle.

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