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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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You're absolutely right and it has a lot to do with Bravo wanting to change the RH franchise to a younger demographic so they're propping the young cast members and trying to hype her up as if she had a big impact.


It is so classically Brian Frons that for a fan of AMC, Andy Cohen should be ashamed of himself. 

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I don't doubt that Bravo leaned on it but because I am less conspirational (maybe naively) than ya'll I think Leah's "popularity" was also a function of the comparison of how poorly received most newbies were on the other shows at the same time and the fact most of the audience's "anger" was directed at Dorinda that season.

So in comparison Leah ended up coming off alright.

If it was *just* Bravo they would be selling the hell out of Housewives that are immediately disliked by the audience. If it doesn't work for, say, Drew, it wouldn't have worked with Leah if that was *just* what was going on. She had good timing and admittedly navigated the inner dynamic of the group smartly enough: outspoken but without picking unnecessary fights that would have alienated her from the audience right off the bat.

Personally I didn't dislike Leah so much as was suspicious of how hard she was trying to create a certain image for herself. As someone who does wish female sexuality was talked about more positively on TV, I feel comfortable saying her whole "Look how sex-positive I am" shtick ended up pushing way into saying crass things to shock people and thinking *that* is sex-positive. Kandy is a much better example of someone who is comfortable with her sexuality but does not feel the need to make it a thing.
Because when you are actually sex-positive, you don't need to advertise it.
So immediately I smelled someone trying to control her image and that made me wonder what else there is.

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Excited for the RHONY premiere tonight.


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I didn't mind Leah all that much either. As you say, it's a case of Leah having got lucky last season. Number one reason is that RHONY aired just as many of us in North America and Europe went straight into lockdown in March 2020 -- watching it was honestly like grabbing onto a life-raft in those early, v scary, uncertain days.


And then Bravo went ALL IN on Leah and, of course, being a hyper-social-media-aware millennial, she maximised her standing. We got A LOT of Leah on the off-season, and it was exhausting after a while. (By contrast, Sonja and Luann just aren't in the same league, SM-wise. And Ramona seems blithely unaware that TMZ can spot her with a long lens waddling around Mar-a-Lago).


I too like a sex-positive message, and IA that Kandi does it best. She shows this by her quiet actions, not her words. The Bolo event she (not Production!) made happen was actually very sex-positive and self-actualizing for some of the women. 




So the Potomac ladies are filming something -- Telfar x UGGs promotion, it looks like.


Candiace looks like a kid next to Wendy, Mia and Robyn.



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Can I just say that Eboni is a great (and long awaited) addition to RHONY? She is the energy that this show needed. That aside, I need for it to be a rule that these shows have a mandatory 7-9 cast main cast members going forward. A show with 5-6 women goes stale fairly quickly. 


In regard to RHOD, I watched the reunion and it confirmed why I didn't watch this show at all this season. These women (minus Tiffany and D'Andra) are trash. I used to have love for Kameron but no more. She was just aggravating and idiotic on the reunion. Keep D'Andra and Tiffany, bring back Cary Deuber and throw the rest away. They then need to go cast 5 new (diverse) women alongside them and reboot this show. 

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Okay I just finished RHONY, which was excellent, and I want to apologize for always overlooking Sonja Morgan! Much like people with Cynthia on ATL, every off season I wish they’d finally let her go and then the show premieres and I’m in love again. Sonja was her most delightful nutty self tonight! I also got the sense from seeing the flash forwards and trailer again that she’s about to give us a VERY strong performance this year! Even from WWHL the tension was thick. Whatever is going on with Ramona and Luann must be big because Sonja said she still doesn’t speak to them. 

Eboni’s debut was flawless. RHONY is like finding the rhythm to a song, either you can keep up or you can’t and there is no room for error. She instantly seemed to fit in with the fast paced nature of the group. I also love that despite fitting in so well she still felt fresh. She didn’t seem like she was trying to be another housewife, nor did she feel phony like she was trying too hard like a Leah. Speaking of Leah, she didn’t bother me too much because the other four are so strong. 

I feel like we are about to get fed. The big Hamptons trip starts next week and we know it’s endless drama. I can’t imagine what they have in store for us if that’s how they’re gonna kick things off! I’m glad we have the always reliable RHONY back and I’m glad Queen Ramona still has her Apple!

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So happy to see my NY girls again! I love everything about Ramona, Sonja and Luann. 

Why does Leah always try to act like a teenager who is in vacation with her mother and her friends? She is almost forty, it should not be that difficult to be around women who are older than her. Trying to act like their rebelious daughter is kind of sad. 

I like Eboni's energy. She will be more than fine as long as BRAVO  doesn't trap her in an one-dimensional role. 

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Surprisingly, it was a good start.


Asian Kenya and LeeAndra came to play. And they were taking NO Prisoners.


