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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Just caught up...

While I don't agree with what Sheree did, and I do think she exaggerated the whole thing ("black baby") --- I still feel like Kandi was at least implying SOMETHING when she said she couldn't see Kim in the orphanage or in Africa. Just like Kim said, WTF wouldn't she want to go to Africa or orphanages, if the timing was right? I'd think Kandi would know Kim better than that.

LOL at Phaedra and calling out all the flowers up to Kim's front door. "Impaaaatiens". :)

The OC was good --- excited for next week's showdown with Vicki and Gretchen. That gay guy was totally trying to start some shiz - I loved how he had his facts wrong and he looked stupid for it.

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Because Kim is a lazy sloth who barely wants to hold her own baby. Seriously who needs all these people to help raise a child when you have no job? And she also would've been whining about Nene going, even though Nene would've had done her own thing with Marlo and Cynthia.

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I HATE the way Kim talks to Sweety. I thought how she talked to her this last week was so out of line and disrespectful

I dont think anything was wrong with what Kandi said but its been blown WAY out of proportion

I hated him! he annoyed the heck out of me and just wanted his 15 minutes. The Gretchen vs Vicki stuff does look good. Cant wait for that

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I absolutely agree and I think that's my problem with Kandi. She's stealth with how she stirs up bullsh*t between the women. Sheree absolutely lied to Kim's face, but I feel the same way you do, Kandi was implying something about Kim, not that she's racist, but that, perhaps, she's a snob or wouldn't feel comfortable being around the poor?

Kim's reaction, while melodramatic, I thought was genuine. Kim made a good point, she has worked as a nurse, nobody becomes a nurse if they don't have a part of them that feels compassion for other people. Kim worked in hospice care, the hardest job there is...even if she only worked that shift for a week, that's a week longer than most people ever do. Nursing is a selfless profession, nobody wipes someone else's behind just for the money. Kim also worked in the neonatal intensive care unit, another war zone, she would have sailed through that orphanage. Finally, look at how Kim is with her kids. Certainly, she's lazy and a sloth and a diva of epic proportions...but she also has a sense of humour and open communication with her daughters, she might be a bit more of a friend than a parent at times, but her kids are in their early teens, so it may be part of her strategy to remain 'in the loop' (in a serious way, not a desperate to be young way) with her daughters. Overall, Kim is a realist and I think she would have been a star at that orphanage and I think any suggestion to the otherwise is a needless shot at her character as a person.

Phaedra is second only to Lisa of BH in terms of my Housewife faves. Love her!

Feel a bit of sympathy for Vicki...only because she's a veteran fave, she's sort of insufferable, but looking down the barrel of the gun called "Your Daughter Might Have Cancer" is one I surely wouldn't want to face. Slade's an as$hole of epic proportions.

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^^ Oh, Slade (or "Slave" as the folks at Reality Tea call him) is just horrendous. He has been since the very first episode of RHoOC. The man is a misogynist control freak. i assume he tries to manipulate the women in his life to make him feel better about his own... shortcomings? Forcing his girlfriend (Jo) to give up a job she loved so that he could be the sole breadwinner? Yeah, she did well to move on without him. She was clearly going places and he wasn't -- and he knew it. It is poetic justice now seeing him subject to Gretchen's every beck and call, but that comedy routine he did really underscored the resentment he feels towards a lot of women. I'm actually kind of surprised given how cool and together his mother is and how tight he seems with her.

Vicki is playing up her role as the shocked, religious, goody-two shoes this season, I think. That doesn't mean I don't love her, though. In a way, it shows that she can laugh at herself a little. And Briana's cancer is no joke. You could tell when V was talking with her at dinner how desperately worried and upset she is.

Edited by Cat
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Last night's RHOA was way too Cynthia-centric. No Kandi til the party? No NeNe for the first 20 minutes? No Sheree til... Oh wait, she has no story.

Peter, aka Papa Smurf, is so classless the way he badmouths his sister-in-law in public like that. Meanwhile, the sister IS a tad bit too weepy. The mother, who looks like she's melting in the hot Atlanta heat, I'm surprised she would say "I'm shocked your marriage lasted a year" at the party, but I guess that's when the cameras were rolling so there ya go.

