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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I’m not too crazy about them bringing Larsa back. Strong rumors suggest it’ll be more of a revival than a reboot with Larsa, Adriana, Alexia and Lisa returning. I’ll have to wait and see with this. It’ll be odd with then coming back after so many years.  

Now to the main event: The RHONJ premiere is one of the greatest premieres in Housewives history!


The current ensemble is much stronger than the last time they had the same cast for 3 seasons. The chemistry simply cannot be matched! In general I feel like everybody was interesting in their solo scenes and of course the group scenes were FIRE! But this is why casting is so important. You can’t rely only on group scenes. I appreciate that they all have family to film with and interesting lives. 

Now Teresa? My GOODNESS! I feel like often times people pick on her and because she’s dumb she can’t defend herself. I was shocked to see her going out of her way to create this scandal! It was so soapy to see Jackie wishing Teresa well, trying to set her up, etc juxtaposed with Teresa trying to ruin Jackie’s marriage. On one hand I wish we could’ve seen them as friends, but as two alphas, this is going to be GOLDEN! 

The RHOD secret story is supposed to be as juicy as what happened last season. I love that we don’t know though. Every episode has been interesting so I am not even close to being worried about that quiet trailer. My best guess is that we will learn that Brandi’s adopted son is from her husbands affair. That checks with a blind item on Crazy Days and Nights. 

Also when it comes to Tiffany, I thought she came off very well. She was really making an effort with Kary and to loosen up in general and the fact that Kary KNEW she was defending her and still screamed in her face made Kary look SO bad. Now I do love Kary as y’all know, but what a bitch! Kary is also unique in that the majority of the cast really likes her so her behavior gets more of a pass than it normally would. I also feel like there is a reason these women hate Tiffany and I hate to say it, but I think it’s her race. White women hate to see minorities do better than them and nothing else explains why every little thing she does is so wrong and such a big deal. They are showing themselves to be the MAGA bitches they are. 

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THAT MIGHT BE TRUE?????????????????????????????????


That was just dropped on my lap yesterday and I just thought...'nnnaaaah.'


But I agree. My curiosity after looking around is DEFINITELY piqued. You don't go out of your way to hide something unless there's something to hide. Where there's smoke...

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And yes. I loved that Tiffany and Kary made a good go at being friends.


Now...Kary was always a bitca.   But I know, I know...you like her.  


As a black man...I am also getting that sense since she has not done anything yet on air (though she drags them all to perfection on Twitter) to justify their behavior. And if Tiffany does what she said she might consider doing and pulling a Monique binder on these hoes at the reunion...I will die.

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I know most people love Heather but I don't. I find her to be sneaky and at the crux of a lot of sh-t. She gives me Kyle Richards vibes--protected by Bravo and one to throw the rock and run. 


I found it boggling how she was so anti-Jen and peeved because Lisa wasn't. I didn't like that she kept trying to pinpoint that Meredith too. If Jen were smart, she'd make Heather's fear a reality and dump her. 


And Mary...

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She was caught in so many lies...ugh. I don't know why the other women didn't call sh-t out, but I guess Jen was the intended target of the night, so Mary skated off. 


Yeah, Lisa and Jen are the only two I care for. Whitney and Meredith are OK. Mary and Heather are both problematic for me. 

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The premiere was good! Thats how you come back


The party had me livid! They were not social distancing and there were no masks. The caters did but the only cast member I saw with one was Margaret when she went to the bathroom. WTF?!?! At least RHOA took proper precautions and acknowledged the pandemic and restrictions on air.


I hated Jennifer when she started so Im surprised by how much she's grown on me. I dont care for her husband and kids but there is something charming and amusing about her. The stuff withher parents is compelling though. I feel for the father. The mother though is a bitter old bitch and now she's alone


Delores. She and David dont have much chemistry and I dont see why she is settling for him. She wants more than he will ever give so she needs to cut her losses and move on. She has more chemistry with her ex and the fact that David doesnt care about how close they are is a red flag. 


Teresa is messy!  She must have been drunk bc I dont get how she thought it was okay to spread that rumor at the dude's birthday party. I thought she was just gonna say it to one person but she went around the room. She is lying about not remembering who told her. If someone said that, you know and if you cant remember, then dont repeat it. PERIOD!


Melissa still mad that Jennifer called out her fake storyline? Next


Jackie was dead wrong for what she said about Gia. Its not cool to come after kids. BUT with that said I aint mad at her bc you cant tell a person what weapon to use when you started the war.



The reunion was good! I see why Bravo gave it 3 parts. They earned it


Lisa was doing way too much. She overplayed her hand


I liked Meredith but if they dont bring her back, I wont care. How you come to the reunion and just sit there not even listening?


I dont care. I still like Mary as cooky as she is

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Larsa was a flop in S1 of Miami, and she will be a flop again. In part because the Kardashians will have an NDA muzzling her by the time she films, but mainly because this Lost Kardashian Sister is SO dull, Kris Jenner didn't want to claim her at birth. She brought literally zero to RHOM the first time around and is so unpleasant that even Kourtney Kardashian wants nothing more to do with her.


