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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nene's ass is gonna end up getting fired this year. With LVP leaving BH, Bethenny leaving NY, and Vicki getting demoted on OC, Nene better start treading lightly. Just because you are the 'face' of a show does not mean you are safe. And in Nene's case, it has been proven that ATL is just fine without her. Season 8 and especially season 9 had strong ratings. 

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I was thrilled to see Vicky implode.  I think she's a truly vile person and she shockingly got what was coming to her after all these years (usually evil people like that don't suffer such a humiliating public fall from grace).  And to think I felt sorry for her from a professional standpoint during parts 1 & 2.  I get that what production did to her was shady af after what she contributed to the network, but this all couldn't have happened to a more deserving POS.  When is it gonna be Tamra's turn??  Lol.

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Okay I finished this weeks episode. Again, it was good and RHOA is ALWAYS watchable IMO, but this season continues to be disjointed and lackluster. Here's my thoughts on the invididual wives...


Friends Yovanna, Marlo and Tanya - First of all Yovanna needs to go. She is boring and if she didn't (I suspect) record Cynthia she'd have no purpose. SHe needs to go. Marlo has been like a top tier HW this season. I love her interactions with the group and just want Moore. Tanya has been light on airtime so far, but she is still delightful. I feel she's a crucial piece of the ensemble because she brings JOY to the show. With all the dark storylines and shade it's nice to have one person who is there to uplift. Again, I need Moore of Tanya. 


Nene - I know many hate her now, but to me she's the same stand faced hater she always has been and I LOVE her! I look forward to her return and I just hope from here on out it's consistent. I don't want her to appear on the trip, then we gotta wait 3 more episodes for her to see the girls again. 


Kandi - As always she's fun. I especially enjoy the awkwardness she has on the trip with the dancing and whatnot. They need to feed my girl!


Porsha/Cynthia - I feel both have been providing the majority of the story this season and I don't have any complaints. I feel like Cynthia should leave every year, but she pulls something out to make me okay with her staying.


Eva - NEEDS.TO.GO. How she has lasted this long is beyond me. Boring as hell and once again we're doing the fake story where she doesn't remember what she said. I just don't care when she pops up. Plus, she has hardly been around so how does she have a peach? They definitely need to suck it up and swap her for Marlo and Tanya next season.

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I have never watched an eppy of OC in my life but there was so much talk about this Vicky person in this thread, I had to pull it up on YT.  What an embarrassing humiliating despicable display.  She appears to be not only ugly on the outside but on the inside too.  And then to be dismissed after the first few minutes of the show?  How appropriate!  That will be her legacy and it couldn't be more fitting!  

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I honestly dont get why she wasnt demoted. She appears less than Marlo at this point. Nene should have definitely been made a friend bc they've not featured her in 3 episodes and she doesnt attend most of the event and has only interacted with Kandi 1:1. Her edit has been horrible and I believe production is getting her back for attacking them last season and of course her ugly behavior at the reunion. She is being humbled bc no one is f--king with her and Marlo and Yovanna (and i guess Tanya) are not it

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Yeah, I agree with @Chris B about Nene. It is hunting season for the OGs on all these shows, and Nene is in a more precarious position than even Vicki was. Vicki had a real chance of returning to OC with an orange, but her crazy FOMO got the better of her and she messed it up with her awful homophobic comments (I still say Vicki has latent feelings for Tamra and can't get past them). She showed herself out the door. Nene has production in no way inclined to showcase her. I don't blame them one bit after what happened last year, and when Bravo starts editing you off the show, you know it's curtains. And yes, ATL can carry on without her. But IMO there is still unfinished business with Nene that I want to see played out. Even not being there, she is still in the mix, especially with Cynthia, Kenya and to a lesser extent Kandi. Honestly, the face-off between Nene and Kenya has been YEARS in the making. Kenya came gunning for Nene's queen bee position right from the top (many say she succeeded in getting it), and Nene has always felt deeply threatened by her. I am more invested in that than, say, Eva's supposed beef with Porsha. Like @Chris B I think Nene's stank face and petty jealousies can still contribute something to ATL for the remainder of the season.


