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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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IA. Zayn has something of the tragic hot-head about him. But I also think he's been coddled and excused up until now because he's cute. Add drugs (allegedly) into that mix and some violent tendencies, and this can't be heading anywhere good.

Yolanda stays micromanaging every inch of her daughters' lives. Her persistence could try the patience of a saint on RHOBH! There is a rumor that Yolanda leaked a pic of the baby to some press agency and Zayn got mad about it. OTOH it could be that Zayn wanted an excuse to go against his MIL to edge her out of Gigi's life. Who knows. But this is a Grade A Mess for everybody concerned.

I have to imagine that Gigi and Yolanda would not have pressed charges unless this really happened.

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Well...Happy Potomac Reunion Trailer Day!!!!


Wait...La Lucci on RHoNY. I...

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That was my immediate thought as well so you did not seem unsympathetic. It goes definitely to her character and what she has (or has not) shown. It also speaks volume that you are not alone in thinking it. 


@Cat you know I was over it Re: BH reunion. And I knew I was when I was at home packing for my trip and I had no desire to turn on my tv. Just YTing DUNE commentary. And put in the movie STEPFATHER remake. lol. 

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Wow, really? Didn't know there was friction in the family

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  I could never see La Lucci joining a reality TV show like this. 

Re: Housewives fatigue. Yes, the RHOBH reunion has been ho-hum. So much out of Erika's mouth is B.S. and her stooges eat up every drop. 

They easily could've made it a 3-parter and tighten up the fluff pieces. 

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