I am thrilled about Alexia. Adriana... eh. The fake marriage SL turned me off. Lisa was a bore. I'm bummed Lea Black wasn't asked back, but honestly Miami really needs to cast all new HWs.



Most of the cast cannot see past Tiffany's face. If they stopped to listen to her, Kameron would realise that Tiffany has a quirky sense of humor that meshes really well with her own. Brandi and Stephanie would appreciate her jokes, too. But all they see is "CHINESE" and that makes them look down on her. They aren't directly dismissive to her face (with the exception of Kary) but they are smug and disdainful in their VTs. It is making them very unlikeable, and the more they carry on, the more I think there won't be a next season of this franchise.



So after dissing the last three seasons of Atlanta, I am changing my tune. The Isle of Palms episodes have been fun and involving! It's so funny seeing the frankly empty opening credits with only 5 RHs, but then on the Isle of Palms trip for every HW you also have a FOH! Marlo and Shamea and Tanya and Drew and Latoya and this pretty Falyn lady who says absolutely nothing. Drew should be holding a peach, btw. She is stirring it up and definitely wants to get in there. Some of these FOHs are more interesting than Eva Marcille, that's for sure.


MVP has been Kandi. Kandi is not only organising the Porno Party Featuring Bolo's Big D!ck, but she is the voice of reason with all the women, and especially Kenya. Kenya has literally nobody who likes her, except for Kandi, who like a real friend, tells her the truth and not just what Kenya wants to hear. Kenya is the villain this season again and, honestly, it's like old times! I am comfortable with not being forced by either production or Kenya herself to sympathise with her, but I do enjoy that she keeps people riled up. She had me feeling bad for MARLO of all people!


In conclusion: the chemistry of this show works best when they are all together and in a big group. The way they expressed their shock and anger after the Breonna Taylor verdict also felt real and present. I like that RHOA acknowledges that BLM and the pandemic exist and is part of their (and our) lives.


I'm not sure Nene would have worked on this trip (and I say this as someone who was on the fence about Nene leaving). I think she would have been grumpy and stomping off and people would be running to try and beg Nene to participate. It would have been exhausting to watch.

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WOW. Just like last week, last night was A LOT.


Just like Sheree during the RHOA S10 Reunion, Mary found herself in the hot seat. And EVERYTHING WAS TOUCHED. Side note: some of that was some recent stuff, but they couldn't do any of the recent online drama for RHOP, but I digress...). Problematic she was, but at least Mary answered everything without running out, minimum deflect, and no reciepts from Production...and Production had PLENTY. So it made me wonder about how true (or false) the 7-11 remarks are. It does not make Mary any less problematic. But it was interesting that they did show what we missed and yet nothing on that.


And speaking of problematic...I am now side-eyeing Heather as well. Part of that has to do with Production again. And they HAD those receipts as well. So I find that I agree with Fabulous Ice and that she really is not scared of Lisa. And that Mary was saying it to give her opinion/observation. Which was wrong. Maybe. However, Heather ran with it. So...while I won't call her Kyle 2.0 yet...I am afraid that maybe the hype and fan love might have gotten to her head.

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 And even worse than that...perhaps we are now seeing why she is friends with Jen. And you know what they say about the company you keep.


I am so intrigued where they can go from here come Season 2 (currently filming). There are so many dynamics in play. And it could go any way. And since Jen vs Mary might be ending, I would be here for Heather vs Lisa. They are vicious, BUT NOT TOXIC. Yet.


JEN. She should just stay just like this. Mary still triggered her, but they were able to talk finally and resolve their issues for the main part. And Mary still gathered her. lol. While I have not forgotten she was the one to spread the Meredith rumor, she was coming across the victim.


MEREDITH. Other than that funny moment where she left with Whitney, she didn't do much.


MARY. Sorry, but...RESPECT. She was in that hot seat. And she gave logical reasons for what she said or did. And then...she went waaaaaaaaaaay left. That ShebySheree delusion is real. But again, she at least sat there and took the heat and was being held accountable. And I hollered at how she stayed with her heel on Jen's neck. LOL!! But happy they resolved it between them. Jen even gave her napkin when she was crying. #progress 


WHITNEY. Her and Heather really do make a great team. And we know that Whitney is quite messy. But nothing to really add. When Heather stopped attacking Fabulous Ice, there was Whitney. So Fabulous Ice's comment of the two of them was quite apt.