Part 3 of OC reunion was really very good. After Vicki left, the women explained themselves with unexpected depth. Braunwyn actually surprised with how well she explained her feelings for women. Kelly at least calmed down. And the Emily-Shane segment was informative, lol. Tamra stood out like a sore thumb, though, as she looked to score easy points with Andy and the audience. So Braunwyn talking about her sexuality segues into Tamra squawking that she and Eddie had sex in front of a group of her friends and they saw his weiner. It's like she was constantly looking for opportunities to stay in the conversation. Tamra couldn't even connect on a human level with Gina and hug her. If Bravo wants to revamp OC, I think they should keep Shannon but jettison Tamra. However, I think they are afraid that if Tamra goes, there will be no pot-stirring or drama. 

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If Bravo wants OC to improve, they must fire Tamra. She is the source of the rot on this show and if they don't see it they are blind to their own problems. 


The thing about 'pot-stirring' is that it's all contrived and none of it is genuine. None of it. Zero. And that's why OC, like BH, is faltering. 


Compare those two awful franchises, which have been awful for years, with RHONJ, RHOATL, RHOP and RHONY. Those shows are all comparably light hearted and the 'drama' that unfolds is comparably organic. On OC, it's clear Tamra views the show as her job (like Rinna does on BH) and self produces every single action. It's as fake as it comes and it's tiresome to watch. 

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Sorry but Danielle should've snatched Marge bald after tossing a drink on her again. Toss drinks, get beat. Marge is really starting to "smell herself" (as we say in the South) lately. She's letting this show get to her head. Honestly, despite Danielle being a train wreck, these women came off nasty tonight. When will these women learn that gang mentality does NOT bode well with the audience? 


Moving on to Dallas, I have NEVER seen a housewife crash and burn like Leeanne. She needs to sit out a season or 2 and regroup b/c these women truly hate her and played her like a fiddle. 


In regard to Dollar Tree Kary, I still don't take to her at all. I find her forced and smut. When she asked Leeanne how much she donated to charity, as if that is the only way you can donate to charity, I knew my suspicions were valid. Pure trash that happened to marry rich. 


This show needs to be retooled. Keep Steph and Kameron and ditch the rest. I'd recast heavily. I previous felt Brandi could've stayed until this video popped up about her...


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Yep. It's the cliffhanger.  Well-played, Bravo. Like the fight coming up on ATL, I will be back to see the outcome. Hooked.


Haven't seen the episode, but the leadup in already on Twitter and going by that, I would say Team Danielle. Granted once I watch the episode as a whole, I could change my mind. But all I saw was that Danielle's insults got to her Marge. And then she kept poking the bear. And in true Season 7 in Italy fashion, Danielle exploded. 


Now Bravo, show it like you showed it all the trailers IN FULL. Double same for ATL'S upcoming fight. Speaking of...





FINALLY!!!! In Toronto. I have always wanted to go to Canada as a kid. Big fan of the ANNE OF GREEN GABLES/AVONLEA (even about to bingewatch AVONLEA and other childhood shows interestingly enough) so anything Canada draws me in. So happy with the light hearted fun so far. And I hollered at Porsha sneaking in the liquor. Yas, girl. *raises hand* Totally me. 


PORSHA. Honestly, ever since she was preggers, Porsha has been wining me over with her fun, her humor, and dare I say her maturity. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? I wonder that all the time because I used to loathe her. Okay, I know when lol. In any case, I even feel her pain. That said, I am not looking forward to her getting back together with Dennis. I am not. He's just so low down and I feel she deserve better. FINALLY. Sadly, I don't even think she is conning him either. And is the only black mark I feel on her this year. Otherwise, she has become one of my fave. 


