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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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None of the women are likable.

Obviously Stanbury did not watch housewives or she would have held off on fillers till after it was filmed (i.e. Vicki getting plastic surgery pre season 8 of OC).

Aylan is fake and people fawning over her makes me laugh because she wouldn't give most people the time of day.  Also, overly sensitive 

Lesa should thank her hubby because without his experience in finance, her line would just be a novelty line without actual sales backing it.

Sara...not sure who the real Sara is.

Nina..beautiful dress..but not sure what she brought to the show.  

Brooks...wear that crown...closest she'll ever get to one.



Too many bullies 

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Hehe. I miss LuAnn,


It makes sense. re: Brooks. The only thing she has me worried about is...her social media presence. Sometimes she can be lethal like Candiace or even Ex Soap Opera Star. But at the same time she can be a ki ki on social media from what I've seen and heard so it's a slippery slope, but she appears to be learning. 


Yeah, I've seen Lesa be bubbly in interviews as well. And thank you for what you say about Caroline and warm people. I feel that will be the reason why Caroline and Ayan grow closer because Ayan can be warm at times. And that of course will probably bother Lesa. 


As for Sara...you know what they say about second seasons...;) If there is anything ruthless beneath that nice exterior, we will find out for sure. I believe you btw just from what we have seen during the Brooks vs Sara drama.


As for the deleted scenes...I just the one where Kyle spoke up was interesting. Because you would think they would show that so people would not come for Kyle so much online since she has shown she will speak up. But if the producer that covered for the Coven IS gone, the new one might not like Kyle and has also been editing her to be in a bad light. Things to make you go hmmm


And as for Crystal...sounds like...especially given she brought the documentary on air to Garcelle and will be fighting with EricFake next week...might be willing to go against EricFake finally instead of just picking at Sutton. Curious they did not leave the scene to show some kind of motivation. Seeing the full scene of Garcelle vs EricFake...I feel Garcelle gathered her well. Could she have been harder? YES. But she was reading everyone and did efficiently shut EricFake up...so of course one of the Coven had to speak up to deflect. 


As for Sheree...I love the delusion that she brings and she can read for days. And the fact she does ridcule herself often and still keeps a sense of humor is just hilarious. Her lack of self-awareness is fascinating to watch. I have always loved her fights with Nene and I LOVE her friendly feud with Kenya in Season 8. So I guess I have a soft spot for her. 


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Oh! I should have specified. I meant Sheree, Garcelle's friend and ex-Mrs. Will Smith! 

But since we are discussing the one and only Sheree, Ms. Sheree 'Joggers' Whitfield, I 100% concur with your assessment. Sheree is delusional in a fun way, and talks a good talk, and her reads are so pointed, they're elegant. I miss her and Nene's dynamic for sure. She keeps Kenya on her toes. In the reunion trailer, she stands out at various moments, leading me to hope she'll be back for another season. And yet, despite the Doing It On My Own talk.... Sheree has made a lot of financial mistakes involving men. Trusting men. It is unexpected for someone who seems desperate to establish her brand and make lots of money on her own terms.

LOL I have a soft spot for her also.


@DaytimeFan This Rinna-Patrick Somers drama is mind-boggling. I don't know what to believe, given that Rinna considers herself the Steve Bannon of Housewives, feeding misinformation into the BH universe and throwing mud wherever possible. But the guy also sounds like a fantasist. Invited to the BH reunion,? That would be a first. An unknown, self-proclaimed social-media marketer showing up on set for Andy Cohen (!!) to credibly verify this guy's receipts. I'm not sure that's happening, but I've been wrong before. Do I think Bravo contacted him, though? Yes, because the network is likely conducting its own internal/due diligence investigation into the bots. Rinna should be worried. She, Erika and Diana likely cooked up this nasty scheme on vacation in Hawaii. And now she's admitted to having hired him. Do you think she's suing him to temporarily prevent him from speaking publicly about all this?

Diana, meanwhile, is doing the most on social media, trying to provoke a fight with Garcelle and Sutton. It'd be harassment if it weren't so sad -- S&G are ignoring her, and everyone else, apart from Bamboozle Jayne, also appear to be avoiding her posts.

God, I'm ready for a couple of these hoes to be removed from my screen!

Edited by Cat
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Did anyone else notice that Kyle’s Aspen house is a . . . duplex . . . ?

I thought something looked off about it, so I looked it up because I knew she listed it a few months ago.  I mean it’s a multi-million duplex!  I just felt like being a b!tch lol.  It is surprising to me that with Mo being a real estate mogul, Kyle never fully gets it right with her houses… it’s either the wrong location or the design is somehow lacking or just wrong.

Anyway, I was waiting for this to be THE week!  Lol.  What a letdown.  Kathy is getting a bad edit… but I don’t think her behavior is any different this year, it’s just not novel anymore for the other ‘wives and production isn’t giving her Housewives’ most glowing edit ever anymore.  Which I think is fine—this woman is obviously problematic af.

Watching what Diana and Erika did to Sutton was very difficult.  However, Sutton DID question the validity of Diana’s medical situation after her miscarriage.  But right after, Diana could have told her she crossed an irreversible line and there would be no moving forward.  This was such egregious bullying and gaslighting.  And I don’t buy Diana, she came in hot in the beginning for Sutton.  I think Rinna or maybe even Crystal(?!?) put her up to it.  It gives me Yolanda/Erika/LVP vibes.

Kyle is a damn mess!  She is so lazy this season, kinda like Rinna… which is shocking, because this show is their lives(lihoods).  Kyle has created some seriously nasty, destructive situations this year that have had nothing to do with her, then she skates accountability or worse, plays victim (like this week with Instagram/Sutton/Garcelle/Erika).

I can’t wait for Erika to self destruct next week.  I am so curious what her rhetoric will be because the preview suggests she’s keeping it 100 and just fvck!ng puts it ALL out there that she’s only in survival mode and she won’t feel bad or apologize for it.  It will hopefully be WILD and irrefutably show her for the garbage person she is.

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Oh absolutely, I was just being a b!tch.  Hey, I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with my brother and niece and we’ll probably be here forever because of rent control in San Francisco and we’ll likely never be able to realistically afford anything else.  Lol

I do think you’re being very generous with your descriptions of Kyle’s other properties we see on the show, lol.

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Also, I’m sure they own other places, including the LA townhouse they allegedly let Kim live in.

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That was a great finale. If that was a series finale of all the RH franchises, I'd have to say it was wonderful. It had an aura of positivity where all of the women's storylines were wrapped up in a tidy bow. 

Sheree damn well pulled it off and all the women were so supportive of her. And the support continues on social media tonight as Kenya and Kandi have been Tweeting up a storm about how Sheree is launching drops of merchandise all week long. 

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That RHOP cast photo is up there with RHOA's famous ultra-luxe cast pic from a few seasons back. Robyn, Candiace and Mia look sensational (seriously, Robyn needs to blow that shot of her up large, frame it, and hang it in her living room), but honestly, they all look stunning. And Karen in the middle. 

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