LISA. OH...MY...GOD. SHE SHATTERED. I'm sorry, you all. I was...not...expecting that. AT ALL. I considered her and Heather to be evenly matched. If anything, I always wanted Heather to bring it. And Heather BROUGHT IT. And rewatching it, you could see the cracks in the glass. I guess my Ice is used to people being run over roughshod by her. Last week I felt that Lisa was jealous of Heather. But now...I feel that runs both ways. In fact, I felt they were two signs of the same coin...that one wishes/wants/desires the qualities that the other one has. And with that, that meant that they know the right pressure points to hit...the right ingredients for a good old fashion feud/rivalry. This round though goes to Heather. Once Heather point out to Fabulous Ice (the Type A personality she is) that she was in LAST place...it was over. Lisa lost her s&*(.


HEATHER. La Dame said it best...I see you, girl. I see you CLEARLY. Here I was enjoying her (and I still like her) and how nice she was and how geniune she was. The first time I started to think otherwise was when Mary clairified her words...she said her thoughts from her point of view, not that she heard them say it. Still...yeah...Heather and Whitney ran with it. And then...PRODUCTION rolled the footage. I was jaw dropped. And then...Heather threw in Meredith in the middle of her fighting with Lisa...because Heather would not dare go after the kids so she went for another of Lisa's weaknesses. Once she used Lisa's other weakness (being last), I was reminded that someone online mentioned a few days ago that Heather...just like JEN...had been a fan of the HW shows before being casted. Had studied them just like Jen has. So Now...I was like OOOOOOOOOOOOoooo...she studied well then. No wonder they are friends. She is just more subtler than Jen. What that means for Season 2 is the question for me...which Heather is it?


Great episode and just as great as Part 1. No wonder they got three parts. 






I admit...I was worried.


For the last three seasons, Danielle had been the prime pot-stirrer. While Teresa got to deal with real stuff, here was Danielle bring the mess and feuding with fan fave Marge. With her put on an island (she was at home watching going by her IL hehe), it was time to see if the other girls who already had great group chemistry for the last few seasons would bring it.




That was soooo good!!!! And as Cheap said above...that's how you do a premiere. Other people should take note.


I personally liked how they hanged Co-VId. It was present enough that we knew. But I did not feel they were being ignorant of it...if that makes sense. By this point the HW shows know what they are doing...not unlike daytime soaps right now so maybe that is why it did not bug me. And also when they started to film for the most part they have more knowledge of what they can and cannot do I think.


Well Jackie got what she wanted...she always wanted a feud with Teresa. Now she got one. Better stay on ready, girl!


I also loved that Melissa is still butthurt over Jennifer (still my fave lol) calling her out at the reunion.


Marge getting the news about Evan from Teresa and her double take was hilarious.


Hmmm Frankie.


I have to say...I liked Teresa's pot stirring. She probably been waiting since Jackie crossed her with Joe. 


Let the games begin...

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I am so glad it is back. As with RHONY, I feel a real affection for this cast, maybe because I grew up in MA and NY and they remind me of people I know.


Danny Pellegrino's most recent podcast interviewed both Marge and Dolores, and they said that they loved pretty much everybody in the cast, despite everything that goes down on the show, and their husbands too. They have a tight circle (Dolores once worked for Bill Aydin way before Jennifer and he joined the show!) and, as Dolores put it, she would 'sit down with any of these women at Reunion' any day of the week.


RHONJ has been very watchable since S8. It pivoted from the toxic family stuff and weird S6 transition, and found a good balance and cast mix. It struck me that everything we saw go down in this most recent episode has been building over the course of two prior seasons. The Teresa-Jackie rivalry in particular. Teresa was always going to be biding her time to get Jackie!


I have a theory that Bravo gave Teresa Siggy's and Danielle's salaries on top of her own if she agreed to play villain this year. Teresa (who is in a good mood because she is getting the good D) said "No problem!" Teresa is all in on being the villain, and that, too, has been building the last year or two to this moment.


The interesting thing is that, while Teresa is clearly in the wrong, and letting her hatred dictate her actions, Jackie's chance to play innocent victim went left. When she did that Gia analogy (and poor Gia's Twitter is now inundated with the most awful Tweets, SMH) and said "I WIN," it wasn't great. Anyhoo, this looks like a great rivalry, unfortunately with a shocking, damaging rumor at its heart.


Oh, and this Tweet 



ETA: I haven't finished the SLC reunion Part 2 episode yet, so Fabulous Ice has yet to melt.


However, I did watch the first 25 minutes, which featured Mary, including her admitting that she and her husband sleep in separate bedrooms. She got emotional at that point and her emotionality was authentic -- partly because she herself seemed shocked that she had admitted it on-air. I think the other women empathized with her at that moment.


Mary is a master at moving the narrative where she wants it to go, and it is fun to see her outwit Jen, Lisa, Heather, Whitney, etc, at this reunion. Whitney and Meredith are lowkey nodding their heads and smiling at the way she got Jen and Lisa spinning. At the same time, she has this very disarming quality of admitting raw and truthful stuff, even if it doesn't present her in the best light. Unlike some of the other women who are hellbent on presenting themselves in the rosiest (though often most contrived) way. It is for this reason that Mary is my favourite on SLC. 

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