Then there's Marlo, who denies saying she used the F word. Girl please. It'll be interesting to see how she backtracks that one at the reunion show.

Phaedra has really grown to be my 2nd fave (NeNe will always be first). Alls you gotta do is shoot her going to the grocery store giving her opinions about foods, flavors, brandnames, etc. and it'll be amusing. She's got a quick wit like a comedienne.

I think Kim not attending Cynthia/Papa Smurf's party has less to do with the Africa comments and more to do with the fact that she just didn't feel like going. It looks like she just prefers being on camera when it's set at her house.

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You know...as much as there's no story for Sheree I would miss not seeing her fake, broke ass on the show. There's something I like about her bullsh*t, perhaps that it's so obvious? It gives fodder to the sharper wives (ie: my love Phaedra).

Phaedra is so fabulous, she just KILLS. Never does a comment of her's fall flat.

Cynthia & Papa Smurf...he's a total bastard and I'm glad her family openly hates him. He clearly hates them, so there's no reason to fake it.

Kim avoiding that party...well she knows she isn't really welcome considering how Cynthia and Nene are BFF, she'd have to deal with Kandi...most importantly, she brought her own wine to Cynthia and Papa Smurf's wedding, she probably didn't feel like lugging a bottle of Chardonnay to another one of their shindigs.

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I think kandi was honest and likely correct in what she said about Kim. Kim does not seem like the type of person to go on vacation and visit an orphanage - np matter where or what race the babies were.I do think she would donate money or items or even host a fundraiser or something like that, but actually go the orphanage in the middle of her vacation? no. I dont think any racial implications were intended, and Sheree twisted and exaggerated on what she said to make it seem like it.

sweetie is lazy and an awful employee. she should have been fired long ago, but this is the issue with friends as employees. the fact that kim even needs all of these employees is redic, but whatever.

nene walking into that anniversary party is exactly why i cant stand her. and that party... peter is a piece of work, really. he seems like he is always in need of cynthias money. not that there is anything wrong with the wife supporting the family, but maybe not throwing a 10,000+ party she doesnt even want? come on. that said, while i think him goating at mallory is wrong, i also think she deserves it. shes really something. the sad thing is neither love cynthia enough to fake being civil.

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Also, about OC - I really do hope Gretchen goes in on Vicki, who absolutely deserved every bit of anything that is thrown at her. Her boyfriend is off limits? No, bitch, hes not. he signed up for this and you attacked another man about the exact same issue your new man has. He is fair game. She is the worst.

And i can not wait for Heather's amazing facial reactions to "these bitches are insane"

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Marlo wrote about why she denied saying the f-word. She said when confronted by Lawrence and Sheree she could see how giddy Sheree was to get drama started and that she only told Lawrence to have drama not bc she cared about her friend. So she decided to deny Sheree the satisfaction of that by saying she never said it. She called Lawrence later to explain herself and ask for his forgiveness which he did do.

All I can say is :lol: :lol: :lol:

So over Peter and Cynthia.

I think something is seriously wrong with Bryson and when the move out deadline comes Nene will let him stay.

I feel like the only reason Kim all of a sudden thinks Sweetie is a bad employee is bc Kroy doesn't like her. She has been with her for years so there is no way all of a sudden Kim is fed up. She will do anything to hold on to her cash cow. Smh.

Phaedra is entertaining doing anything. I loved her segment.

Marlo really has a deep voice when my head was turned I thought it was a man that Nene said hi too.

Sheree is such a hater, why go to a party to talk [!@#$%^&*] about it. Do you even like Cynthia? And was she the one talking about what Phaedra did for Ayden's birthday by buying 12 cakes? At least her son isn't sleeping on an air matress. So sad that I can see all the other ladies, even Kim do without if it meant they could give their child a bed.

But yeah this season needs to end, the stories are wack and we need some new life. Get rid of Sheree, Kim, and Cynthia please.

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