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Candiace isn't a "wordsmith." She just goes for low-hanging fruit. I hate how people try and put her on the tier of Kenya, Nene, Mariah (of M2M), or even Karen. They are clever with their shade and they don't have to go for the jugular. Candiace is just an uncultured swine. 


And I think Gizzard is smarter than Rinna. Rinna kept harping about what she wanted the story to be on camera. Gizzard ingeniously plants the seed and everyone else keeps talking about it. In this case, that would be Candiace (herself) and Ashley. 

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I do like Candiace's Shakespearean turn-of-phrase sometimes ("bed-wench!"). But you are probably right about the low-hanging fruit. Even if she is miffed with Karen, she is careful to not go up against her in a war of wordsmithery. Karen has a way of calmly winning those battles. And no way is she on a par with Nene Leakes, the QUEEN of Memes to this very day.

Giz never does anything without back-up. Her lil sidekick Robyn, Ashley, Charrisse -- Gizelle always has her ducks lined up in a row. I think she may have overreached with this one, though, because no-one buys the idea that Chris is trying to pull a Michael Darby on the cast. 

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I like Candiace more than most on this board, and I do think she’s very clever at times (“concubine” and “bed-wench” are two of my faves). But definitely not god-tier like the Nenes and the Bethennys. Candiace is sometimes too crudely blunt, but she also doesn’t have the life experience of the legendary wordsmiths. 

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So these cunts are just flat out lying now? Robyn, Gizelle, Cha Cha and Mia are the WORST

Also F Ashley for what she pulled at the end. She is evil

And Mia is a skank for gleefully recounting how she stole Gee from his ex wife. So much grimeyness all throughout the episode

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The lies are so blatant, it's like they are gaslighting the audience too. Do they expect Andy not to call them out at reunion? (Answer: probably). 

Robyn & Cha x2 denying Robyn running up on Wendy in a threatening manner was the first lie. We all saw it. Production rolled the flashbacks because she's been pulling the same stunt for years. Typical bully's sidekick who waits for Gizelle to strike the first blow, then runs up to get her licks in.

Gizelle has become the Lisa Rinna of the show. She has miscalculated and totally overreached this season.

Ashley turning on Candiace within the space of one episode was brutal. She always does Gizelle's dirty work, and it's not funny or charming. She's been living in such a sordid marriage for so long that she assumes everyone else's relationship is just as sordid.

And with Mia, she may be right! Mia really thought she flexed telling that story about [!@#$%^&*] a married G on the beach with an audience. It confirms viewers' preconceptions about her. Also lying about Chris Bassett-Hound -- Mia will literally say/do anything for TV and a few coins. She could go tomorrow and I wouldn't miss her.

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I love my messy Ashley, but that was just sloppy work on her part. Do better, Ash. Candiace's talking head read was funny though. 

Cha Cha lying on the phone was so obvious. Even in her lonely champagne room all bloated and gassy on the bubbly, she can remember holding Robyn back. 

Agreed on Mia. And three seasons in and Wendy still isn't a good fit with this group. It seems too forced to have Mia & Wendy there. That's why I can let Charrisse's return slide because there's actual history and ongoing beef. 

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I think this season has potential to be tipping into a level of toxicity that will require a cast overhaul. 

Gizelle overplayed her hand. She’s lying. Chris did NOTHING wrong and she’s trying to make him out to be some kind of creep or abuser. Mia is trying it too while also bragging about being a whore. Production is sticking to the truth because their lies are too toxic and defamatory. 

Robyn is a nasty bully who doesn’t appear to have any difficulty lying either. 

Wendy is a dim poser whose storylines are not going to grab anyone - this restaurant stuff just makes her look stupid. The tension between her and Robyn is obvious. 

Ashlet turning on Candiace in a single episode is so gross and she’s showing a distinctly low moral fibre. Very Darby of her. 

Candiace is looking logical and loyal by comparison to all of the above. It is a redemption story and she hasn’t done anything other than dispute some seriously gross lies.

Karen, meanwhile, remains an epic queen of all she surveys. 


My problem with Charisse is she’s a lying pig and there’s only so much dishonesty I can stomach for storyline purposes. 

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And reading part of the article I am sickened. 


I don't see how she can. However, I guess the real question is...what's truly more important to Giz...her long standing friendship with her fellow Green Eyed Bandit...or keeping her flute by being messy...and this...is a mess. 



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That's what I'm worried about also. Potomac was always able to ride above (most of) the toxicity: the women give as good as they get, with humor and real SLs. And I don't like Charrisse for the same reason you don't: when anything, even interpersonal relationships become fodder for TV, that's when you enter Lisa Rinna Meaningless Territory. We know there is scripting and contrivance and alliances, but friendships lose meaning and everything gets thrown on the bonfire to score points. 

@Gray Bunny im still on the fence about Wendy. As @DaytimeFan pointed out, the lounge SL is for the birds. She wants to cash in on RH 'stardom,' but looks completely ridiculous when she realises, oh, you need to invest money in a restaurant? And work at it? But she and Candiace are the target this year, and for that reason, I feel bad for her.

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