LeeAndra said online that she held people's feet to the fire. And from what I can tell, she did just that. That heel stayed on necks. I cannot wait for her to do more of it next week. And her laughing at some of the others being dragged was funny.


Meanwhile, the other major thing was Kameron vs Tiffany. I am not sure how I feel about this. After all, the feud was over chicken feet. And I knew it had exploded on Twitter. It seem like to me that Kameron was looking for some relevancy since other than the Dream House storyline, she had nothing going on other than comic relief. And there was nothing wrong with that. Going for Tiffany could serious backfire if she is not careful.


LEEANDRA. MVP. Calling out Kary and not letting her give the complete victim act...BUT being friend enough to not put Kary's business on front street. Calling out Stephanie. Having Tiffany's back (their friendship being the best thing out of this season) and still letting Tiffany hold her own. She really left no stone unturned so far. And I cannot wait for her to start in on Brandi next week. 


BRANDI. All she did was give smug looks. Fingers crossed she's about to get the ShebySheree S4 Reunion Package. I funnily feel like she (and Kary to an extent) are being set up for that. Lord, I hope she does not try to hide behind her baby. But we'll see. And don't get me started on her using LEEANNE'S NAME to try to deflect. 


STEPHANIE. When the best one can say about you is that you loved her being dragged by someone else (milk toast?) then you are irrelevant and can go.


KARY. Well, I would feel more sorry for her if someone did not mention how her and her soon-to-be-ex-hubby met. *insert Tai from CLUELESS gif* I don't. She was mean, rude, and LeeAnne-Lite all season and deserved to have her feet to the fire. And surprisingly, some of that came from Andy. I did not at all like how Kameron, Stephanie, and Brandi wanted to really, really, really make Kary into a victim. She hid behind her kids. Now she is trying to hide behind her husband, but GUUUURL, LAST YEAR YOU WERE ALL ABOUT HOW HE SHOULD BE LICKING YOUR BUTT!!! DID YOU THINK HE WAS GOING TO LIKE THAT??? HA!!! LeeAndra was in her rights to call you out about bullying. Now....go find a real tear to fall out of that eye. 


KAMERON. SMH. But let me say the good...like how she should thank you to Monique for binder-ing. LOL!!! Someone mentioned that because Monique did the binder that now EVERYONE does. LOL!!! Here. OC (though Emily always did that). SOUTHERN CHARM (Kathryn left it in her dressing room). It's such a thing now. And here was Kameron with her box of receipts. That was cute. And she had some funny moments. BUT...making ChickenFeetGate a thing at the reunion...and talking to a POC about racism and what they should call it...yeeeeeeeah that was a bad look. 


TIFFANY. Good so far for her first (and only?) reunion. She had LeeAndra's back. And she held her own. And I liked that she was just not going to let what Kameron try to do get swept under the rug. Great end to the episode when she was like...no, I am not accepting your apology. Would you after that? Sounds like someone is about to get a lesson on racism...


Good start. 

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It definitely doesnt feel like there are enough women. 5 is too low and the energy seemed off to me. This mix of women is so odd; like no one would really hang out. Its Ebony/Leah vs Lu/Ramona/Sonja. Too bad Holla Heather and Bershawn arent wives bc the show could use them in a full capacity to help bridge that gap. I do love Eboni and what she brings though



Agree on Kameron. I hate her ass after this reunion. She was so self entitled and righteous and completely unlikeable. She was giving me racist vibes too as it was pouring through her skin. I can only imagine how she'd act if there was a black person on the cast. It KILLS her that an Asian is as accomplished as Tiffany and made her feel inferior

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Agree the energy is off and that 5 main cast members is too few. The flash forwards give me hope.


I did enjoy Sonja a lot this episode: she was light and funny and friendly. 


Lu was giving me shades of delusional cabaret Lu...we'll see how this season unfolds.


I thought Ebony fit in beautifully and I like her candor about her financial missteps in her youth. She is not a cast member whose in denial and living beyond her means - been there, done that. 




I hate Kameron too. She is very dumb. What did she think she was going to accomplish with trying to accuse Tiffany of racism? What? The? Hell? It was a very bad look and I don't care to watch her.


I have no sympathy for Kary. She's a nightmare and I wish her soon-to-be ex-husband Godspeed in getting that divorce finalized. I'm sure he's very relieved to have a marriage agreement in place. 


D'Aandra did a good job and was blinged out admirably. 


However, I do think this franchise sucks and should be cancelled. 

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5 wouldn't be too small a number if the original format of their day to day lives were focused on in addition to group dynamics.


And it sounds like TPTB agree since Heather and Bershawn join later.


Leah is evil.  She and Ramona look the same age still. 




