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Online sounded like he would try to deflect. I had even started to watch Part 2 of the Reunion, but I was just...bored...lol. I blamed it on switching jobs and adjusting to a new schedule. So here I was watching.


Yeah, I don't get it. Part 1 was a firecracker. And this past season was easily the best one COVIDwise.


But Part 2...meh.


Jennifer hit Marge where it hurt. And if they had kept going, no time to recover with another lie. But alas. SMH.


And Couch Left did recover. And then they were sitting there trying to silence Jennifer and pick on Teresa. That must be a strong alliance for Jackie to take Marge's side knowing what Jennifer was saying. And I didn't like that little smirk Marge gave to Jen when Plumber Man tried to lie. Okay, did lie. And her being her again tried to talk over him so he did not fumble his words. And then as usual Andy Cokehead had to focus on how hot Joe Gorga is. RME. 




MARGE VS TERESA. I keep on saying it. And I keep on seeing it at reunions, but I do feel Marge really does not like Teresa. And YES, I do believe Marge is behind the Evan rumor. Someone brought it to Teresa and she did run with it. Teresa yeah is not as dumb as she acts. Thus Danielle and the hairpull that she was behind. And we think a Jersey girl like Marge would not do the payback? At this point, I feel both ladies have the other's number so they are really playing a mean game of chess. Love that Teresa was FINALLY picking on Marge's for her THs. Marge used the hair pull. Teresa still threw some shade. Marge brought up that Teresa knew what allgory was with a receipt. Parry. Thrust. Back. Forth. I predict that come next reunion...the gloves might FINALLY come off and they really go into it. 


JACKIE VS TERESA. See a theme here?

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 Jackie did not do much, but she brought back up the rumor. And I thought it was good. Because Jackie was the only one who was trying to keep that horse going. Even her husband wasn't doing that. He was trying to smooth things over though. Why? Because Teresa IS the show. One can only go against her so long before they fall...which is why a feud with Marge would be interesting since she is also a favorite. Basically kiss the ring. In the end, she did. But I liked they somewhat organically came to a resolution. 


LUIS. Awww with that cameo.




THE DIRECTION. PERIOD. We just need a better host. Asking and focusing on the right and juicy questions. Not just the lame ones like how it feels to kiss Joey's butt. Heck we could have gone into the alleged rumors about Jennifer and Bill.


BRO CODE. While I understood why Joe would lie for Marge...duh...all one would have to do is do the rollback over the scene where he said what he said. And judging from the early rumors coming out of early filming, Bill is about to suffer for not keeping quiet either. Some boys are getting as messy as their wives...



Again...good Part 1. Good season. But Part 2 was uneven. Wasted potential. 


Filming starts today or tomorrow...and early rumors are people are icing Jennifer AND Bill out. 



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Leah and Bethenny: I’d love to see it. They’d murder each other.


Leah is NUTS. 

She’s exhausting. At least RHONY didn’t think Kelly was the star of the franchise. 

I’m looking at the reactions to tonight’s episode and Leah’s getting slaughtered. Even though Heather had some own goals tonight.

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The episode was surprisingly OK for Lu. She was still boiling mad when she spoke with Eboni, but I think her asking for an apology for Eboni showed that we were getting the real Lu, with both a sincere apology and entitled request. She was smart enough to listen.


I loved Eboni connecting with Sonja. Whoever would have thought that Sonja Tremont Morgan would be the most self aware and sensitive person? I think many of us appreciate Sonja's vulnerability but I'm loving who she is this season and I just wish she could embrace that side of her, rather than living in the past. 


I did not sense a drop of malice from Heather. I think she really tried to build bridges rather than divide. 


Ramona didn't do much this episode but I loved watching her with her weights. 


Now...when it comes to dying grandmothers...


I had a very close relationship with my grandmother. When she was dying, you know where I was? In the hospital. At her bedside. Leah could have chosen to be there and her constant lashing out and then excusing her behaviour? No. Nope. No ma'am. She chose to be on that trip. Zero excuses. 

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He is so full of it. Erika's story will be a major focus, but I don't anticipate it'll make her likable or that SHE will give us what we want. 


This episode was interesting. I will say, while I do ride for Eboni, I hate her friendship with Leah and it causes me to side eye her a bit. I hated seeing her on WWHL talking mess about Heather who tried so hard to be empathetic to her. I feel like that's all down to her friendship with Leah. Heather ain't perfect and she definitely messed up calling Eboni articulate (which she's owned up to on social media), but she was riding for Eboni and working overtime to get the other ladies to listen to her. Leah was silent. People complained last week that Heather didn't speak up enough, but I feel she more than made up for that this week.

Sonja is a superstar. I love when she has these moments of calmness. At her core she's a nice person and you see that with Eboni. Luann was typical Luann and gave what I expected. I feel like she said the right things EVENTUALLY, but really didn't care.

