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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The 'breadwinner' who got the family evicted, forcing Alexis to cling onto that Fox 5 guest spot in order to bring in some money !


Jim Bellino is a slug in human form. A slug with hair plugs. I wouldn't be surprised if this pathologically superficial turd was trading in the Alexisbot for a newer model.

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I'm right here with you.  I, too, feared the worst and then I realized this child lives in another universe where what he said to her was worthy of removing her ring without taking into consideration what she said to him in that text.  Chris needs to run and fast!  The time he gives to this toddler should be given to his bio children!

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I used to love Dorinda but I am finding her to be really mean spirited this season. First she had a fit that Bethenny didn’t properly thank her (while maintaining that she isn’t one to want the credit and attention 

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). I hate to stick up for Bethenny but I’m not sure what else she could have done. She even apologized to her but Dorinda once again mentioned it in her blog.


Now she is having a fit because Sonja has a family crest and uses the last name Morgan? What is wrong with her? When she made the comment about Sonja just sleeping with a lot of men I was pretty confused. We watched her have a hissy fit and yell a few weeks ago about how Sonja is divorced (and I guess not worthy of loving and missing her husband) but this week she seemed to forget that Sonja was married to the man and had a child with him.


Ugh, Dorinda has been enjoyable and fun to watch these past few seasons. I hope we get back to that Dorinda and far away from the one who seems to think she has a monopoly on pain.

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And this is why I love Karen.

1. Finally a good wig. I don't wear wigs but I LOVE this one.

2. "Robyn is not the topic under discussion, you are." In one succinct line, Karen not only schooled Gizelle but also exposed her attacks on Karen as based on NOTHING. Just pettiness and jealousy. Jealousy that KERN may just be that little bit more liked by the RHOP audience than Gizelle who, like Kyle Richards before her, blithely assumed she would be the franchise's OG.


FYI, Gizelle, that's not a clown, that's a mime.


Typical of this needy, insecure, controlling man to invoke religion in order to 'justify' his own selfishness. Ironic how many men like this are in positions of power across the world!


Remember back to the Alexis Couture days when Alexis decided to hack off the sleeve of a dress? Her poor seamstress was totally bereft seeing Alexis destroy her work. Alexis was literally breathless with triumph in her VT, gasping "I showed her who was boss!" This is what Alexis thought power was: debasing another person, usually someone who had a talent they lacked. I'm pretty sure that was learned behaviour from Jim Bellino.


Needless to say, I am totally Team Alexis on this and hope he loses the spousal support bid. I don't even care if she cheated. He is a pig who treated her like he owned her. I always wondered why she was with him. As a trophy wife, Alexis could have done so much better, handsomer, kinder.

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You can see in that clip why Andy Cohen loves Gizelle. She's very very rehearsed. For all the talk of Karen being a sham (and I'm sure she is in many ways), she feels much more natural, and has more integrity in how she speaks and carries herself. There's nothing inside Gizelle.

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