Kary obviously assumed D'andra was like Leeanne...boy was she wrong.  And I knew @Taoboiwould like the shade D'andra threw at Stephanie.


Kam is offended by Tiffany correcting her because that was her niche.  (Miss manners 21st century gone wrong).  And her lecturing Tiffany about micro aggressions against Asians....Wow..no words.

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Finally got to watch last week's and all I could think was 


A Guide to Local Real Housewives of New Jersey Landmarks - Hoboken Girl


That and...LOVE Teresa's hair going back to black and loved her in that dress at Michelle's party.


That said...they must have forgotten where Dolores came from for them to be starting some mess with her. Calm she may be, but she is not at all afraid to go off when need be. 


Other than that, I felt it was another easy breezy episode. So many good moments, but I wonder if attacking Dolores is just a way to start drama in the Teresa/Dolores/Jennifer friend group. And judging from next week's promo that just might be the case. So...

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THE MOTHERS. It was nice to see the continuation of last week with the moms. They were such a hoot. And them having Jennifer's mother's back over their daughter over men was hilarious. 


HUSBANDS AND GOLFS. I was sad to not see no Bill. But that was a great scene too. Those househusbands should have their own show. But again, perhaps this was a just the calm before the Paterson Delores storm so it was great to see them have fun. And on a DIRTY note...seeing what Evan is packing...I don't see why Jackie does not be giving out the BJs. In fact, who wouldn't? I mean...JS. 


TERESA + DOLORES X UNCONVENTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS = ? I am not by no ways a prude, but I've a looooong way from my Samantha Jones roots as well so it is refreshing to see 1) Teresa and Dolores happy and independent and 2) a different take on relationships. Teresa...Miss Want to Be the Center of Attention...being Taylor Swift over the last few years with her relationship. Sometimes one does not have to say much at all...one can just BE. It looks VERY GOOD on her after years of being in the social spotlight. And then you have Dolores with David (and Frank). She does what works for her. And she does have enough scars to explain why that is. Her kids are happy. Her parents...who also are unconventional...are happy for her. And most important, she's happy. It was nice to see another perspective and that being married with a man and kids really does not always have to be the ideal. 


MICHELLE. Woulda coulda shoulda. I loved seeing her at work. And that house with that view was gorgeous. And then her party later she was in the mess along with her husband. You would think she had always been there. 


HURRICANE DOLORES. It's been a minute...so nice to see her explode. And she curse them all out. Right on out the door.




THE GANG-UP. Those hoes don't have nothing better to do? Really? First they were picking on Teresa and playing matchmaker. Then they were picking on Dolores. Jackie, Melissa, and Marge could have found something better to do.


EVAN. That he is going without. Allegedly. 


THAT FEELING. That this season is almost over.  




@Soaplovers hahahaaha!!! It suuuuure did. It's the Southerner in me.  

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ITA. RHONY felt like a breath of fresh air, and the jokes were another level. Like others have mentioned here, I do worry that 5 women is too insular a cast. Time will tell whether we need an Alpha like Dorinda there, although at the moment I am mot missing her dark energy from last year. Heather and Bershan will be welcome additions, and so far I am loving Eboni. She really strove to establish connections with the women and the audience.  I loved her Tribeca apartament, and her honesty about her financial and romantic past. Once again, RHONY takes it another level by actually mentioning these things. The fondness and warmth the other women showed Leah made me enjoy her too.


Sonja is a honey. I worry about the fact that she and Luann/Ramona are on the outs. Maybe because she was stuck in the middle of nowhere for the first 4 months of the pandemic. I think she's going to bring us story this year.

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Eboni also came to represent and educate, which was significant, with her shirt acknowledging the murders of black men and her BLM mask and her Howard sweatshirt and her story about Sag Harbor’s black community in the ‘40s. But like she said, “This serves everywhere.” This is a woman who’s been around the block and knows how to effortlessly navigate a variety of spaces. And admitting her flaws (her fûcked-up FICO) is in its own way brave, but of course she’s on a show with these disasters! No real reason to hold back, aside from the absurd expectations of perfection that she alludes to in her tagline…


I agree that it felt a little off to only have five women, but again I think it benefited Eboni. Gave her the spotlight for a moment before they throw in Heather and Bershan.

Even after her ugly last season and hideous finale meltdown, I did miss Dorinda, and I think the time off might have given her a moment to chill out.

Since Bravo has been marathoning old seasons, I also was thinking about how Bethenny would fit in this group. She’d likely try to befriend Eboni, but I’m also trying to imagine Bethenny with Leah. I know Bethenny apparently recommended Leah, but I think they’d bump heads, especially as Leah has taken on the Greek chorus role Bethenny once had.


I will say: they were probably told to keep mum so as not to spoil the season, but the NY ladies’ WWHL appearance was off-putting. It would have probably been good to only have Eboni and Leah on first.

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