KANDI. She has been great this year. She has stepped up everything. Her hair. Her clothes. Her vibe. And it all screams BOSS BITCA. And I am HERE FOR IT. She even have me questioning my finances after her talk with Todd, her pace on the economy....something that has been on my mind going into the new year. I do hope she holds Eva's feet to the fire after Eva sat there and backpedaled. Love her friendship combo with Kenya and Cynthia.


CYNTHIA. As Porsha would say 'WRONG ROAD, GIRL!!! WRONG ROAD!!!' She so should not have stepped into Porsha and Kandi confront Eva on her mouth. Happy she is engaged and happy it has caused some nice, but organic tension between her, Kandi, and Kenya. 


EVA. Yeah, no longer a fan. This backpedaling and lack of 'owning it' is not cool with me. I hope Porsha keeps her way on social media and drags her from one side of the reunion to another. I expected more from Eva the Diva and this is disappointing.  Some are calling her the new Shady Phae Phae and  would say no. Shady Phae Phae was very good at hiding her hand once she threw that rock. Other than a giggle here and there, OVER HER.


NENE. Who?  LOL!!!  Even if she is not behind the B. Scott stuff, it is very transparent what she is trying to do. It didn't work for Vicki on OC (okay, it did until she torpedoed her chances on the OC reunion) and it won't work for you, Nene. You hurt your image. You hurt it enough that you have to do a redemptive arc and for her to do that she has to 1)feel remorse and work on it with the girls and it don't feel FAKE and 2)provide some alternative fun and/or idea when not in scenes with the girls and 3) provide some good organic drama. And for me, it seems like she is only doing Number 3. And she is faking Number 1 and THAT is the important one. She is on the outside looking in and I just wish that it wasn't so transparent. With Viki this past season on OC even if it was transparent, it felt real. I will say seeing how on thin ice she is after going after Andy on social media, I at least want to see how she plays it from here to the reunion. Otherwise, she just might get dropped. Especially if the alleged sptting fight with Kenya happened.


KENYA. You make it hard to stan a queen. lol. Still loving the friendship trio with her, Kandi, and Cynthia. But yeah...she was in the wrong for almost spoiling the engagement. I continue to feel sorry for what is going on with Marc. But she is becoming a hot mess...part of the reason there is a fight coming with Nene. She really does not want those two to get back together. Understandable. Real. Organic. And STILL it is not a good look to get in-between those two. Just hope that if Nene and Cynthia become friends again, she keeps her backbone a la Season 7. 




Marlo...continues to step it up this season. 


Tanya...stay loving her. She is just so positive. LOVE.


Yovanna. Thirsty ho. Over her. 




@NothinButAttitude thank you for confirming that Brandi has gone back to her 'thirsty ho' ways. Like OC Viki, she had a good season for me that sounds like she ruins at the reunion. Just ugh. And I love the video. Say what you will about LeeAnne, but it says something that a gay man is running around social media exposing all the girls who have tried to take LeeAnne down this year. Interesting since she is a racist and all. *shrugs*


Still, it sounds like LeeAnne did double down at the reunion so ugh at her. SMH. Sounds like also I going to want to slap ALL of the taste out of Kary's mouth. Cue Kandi's new meme from the engagement.




Can't wait to watch.








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Wow. Just starting out, it feels like it is a roast. Period. Already. 


They really don't like LeeAnne, do they?





Well for the record to me, it seems like to me that fight would not have happened if it was not obvious that the other girls were sitting there picking on Danielle versus just being there to shop. Was it messy to confront it? Maybe. But adult. Then that went left.


TERESA. What I took away with her? Wooooooooooowwwwwwwww, she did pick up on Marge taking a dig from her when they were on their trip. I was like uh oh. That said, I liked that she called everyone out on picking on Danielle. Right or not?


MARGE. I am sorry, but I think being on reality tv has gone to her head. She has way too much going on that people would actually like to see. Why make Danielle your storyline when what is or isn't going on with her and Marty is none of your business? If they were not ragging on Danielle that fight would not have happened. And yeah, pour water on me, you are probably gonna get my hands. 