Now onto the main event, I loved everybody's outfits. Heather HANDLED Leah with ease. I think Eboni was messy going to Leah with what Heather said when Eboni admitted when Leah left the room that she agreed with Heather. I don't get Eboni's loyalty to Leah when Leah has never publicly defended her against the other girls. Leah worked for The Federalist which couldn't be more right wing and she's made it clear time and time again she doesn't care about black people and their issues. How is this the girl you riding with when you're a social justice warrior?

Next week looks good! I'm glad they're finally going back New York. BTW, based on the timeline Bershan should appear either next week or the following week. The first known filming for her was November 2nd at Ramona's apartment and next week covers November 4th so she's on the way finally.

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Oh why am I not surprised that Gizelle's messy ass might be involved in all of this? Of course she's been briefing against the other women! It's the reason why Karen doesn't want to be chummy: she 100% does not trust her.


(This makes me wonder if Robyn stays a loyal friend with Gizelle in order not to get briefed against. Hmmm).


Candiace threw her friendship with Monique under a bus for Charrisse and Gizelle. The irony that Gizelle might be feeding negative gossip about the Bassetts to AATT is not lost on me. So much for your 'friends' backing you up, sweetie. Can't wait to watch the YT vid which exposes all this.



Joey Gorga was already annoyingly extra this season. And this week he had a bro's party and didn't invite Bill. This could be at Melissa's insistence... but I think it's more a case of Joe being jealous of Bill's popularity with the fans.


It bugs me because the Bro Code was always: 'No matter how badly our wives fight with each other, we'll be over here sipping Tequila and staying out of it.'


This also confirms what I've long thought -- that Team Superficial has been targeting Jennifuh for two seasons now and are determined to ice her off the show, like they did with Danielle Staub. I sincerely hope they lose and that Tre & Dolores pull Jen closer into the fold for lots of filming.


I really cannot stand Messy Marge who pretends to be the Voice of Truth and an open book. She is NJ's sniper from the side and has a target list she's working her way through. #1 is Jennifuh.... and #2 is Teresa. And if she runs out of Team Tre targets, best believe that Marge will team up with the Gorgas to go after Jackie.


P.S.: Dolores remains my go-to fave.

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I also had a close relationship with my grandmother and ITA with you. I don't understand why Leah didn't show up a day or two later, like Heather did, so that she could spend time with her grandma.


I presume Leah felt she just HAD to be on the trip, that the show couldn't go on without her there. Then, as the realisation about her grandmother's situation set in, she felt rotten. I feel empathy for anyone going through this, but the choice she made is on her.

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Last night's RHONY was even more awkward than last weeks. Heather's attempt to say she's immersed in black culture because she worked with Beyoncé and P. Diddy is laughable. Her moral superiority has returned, and it is even more off-putting than it was before.



When Sonja seems the most level-headed of the ladies then you damn well known there is a bigger issue at hand with Luann and Ramona. Hell, even Heather was problematic.






This is how Leah was meant to come on the show, via Bethenny. When Bethenny ditched at the eleventh hour, they threw Tinsley into the mix in order for Leah to enter.



Well, Leah even said in-episode that she wasn't even sure she would be able to be at her bedside with how many people were there, and even her mother didn't want her coming, so she was probably respecting that wish while struggling with the decision. I also think we shouldn't be judging Leah's decision to be on this trip, because the same thing could be said about Eboni not being with her mother and grandmother. We all deal with grief in different ways and in our own time, and we shouldn't be judging Leah based on hers. Which is why, by the conclusion of the episode, she decided to ditch and leave earlier than she intended to.

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Why am I not surprised that as soon as there is drama, *rumor* starts to be that Gizelle must be responsible somehow (apparently nothing happens in Potomac without Giz's involvement nowadays) and people start taking it as gospel? Based on a "maybe" sentence in a random Instagram post. 
Also, making up false affairs is bad and, if indeed it is false, whoever done that, I disapprove. But "Briefing against other cast members"? They ALL do it. In every franchise. Come on now.

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Because of the precedent that Gizelle herself has set on RHOP. She has consistently brought the gossip to the audience since S1 and seems fine with that role.


Must I amend my sentences with 'allegedly' when talking about Gizelle? No. We talk about gossip here, not just proof (gossip being Bravo's common currency upon which the network has encouraged an entire eco-system).


Clearly that particular post is unsubstantiated and should certainly not be taken as WaPo gospel -- but I can still express my opinion on it! 

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And my opinion is.. IF this piece of gossip is true, then I am in no way surprised! Because Gizelle is allegedly the biggest gossip-monger on RHOP (followed by Ashley, Robyn, Monique, Karen, to varying degrees)!


I know they all brief against each other. What can I say? The IG post singled out Gizelle. 

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