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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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"made up" until next season when Nene is dogging her out and acting like she's the scum of the Earth. If I were Kenya, I wouldnt trust her bc they made up this season as well, only to have Nene act brand new the next time they interacted.

Bethenney vs Jill was a feud! That mess was so juicy and it worked bc they truly were friends. Nothing about it felt fake or inauthentic. It was good drama

Edited by Cheap21
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Yep. I think this was 1 on 1 with Andy when she said all this. She said that she faked a fight [on her behalf] with Bethenny over Bobby's surgery, and she thought they were going to make up some time around the time Luann and Ramona tried to get the two together. But once Jill [still playing it up for the cameras] refused to see Bethenny at that time, Bethenny took it to heart. Jill banked on the fact that Bethenny would forgive her easily but once Alex delievered that message from Bethenny, they were through, Jill got the memo that she had effed up. Bethenny was not going to forgive her.

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Jill is a moron because even Andy said he to told her not to make that her story. He said it was a terrible idea. Considering he wants and needs drama for these shows, if he says its a bad idea LISTEN! But Jill was too cocky and we see what happened.

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RH of Melbourne...

Gamble is an absolute moron and she's played these women so incorrectly. She really didn't know who she was tangling with when it comes to Janet. Janet is in her 50s, she has been there, done that, and dealt with basic bitches like Gamble for years. And when Gamble told her sister a version of the story that cast Janet as if she was the one who started everything (under a ludicrous premise that because Janet repeated rumours she was stating them as fact which is plainly illogical, a ridiculous premise that she reiterated when Gina explained reality to her sister), it demonstrated how Gamble is a liar whose only interested in casting a victims light on her. She isn't willing to let anything go. She loves that the conflict is all about her and centred on her. When she made the chicken squawking noise into Gina's phone, it showed what a dumb bitch she is. Her sister was either drunk or just trash and so drunk on emotion that I can't have any respect for her whatsoever.

Janet was right to leave. And she strutted out of that gallery like a star, to have Gamble run after her like a schoolgirl chasing her crush, it was a win for Janet who was clearly pissed off at how Gamble seems to be setting her up for an attack at every turn. She looked amazing in the white suit she wore to the Sydney hotel. Janet caught Gina in the rumour she spoke to Lydia about: it's exactly the same thing Janet did, she took the rumour back to the source. Janet held herself together very well throughout the episode. She knows when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

Gina knew how stupid the situation was and seemed taken aback when Gamble's sister said that Gamble hadn't said Janet was repeating rumours. Gina clearly explained how that was different than just stating things as fact and it blew Gamble's credibility as her big personality got awfully small one Gina started to analyze things. Much as Gina tried to wriggle out of it, Janet did get her with the Lydia Rumour Repeat point, Gina did the exact same thing Janet did, she took the rumour back to the source. And then Gina really screwed herself by saying she "embellished the story" about Janet flirting with Rick...that said, I can definitely understand why Gina doesn't get along with Pettifleur, she IS highly strung and that isn't a trait some people really enjoy, I know I don't.

Pettifleur had Janet's back when it came to Gamble's drunken pig of a sister, and I liked that...but she's very prickly when it comes to Gina. She's very serious and very highly strung and thinks incredibly highly of herself...and that can get a bit much when she expects everyone else to be as impressed with her. She's also very defensive straight out of the gate, true, she's probably had a hard life, but she's bitter from it.

Jackie has become the Greek Chorus, I don't find myself disagreeing with her assessments of things at all.

Chyka lives gorgeously. I could kill for that house of hers and the windy picnic she threw. She IS 'Slither Barbie' because she's a lot shadier than she gets credit for. I really liked her scenes at home, it's a nice break from the constant scenes with the other women.

Lydia's drunken, bitchy, wind fuelled impression of Gamble was hilarious: she clearly hates her. And that makes Lydia a winner for me for this episode. There very well might be something with her marriage going on, who knows (for now)...

I loved how this week's episode was shot: it showed so much of Sydney at its best and the music was fun. RHOMelbourne is really beautifully produced. I think it may be my favourite franchise ever (Vancouver and Cheshire were both fabulous too).

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Claudia was totally painted in a great light tonight. It was good to see her unwind and bond with Phelony somewhat. Claudia being peacemaker just shows that she does bring a lot to this show. She's been able to do in one season what these women couldn't do in three--come together. I'm glad that Bravo sees her as an asset.

Phaedra came off petty tonight. I think Kandi brought up good points in their exchange. How can she forgive Nene but can't forgive Cynthia or Kenya, who have said a lot less worse? That whole exchange between those two just solidified what I always thought about Phaedra--she always wanted to be Nene's lackey and wanted her acceptance. Now that she is with Nene, she cares for no one. Not even Kandi, who clearly has her best interest at heart.

I like Demetria but I didn't understand why she was there. Or the exchange between she and Porsha. Clearly they had beef that wasn't shown. See this is why I wish they would've just left all Demetria's scenes in the show. It would've filled up all the plot holes in this season.

Porsha continued to annoyed me. Her butting into situations that don't consist of her is her biggest problem. But it did feel good to see her laugh it up with Claudia and Cynthia. Reminds me of a time when I actually could tolerate Porsha [i.e. season 5].

I can't wait to see Kenya and Phaedra have a heart to heart. Hopefully, this ends the Apollo affair for good because I am tired of it. It's been an albatross over this show for three seasons. Now it is time to put it to bed ... FOREVER.

Nene ... meh. Sucks that she wasn't there but it was actually better. She is somewhat of the cancer to this group. When she is not there, things run so much smoother.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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