MELISSA. lol. Are the kids Joe and Melissa's? I wasn't watching NJ during most of the family drama so I am unclear. That said...yeah...she kinda has nothing going on other than to drive a wedge between Teresa and Danielle.


JACKIE. Not relevant.


JENNIFER. Nice to get some backstory on her family. And just wanted to say I loved her Easter dress. Fab. 


DOLORES. I must say that I liked that she is adult about the Danielle/Teresa friendship. Yes, she does not like her, but she puts up with her.


DANIELLE. For this episode at least, Queen.



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I love me some Anne of Green Gables too lol.  My bucket list includes going to Prince Edward Island and doing the Anne tour. I'll have to drag my husband along, cuz he has no interest in "some little white girl teaching in a one room school" lol 


I feel the exact same way about my love for Porsha. When did she become my favorite? I disliked her for so long, first with Kordell and then her dumb THOT-like ways and teaming up with Phaedra... but when she got pregnant and became more humbled, she did a complete 180 for me. Nowadays, I find myself chuckling the most at her comments. She says a lot of funny remarks on the fly (versus pre-thought jokes in talking heads) that kind of reminds me how I *used* to love Nene in ATL's first 3 seasons... 


Even though Marlo will never hold a peach, it's pretty ironic how she has contributed more to this season than Nene (or Eva). 


Tanya is like that super hyper wannabe in highschool that's trying to hang with the cool crowd. She can be a little annoying to me, but overall harmless. Plus, she does infuse positive vibes into the group which is a good thing. 


Yovanna. Thirsty ho indeed. It's like why is she even there? She's friends with Nene who's been a no-show til the end of the episode. Some of these "friends of" are lucky to get a free ride (literally) to another country for a vacation, with nary one remark to contribute to the show.  



New Jersey:

Danielle blaming Margaret for her failed marriage to Marty is the equivalent to Shannon blaming Vicki for her weight gain. #Bye #IsByeAThreat? 


By the way, last night's eppy reminded me of how paranoid and delusional Danielle can get with her castmates. It was a total Season 2 flashback for me. She is really fixated on Margaret. Margaret talks about Danielle, yes, but she's got other stuff to occupy herself with as well. And Danielle constantly goes back to bashing Margaret on how she got together with her current husband by cheating on her previous husband. If Margaret, Hubby No. 1,  and Hubby No. 2 are over it, so should Danielle. She's a one trick pony with her insults. 



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OC: I don't think Andy will ever let Tamra go. Andy looked to Tamra to discuss the whole Vicki thing although it was telling he was less offended by Vicki's "dyke" comment and homophobia than he was about her criticising the show. It was so aggravating to see the tres amoebas baiting Kelly and then telling her to "Calm down" or "Take a Breath." They don't seem to understand that it doesn't look bad on Kelly if they're doing what they can to get her to react. It was exasperating because there'd be an interesting conversation going and then Tamra or Shannon would have to make some anti-Kelly remark and them it would get derailed into name calling and shouting. Shannon needs to lay off the fillers and stop with the spray tanning. I find Shannon more annoying because Tamra is at least doing it as part of her job although her lack of empathy for Gina was shocking.


ATL:Nene was horrible last season, but I don't think she's as far gone as Vicki. She's getting there because her off camera antics are annoying and Vickiesque ("This is My Show" type stuff). I would prefer the show without her but I think she can redeem herself if she just stops with the holier than thou stuff. It would also help if she took responsibility for attacking the crew member which we all know she will never do. That alone should have had her fired. I'm not feeling Tanya this season. She's so happy to see Nene after Nene's disgusting remarks to her at the reunion? Cynthia reminds me of some of my family members--so afraid of conflict that they will just go with the person they are with at the time because they don't want to make waves.


Dallas: Don't watch but not surprised to see other cast members' racist behaviour. I'm sure that a lot of these women don't equate racism with Asians. I've encountered that attitude quite often. Speaking of which, why are there no Asian housewives in any cities especially OC--which has a large Asian population.

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