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Tamara Tattles says that he is so unlikable that there is literally no way they can give him an even decent edit. She said that the producers don't even like Kenya and they feel bad for her. I know there are rumors he's down low and has a gay lover, but they say that about everyone so I'm not sure how true that is.

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Oh it's him for sure! She mentions the behavior in the post announcing the divorce: https://tamaratattles.com/2019/09/19/exclusive-details-kenya-moore-and-marc-daly-to-divorce/

That lines up with the blind item: https://tamaratattles.com/2019/09/17/blind-item-pretty-dick/


The weird thing to me is that just on Monday they appeared together on the Tamron Hall show, then he recently had an event that *he* threw for RHOA. This story is weird as hell just like anything with Kenya.

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Darrrn, that's what I did for being online lite today!!! She did a reveal. SMH.


See? I saw her report and other comments online about their showing together on Tamron Hall so I was hoping good, they were working out. And he was being fine with the cameras. Just...ugh.



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I agree and thats why I get so mad when people list seasons 5 or 6 as the best. IMO, the best season the show had was season 4 (including the best reunion). I also loved last season which I know is unpopular. I feel like Kenya is too on for the cameras. I have liked her various seasons, but you don't get her real life often. I feel like she worked best in her final season, but overall she tries to hard. I like it best when the women are themselves and the drama is more organic. I feel the next season is going to be better received than last year because it'll be full of drama, but I don't look forward to the story she CREATES for herself.

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I think 6 was the best the show had and yes last season sucked without Kenya. This will be an improvement just by her being there. The finale last year was the best episode and it was primarily bc the most interesting drama revolved around Kenya, despite her barely being featured

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That's because Kenya produces her entire life like it's a RHOA episode. She wanted the marriage/baby thing for the show so bad, so she jumped into it with this willing participant and it turned out he was not so willing. I'm betting he was basically a glorified sperm donor. The thing is, she could have got Brandon to help her out with a donation and it would have been so much easier, but no she wanted the crazy drama and the 'I got my fairytale!' narrative, because she was banking on cameras being there. She really seems to pick assholes too. Anyway it's too bad the cameras weren't there last season to showcase all this because the drama would have been insane. I guess we will see it this season.

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LOL!!! I knew you would be in here really to fight for Kenya!!! +1 to all you said.


I thought last season was a good transition season for sure, but it SHOULD have ended with Nene gone just like Wig the season before that. Unless she humbles herself or pulls a Season 6 NYC LuAnn on the girls (don't be  uncool), I just don't see why she is there unless she gets a redemptive arc like Porsha successfully (for me and a few others I believe) got last season. 


Sorry, I got so blindsided by the Kenya news and a kinda date that I forgot...




I think I am going to need a rewatch at some point. I liked it a lot, but I could see why others might get triggered. And even I should have been triggered since suicide is one of my hot buttons. Why wasn't I? I just felt like LeeAnne...love you...and Kary were both in the wrong on that trip so far. Kary kept telling the other girls and in the confessional that she wanted to get to know LeeAnne. Thus the shared rooms. However, this drama could have been mostly dropped if Kary HAD SAID TO LEEANNE'S FACE!!! I MEAN SERIOUSLY?!? All she had to do was pull LeeAnne and explain why she did it rather than trying to come across uppity. Makes me think she just wanted to catch drama with someone she knows already mistrusts her. If you are trying to branch that divide, you are going to have to talk to them face to face so they can see your sincerity...if you are being sincere.

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LEEANNE. Girl, you WERE doing too much. Still love you, but you were. I can even see why. Wedding. Cheating talk. Being around D'Andra. Stress, stress, stress. But something can be said for being grace under pressure...something you learned last season with your bowl. I can't even hate her for her deflect at the dinner. We all have been known to use an uncomfortable subject/gesture to make people stop talking period. Kary ain't making it easier by unnecessary drama.


BRANDI. Surprisingly a hoot.


D'ANDRA. No longer Ashley Abbott to me. Ashley would not have missed that meeting AT ALL. Shame. I guess you really don't want that business, it's about attention. Didn't like that storyline at all.


KAMERON. Looking forward to my rewatch. Goofy Her was back but it went over my head. 


STEPHANIE. Everything with her resonated with me. Speaking out about suicide...giving it that awareness would naturally draw people to you for better or worse. And being that role model can definitely be a burden. I felt that. Thank God she has a great husband. Love their scene where he had her reread D'Andra's text.


KARY. *NENE*I see you*NENE* Love the house, but you are not fooling me. I liked her humor, but your passive aggressive stuff will be wearing. Stop.


Will do OC later...

Yeah, I have to at least say her luck seems to be like mine with guys.


Rumor is the drama will be insane.

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I agree so much with this. First of all S3 and S4 are the finest seasons of any HW show, on a par with S3 NY and S2 BH. The cast chemistry was perfection, and so was the comedy, shade and drama. And people diss Cynthia for being a bore but I really loved her from the get go. Her drama was real and relatable. 


With Kenya's arrival, there was from Day One a problem with authenticity. She is incredibly self-produced, and was constantly baiting the women. It really damaged her credibility that first season, especially when Apollo accused her of coming on to him, and people believed him over her. Since then, and as much as I appreciate a Scarlet Letter SL, Kenya's antics have put pressure on the other HWs to self-produce and manufacture story in much the same way. And little by little, I started enjoying ATL a bit less, because drama became increasingly scripted. 



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Eileen that was not a good look on you. Don't taint my memories.


And heehe at LVP response on Twitter.


I still feel the only reason they are all back is because we want to see the aftermath of the LVP wish-it-was-a-takedown where they turn on each other. And like a trainwreck, one wants to see who is left standing. And since it looks like more and more Lipsa is coming for Kyle...I AM HERE FOR THAT.

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Sometimes (in Kenya's case) Drama picks Drama! (I hear you about personal luck with guys tho).


It's like when she got married with Marc and she suddenly went all coy about 'keeping it private' and no filming of Marc. That made no sense and ran against everything we know Kenya is about. That's why production lost its rag and decided to fire her. Because she got her wedding all over the blogs but didn't want to share it on the show. So, either Marc put his foot down about being filmed and Kenya acquiesced (likely), or Kenya did not want the cameras around to delve too deeply into this marriage and her pregnancy (which, some people have said, was a pillow shoved up her dress and a secret surrogate on the side. Hey, Kenyoncé!).


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching Kenya for the drama she creates -- she should have been on last season for that reason alone! I also think the WWHL episode where she effortless DESTROYS Michael Rappaport was the best WWHL episode ever aired. But I also don't like the precedent she has set with RHOA. I will call Kenya out on her fakery and disingenuousness, and you best believe there will be some of that this coming season. 



Totally. I don't need to see another 19 episodes of fakery about how they are all BFFs now that the cause of ALL their problems is gone. These bitches never take accountability for doing the same [!@#$%^&*] they accused LVP of doing, and the hypocrisy comes off of them in waves. I want to see them turn on each other like the gang in Reservoir Dogs ! 


BTW where did you get "it looks like more and more Lipsa is coming for Kyle" ? Is there stuff happening on Twitter or IG I don't know about??   Spill the tea!

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